Huskamute? Why? Controversial

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by random, Oct 11, 2006.

  1. Brainless

    Brainless New Member

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    Quite likely as there is now health data with hip scores etc available for these particular crosses and their health is not better than the component breeds.
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  3. pinkgunner

    pinkgunner New Member

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    How can a crossbreed be healthier? If pedigree dogs are prone to genetic/inherited diseases and you then go on to cross two seperate pedigrees, surely you double the risk of potential health problems?? :?

    Maybe mongrels are less likely to suffer from health problems which are a mish mash of all sorts of dogs over the years, the sorts you used to see wandering the streets years ago :) But crossing two pedigrees and saying they are healthier than a pedigree? It doesn't make any sense.......
  4. bel

    bel New Member

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    im not answering what i paid for my huskymute i didnt get him for pulling or anything just because they make a beutifull family pet who are intelligent obident and the most loving and loyal dog iv ever owned simple as that i didnt want another dog just a huskymute cause my oldest one is 14 years old very health and iv just got another puppy at ten weeks old .as far as im concerned huskymutes are a amazing animal and i love mine to bits to all you people who nock the dog please take alook ay huskymutes and new forest huskys .
  5. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    lmao.... do u know anything about sibes and mals? oh yeah perfect sense,cross two specialist working breeds of dogs and u loose all their genetic makeup instantly and get a family pet :roll: ..... brilliant! :lol: :lol:
  6. bel

    bel New Member

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    hi ben yes i saw his farther whoes a sibe and his mum whoes a mallumute .i rescued my old huskymute from a sanctuary and just bought my huskymute pup four days ago cause i just love huskymute dogs.the breeder i found on line and is amazing .his size will be like a mallmute .and the breeder and some other people are trying to get the breed reconised but hey i just love the huskymute and hatenit when people nock them i have pic and will post them soon
  7. Ben Mcfuzzylugs

    Ben Mcfuzzylugs

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    Thankyou for getting back to me
    If your pup is a 1st gen cross as you say he is then you can have no idea of size - or temprament or anything as that is not how genetics works
    I am sure your dog is lovely and special, but getting another dog of the same cross dosent mean the pup will be anything like the older dog

    have a look at some of the labradoodles out there!!

    I think your breeder has told some porky pies there if they are saying they are trying to get the breed recognised
    if they are breeding first generation crosses then it is simply not possible to even start getting them recognised - they are not a breed at all at the moment
    They would need to be breeding huskamutes to huskamutes and producing standard dogs - with a good idea of what they were aiming for

    I understand you love your dogs and that is great

    but there is no way on earth that your breeder can be a good breeder
    I am sorry to say that but its the truth
    if they were an expert in either of the breeds they would not be crossing the two
    there is no need for the cross, it will not produce something to fill a gap in the working ability of the breeds

    and as neither of these dogs are the easiest family pets it is fairly irresponsible to be selling them as such

    The reason people are asking about price is that really that can only be the main reason for producing these puppies

    The breeder is not looking to improve either breed

    they are jumping on the designer crossbreed bandwagon and making something to sell
  8. pinkgunner

    pinkgunner New Member

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    Great post :001: x
  9. Ben Mcfuzzylugs

    Ben Mcfuzzylugs

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    hmmm well I found the new forset site and I cant say I am happy with it

    They dont hip score because they dont feel there are enough of their dogs to make it worthwhile
    and anyways the averge for both the origonal breeds is pretty good so there isnt much of a chance of them having bad hips

  10. Ben Mcfuzzylugs

    Ben Mcfuzzylugs

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    and the one has nothing about health - they started breeding them because they wanted a dog with blue eyes!!!!!
  11. bel

    bel New Member

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    your view is your view ben and your entitled to that but my breeder isnt bad and belive me didnt tell me lies but all our views on this site are different so we all differ . my old dog has been our family pet for years and hasnt got one bad temprament and i have two little boys who he loves to play with .my youngest pup who i only just got has a lovely temprament and i belive is how you raise a dog not its breed .and mine was never sold to me as a family pet so he didnt lie . i dont care if they ever get reconised i just love my huskymutes to bits and no one will ever change that .
  12. JoedeeUK

    JoedeeUK Member

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    If your Puppy wasn't sold to you as a family pet what was he sold as ???

