Huskamute? Why? Controversial

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by random, Oct 11, 2006.

  1. Animal Magic

    Animal Magic New Member

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    I suspect the motive is more for financial gain, jumping on the 'designer breed' bandwaggon.

    I personally can't see any reason to cross them though. If you like the traits of a Malamute, get a Mal. If you like Sibe traits, get a Sibe. :102:

    Why would you want to stick the 2 together and take a gamble?

    At least with Mals and Huskys, people have the option of going to reputable breeders. Lets face it, no responsible breeder is going to allow their dogs to be used to create a cross breed so by my definition, all the people who do breed this cross are back yard breeders.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2010
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  3. Gnasher


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    I don't think you can possibly say that mal x husky mixes end up in rescue more frequently than pure mals or pure husky's. I think the whole "northern breed" scene, whether it be pedigree breeds, or northern breed mixes, is fraught with rehoming issues. People have seen White Fang, or Snow Dogs, and want one - without realising that whether they have a pedigree Husky, or pedigree Mal, or Samoyed, or Eskimo Sled Dog, or whatever cross or mix you care you mention - these dogs frequently are destructive, cannot be left home alone, are supremely intelligent and therefore have a very high boredom threshold. They need enormous amounts of exercise, whether it be on or off lead, in or out of harness, and you need to be a very chilled sort of person to have any type of northern breed living in your house in my opinion. I think for all these reasons, ANY pedigree or mongrel northern breed types end up in rescue probably more frequently than many other breeds.
  4. Noushka05

    Noushka05 New Member

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    tbh i dont disagree with you, youre spot on there are loads of sibes ending up in rescues aswell as their crosses because irresponsible byb's are churning them out...but at least you can find fantastic breeders of pedigree sibes who arnt just breeding for money for the pet market and these breeder dont add to the rescue crisis:001:
  5. Gnasher


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    Thanx! I don't entirely agree about pedigrees not adding to the rescue crisis - I would hazard a guess that there are just as many pedigree sibes, mals and other northern breed pedigrees in rescue as there are mixes. Any northern breed, whether pedigree, mongrel or cross, as we all know are a handful, definitely not for everyone, and the "White Fang"/"Snow Dogs" starry-eyed, blinkered and often inexperienced dog owners need to wake up and see beyond the wolfy good looks. I even met an owner of an Alaskan Malamute the other day who when I enquired if her bitch was pure Mal, she looked blank and said no, she's a snow dog! I explained to her that I thought she was referring to the Alaskan Malamute, but no, she happily informed me that the breeder had sold her the dog as a pedigree "Snow Dog". It was a beautiful bitch, and appeared to my non-expert eye to be a pure Mal I must say, but I inwardly groaned :roll:
  6. BrendaMarie

    BrendaMarie New Member

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    oh good lord! A "snow dog"! And if the breeder's are responsible then no they don't contribute to the rescue crisis. Unless there was a mishap (much like what happened with Storm) and the stupid owners don't contact the breeder for help at all!!! Storm's breeder was livid when she found out but was vary grateful that she ended up with us, a nice responsible family who took her to the vet straight away and got her fixed and all shotted up (she missed her last boosters so had to start over at 9 months, but was able to only have to do two shots).
  7. Noushka05

    Noushka05 New Member

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    i actually said that there are loads of sibes ending up in rescues...but by far the majority of these dogs are not bred by responsible breeders, very rare do their dogs add to the rescue crisis because they do everything they can to ensure they go to suitable homes they protect them with contracts and Always take them back at anytime in their lives should the need arise:001:
  8. Noushka05

    Noushka05 New Member

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    breeding for the pet trade just isnt a good reason to breed anything imo.....breeding is a massive responsibility and most huskamute breeders no nothing about conformation they just stick their dog with whatevers available, no health tests nothing! its so irresponsible.... .... rescues are full to bursting and lots of this particular cross are ending up the victims:-( .
  9. Gnasher


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    Good point Noush - I have to admit to being biased because I love Huskamutes - we had a gorgeous one who lived here in our village for a short time, he was a wonderful dog, and I just don't see the problem with cross-breeding, PROVIDED it is done responsibly, with all the necessary tests etc. etc., contracts, insurance and agreements to rehome.
  10. kellz

    kellz New Member

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    i have a huskamute he came from specialist breeders...his mother was malamute and father husky. They breed lovely dogs both parents and pups with full medical history. It is not for money making schemes at all and people are trying to get the dogs kc registered. My dog is both fast and strong lovely dog not just in looks. Every breed of a dog started off as 2 different breeds to get a certain breed that they r 2day now its easy enough to just breed 2 dogs (the same breed) 2 get mre of that breed. I think u r more annoyed as these dogs are not kc registered
  11. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    do not make me laugh...youve really been duped lmao

    why oh why expert on sled dogs would you need to cross the two?

    kc registered and pigs really do fly :)

    tis £££££££££££££££
  12. Heather and Zak

    Heather and Zak New Member

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    Have to agree with tupac here Kellz, I am sorry but you have been given a load of bull by the breeders. It takes many years and a lot of hard work to get a breed recognized by the KC, it would have to be after breeding until you can breed to type not just keep crossing 2 breeds together. Can I ask what you mean by full medical history?
  13. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Who are the breeders?
  14. tazer


    Likes Received:
    What do you mean by specialist breeders?

