Imported bully kutta General Chat

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by realdeal, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Their Stunning! I love the patch, and that cute face in the bottom left. I would so love dogs like them!
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  3. 3dognight


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    move to nova scotia!!!and you shall be able!were a great bunch over here.
  4. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Azz, I'm not sure why you didn't mark this thread as controversial? Perhaps because it was YOU who judged this user and jumped to conclusions before setting your mind and seeing what was there?

    If ANY post should be marked as such, it should be THIS post. I have scarcely seen a thread where such ugly things were said to the OP that they hardly deserved.

    I know it's old... but let's try and be fair here. Perhaps this thread was mistakenly left out, but I really think this thread needs to be marked as controversial.
  5. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Hi @mjfromga

    We usually mark threads as controversial depending on the discussion they are started with - I can't really see anything controversial in the OP's post:

    With regards to threads turning controversial, I am not sure what we will do yet as it is still early days and I'd like to see what members think, how they use the site etc. (Some members might not like their threads classification being changed, for instance)

    Also, we had to move and categorise thousands of threads into breed specific sections - so you will have to forgive us if we get a few wrong :lol:
  6. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    I see, that makes sense. It's just that I think if a user is going to read controversial topics, regardless of whether the OP started the issue or a commenter did, that they should be marked as such.

    I came here looking for comments and opinions on these dogs, not a horrible argument where soul flinging was added. So I didn't find what I came here for, which of course is nobodies fault.

    Let me STOP nitpicking, though. The site is new and I know that the admins are working hard to get everything sorted. Just trying to help, really. Apologies if I seem like i'm attacking every little thing!
  7. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    No worries Myra :lol:

    I am sure it will take a little while for us to find our feet, probably 6 to 12 months, when i guess people start joining looking specifically for a dog breed forum.

    I think that might be both interesting and challenging - gawd what have I let myself in for :101:
  8. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    I don't know very much about these dogs, but the above seems a reasonable response to them being imported in the UK as far as I am concerned.

    Seeing the recent increased interest in breeds such as the Caucasian Ovtcharka, I find the whole situation rather worrying.
  9. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    The DDA is a mockery not only because they ban only 4 breeds (HAHAHA!!!), but because they also don't even do a good job of this. They go by type and honestly... most of the dogs I see them labeling aren't even pit bulls. In case you haven't noticed, the other three banned breeds are almost never the illegal dogs being cited.

    This is coming from an American who knows what the American Pit Bull Terrier is SUPPOSED to look like and a person who doesn't label all unidentified types of bull breeds a "pit bull". News flash: Not all "pit bulls" are American Pit Bull Terriers, yet this is the specific breed on the ban list.

    It also hasn't done a shred of good in reducing dog attacks on people. It's officially a failure, and was a long time ago. "Dogs that have been brought in for fighting aren't NOT welcome in this country"! Really? It's the people bringing them for that that shouldn't be welcome, you... GUY!

    Pfft, whatever. Kill the dogs all you want, until you deal with the root of the problem (the owners) nothing good will ever really happen. Good luck with the DDA, what's worse is that people have started trying to copy this failed procedure, and it has failed everywhere it was implemented. No surprise there.

    This same sort of B.S.L. was repealed in many places once they realized how useless it was. The DDA needs to be repealed as well, and better laws on the people responsible for bites and fights should be implemented instead.

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