    I did think that the name of this crossbreed was Huskamute not Huskymutes.

    How do you know your old dog is a Malamute X Siberian Husky if he is a rescue ?
  13. Jet&Copper


    Likes Received:
    Hmmmm all these "designer crossbreed" threads make me think I should give up my day job and start breeding random dogs together for a living!! :?
  14. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    what was he sold to you as? :? :?

    btw... were the parents eyes tested let alone hip scored?if not why not? and if not,why does that not bother you?

    meeting a dogs parents doesnt mean u know about either breed :?
  15. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    To cheer you up then Auntie L. Pic of your boy :058:

    Totally agree with every point raised.

    Jacub can run at SDAS rallies, along with other crossbreeds. Once it was assesed he enjoyed working in harness he was eligible to join in :grin:

    The very folks who bred my boy. We rescued him when he was 8 months old. He was handed into Stoke City Dogs Home months before. I contacted his breeder after reading the information on their website stating that they keep an 'accurate record' of every dog they bred. I was told, and I quote verbatim, 'sorry love, we sell far to many puppies to be able to tell you anything about your dog'. Neither did they care that one of the pups they bred ended up in rescue.

    These breeders and the sales pitch they spin potential puppy buyers are well known in the sled dog community. Last time I looked the breeding license they display is out of date and is for Pedigree Alaskan Malamutes.

    I've actually lost count of the amount of times I have said this about Jacub. With my 'northern breed welfare' head on, he should never have been born. But as his 'mum' I am so very very thankful everyday that he was. He is a sweetheart boy and I love the bones of the big lout :grin: However, I have come across many sibe x mals that display the negative side of this northern mix and their owners have struggled to cope. As with all crossbreeds, temperament and dominant breed traits vary from dog to dog. There is no breeding to 'type'.

    J. does his bit for sled dog welfare. He educates the public at fundraiser that a 'huskamute' is not a breed, that his cross is bred for profit. He is also a much loved member of Dogsey :grin:

    I do him no justice giving him a 'designer tag', he is a Siberian Husky x Alaskan Malamute :grin:

    Be lovely to see some pics of your dog. There are a few folks on Dogsey with sib x mals. Magpye (member) lives with Kismet (bred by New Forest Huskamutes). Jacub's virtual girfriend, Kismet is beautiful :mrgreen:

    Take care.

  16. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    gotta love the bones of him s :049: :049:

    but his breeders :evil: :evil: :cry:
  17. Loki's mum

    Loki's mum Member

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    Taken from the breeder's website....

    Those with purebreds feel the need to compete in various contests, to collect bric a brac, with their breeds identification, to adorn themselves in breed specific clothing, to join dog forums, dog clubs,
    and get immersed in doggy events.

    The owners of a Huskamute can just sit back and enjoy the company of them, with no
    pressure on the dog to perform, or collect awards.

    Ahem!!!! :shock:
  18. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    lmao!! (or id cry!!) they jealous much! lol
  19. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    And the folks believe it :cry:

    Jacub was sold for £800 into a home that couldn't cope with him. Then he was dumped in the dogs home.

    I actually laughed when I read that. It's a good sales pitch for pumping out litter after litter.......
  20. Gnasher


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    What an absolute load of dogs' dangly bits. I have had pedigree dogs and I have had crossbreeds, but never have I felt the need to "adorn themselves in breed specific clothing" or "join dog clubs" or "get immersed in doggy events".

    Joining dog forums of course I have ... and what's wrong with that?

    What an extraordinary "breeder".
  21. Loki's mum

    Loki's mum Member

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    yes, my poor pedigree dogs are finding it hard to cope with the pressure on them:)

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