    Did the full medical history include health tests?

    Trying for kc recognition, prove it.

    Breeds started out as mixes yes, they were crossed and developed for a purpose to work, what is the purpose of this mix?

    Annoyed cos they aren't kc reg, what on earth lead you to that ridiculas conclusion?. Considering you made a point of mentioning it, it is more likely that you yourself will be annoyed, when you finally realise your dogs breeders claim is a load of crap.

    I've got no doubt that your dog is lovely, and it would be great to see some pics, but I think you've been had, well and truely.
  15. Muddiwarx

    Muddiwarx Member

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    I bet I know who and I bet I have dealth with plenty of his relations ;(
  16. bel

    bel New Member

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    i have a huskymute too and yes he came from specialist breeders too and yes we are fighting to get then kc reconised .my dog is strong and fast and the most geourgeous coulours too dont dismay our animals just cause there crossbreeds it infurates me .iv been asked thousands of times if he really is a cross breed and thats of a breeder who breeds sibes .we all love our breeds dont nock ours just cause hes not pure bred its stupid and ignorant :-(
  17. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    oh i 'dismay' alright lol ;-)

    its not the dogs themselves :roll:

    but can u answer why they are bred?

    sled dog welfares are in a mess,no room,no money and just too many dogs. :cry:
  18. Kerriebaby


    Likes Received:
    Claire or KB
    i have a huskymute too

    Nope. You have a Siberian Husky x Alaskan Malamute. A mutt pure and simple

    and yes he came from specialist breeders

    Specialist, or someone just after a quick buck? What is their affix? what have they done with their dogs? What health testing do they do on their breeding stock?

    too and yes we are fighting to get then kc reconised

    They wont get recognised. They are a cross, pure and simple

    .my dog is strong and fast

    So is my x breed

    and the most geourgeous coulours

    So are both my x breeds

    too dont dismay our animals just cause there crossbreeds it infurates me

    Why does it infuriate you? if you wanted a pure bred animal, why didnt you buy one?

    .iv been asked thousands of times if he really is a cross breed and thats of a breeder who breeds sibes .we all love our breeds

    yours is not a breed

    dont nock ours just cause hes not pure bred its stupid and ignorant :-(

    Hmmm, dont mock us...but call us stupid!


    why did you want this cross breed? What qualities were you looking for? how much did you pay for your dog?
  19. Brainless

    Brainless New Member

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    Siberians and malamutes are very different breeds, both in character and structure.

    What is the purpose of crossing them (you can't race them in the UK), you can never know which characteristics will be uppermost in the pups.

    Will the dog be sociable/pack orientated like the sibes, or will it be dog dominant and need to be kept separate from it's own sex?

    Will it have heavy or Light bone, be a 20kg or 50kg?

    The whole point of a purebred is that within fairly narrow parameters you know what your getting, size temperament ,drives etc.
  20. Brainless

    Brainless New Member

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    I don't Insure my dogs, with 5 or 6 I simply can't afford it.

    I have owned my breed for nearly 20 years and have just lost Kizi, the third generation at almost 14 years of age, fit and active until two days before her death, as were her mother and grandmother.

    It is in my own selfish interest to breed health dogs. None of the above three ever needed a vet except in old age each having minor lumps removed (in case they were anything nasty, which they weren't) and in two cases because of where they were (eyelid and pastern).

    I expect teh other five to have a similar health record with the present eldest still sound as a bell, and can outmove most of teh competion at shows at 12 years of age, her 8 year odl daughter is in her prime, and then there are the youngsters at 4 1/2, 3 and 6 months.

    I do supect as with Cats that Insurance companies pitch fees lower for these to encourge Insurance. After all there cannot be anything more risk prone due to lifestyle than the averafge free roaming moggie. My husvand spent over 2000 on his Mums cat after an RTA and that was 10 years ago.

    Statistically sibes have better hips than Mals, which are about the same as my breed (13/14?) which is respectable.
  21. Ben Mcfuzzylugs

    Ben Mcfuzzylugs

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    Hi there
    I also have lovely individual crossbreeds
    can I ask how you found your breeder? why you went for this cross?
    why the breeder breeds this cross? if it is going for recognition then what group will it be in?
    what is the purpose of the cross? is your puppy a first generation cross
    what were the parents like? what size do you expect your pup to become
    do you have fotos?
    what health checks were done by the breeder on the parents? did you meet the mother and the father?

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