How the Boxer was born....... General Chat

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by horses01466, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2008
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  3. Hammer

    Hammer New Member

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    My Benson lives in my tiny bungalow with me and my wife, located in the grounds of a large primary school.

    At weekends, after he has relived his bowels on his walk, I often let him roam around the secure school grounds with the permission of the Headteacher. I often look at him proudly standing at the school gate, chest puffed out and looking very menacing.

    However, the other day, I noticed 3 youths enter the school site on the CCTV. I called Benson and we went over to investigate. Two of the lads had made it back over the fence, but lad number three was stuck up a tree - scared to take the chance of jumping over the palisade spikes.

    I told him to come with me and I would escort him off the premises via a side gate. I told him to calmly climb down from the tree, walk over to me and the dog would not bother him. All the time, Benson was stood alert staring at this lad. As he approached, Benson's tail started waving wildly and he went bounding over to the lad. He ran round him twice, sniffed him, picked up a stick, bounced around before finally running off and having a wee.

    So, in my opinion, Boxers have the ability to look like they are guarding, but then end up looking like complete fairies.
  4. zoeybeau1


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    In case this was a dig at me, i'm not offended just thought I'd let you know, my dog's are happy with there living quarter's do they look sad and depressed in my photo's to you? Il ask anyone on dogsey do my dog's look sad and depressed?
    they have underfloor heated bed's with heat lamp's running and yes the electric cost's but I dont think about the cost when putting my electric blanket on.
    They dont live in the house as we in a 2 bedroom bungalow with 4 kids, And il not move it's beautiful here.the dogs are happy, we are happy because they are happy.
  5. dollyknockers


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    I can answer that quite easily ZB , I have visited your home on numerous occasions , And I envy you tbh, I would love to have your view , A nd as for your dogs being depressed ,No they aint and i dont need to see a pic to prove it , Any time i go to your house they are bounding around the garden and bottom fields playing happily with the other boxers you have and your children, If there is such a thing as reincarnation, Then im coming back as a dog and I want you to own me ,As they have very comfortable heated kennels in lavish size runs , They are welll fed well cared for dogs , They could not ask for a better life xxdk
  6. Hammer

    Hammer New Member

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    Hi ZB, my Benson spent the first few months sleeping in our carpeted, heated garage. I also live in a small bungalow, and until we replaced our cream carpets with hard flooring there was no way he was sleeping indoors.

    Also, I plan to introduce a second dog. If all goes well, and Benson is happy, they'll both be sleeping in the garage together as our bungalow cannot accommodate two great lumps of dog ;-)
  7. zoeybeau1


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    Thanks DK I'l own you as long as you don't chew up the door's.And wee on the floor and sit in it.lolxxxxxxxxxxx
  8. boobah

    boobah New Member

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    Have to agree with you on that zb,I've never seen any of your lot unhappy, they always look so happy.No wonder they sound like they are better cared for than me,:shock:;-)xxxxxxxx
  9. zoeybeau1


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    Good I don't have a problem with my dog's being in the house as they come in, but as harvey is a bit dog aggressive they take it in turn's but i dont want to be tripping over kids and dog's.:mrgreen:
  10. zoeybeau1


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    your so very welcome to come over and see lorraine.xxxx
  11. boobah

    boobah New Member

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    My Asta always looks doom and gloom in most of her piccies does that mean I,m bad to her,NO!!!!!!Toni,all your dogs always look so happy and full of life,thats a happy dog to me.Peeps say BMD's don't do well outside the house but I've heard of some who are and they are contented mostly because they have the company of other dogs in the kennels with them,xxxxxxxxx
  12. dollyknockers


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    My sister owns a large male , He stays outside all day in a heated shed , He dislikes being brought in doors before bed time , In fact my sister has tried on numerous occasions to bring him in the house and he just freaks out yapping and barking and getting stressed to the point where he starts panting like mad .
    Does this look like a sad depressed dog [​IMG]
    Cos i dont think so , He looks very content fit and healthy and very much loved and cared for xxdk
  13. zoeybeau1


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    Aye buster's a big sloppy lug ain't he DK.
  14. boobah

    boobah New Member

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    He's gorgeous.Can I also say Shona's Royce got taken into the house and he too wasn't a happy bunny inside and was always wanting back outside,xxxxxxxxx
  15. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    You have just summed up my two perfectly :blush:
  16. bajaluna


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    as found by googling in the good old USA Seems Horses gal was right:lol:
    Type: Guardian Dog
    Height: Males: 22.5 - 25 inches; Females: 21 - 23.5 inches.
    Weight: Males: 65 - 80 lbs.; Females: 50 - 65 lbs.

    Temperament: Boxers are playful, affectionate, friendly, headstrong, and high-energy. They remain loyal, loving and obedient to their masters. They can be stubborn but are still sensitive and responsive to training. They have the attitude of a puppy when around a loving family, and can be excellent guard dogs towards strangers or strange dogs. They are active dogs, positive and fun-loving. They are very strong and not opposed to a scuffle with other dogs. Boxers can sometimes forget their size and play like a puppy, forgetting the possibility of knocking something or someone over.
    With Children: Yes, loyal playmate. Boxers are an affectionate, playful breed who do well with children. Precaution should be taken, however, with small children considering the Boxer's puppy-like attitude when he is much bigger than he thinks.
    With Pets: Although generally good with other pets, including dogs, socialization is best. May be aggressive with other male dogs, or new strange dogs.
    Special Skills: Guard dog and family pet.

    Watch-dog: High. Their guard dog tendencies exude watch dog abilities.
    Guard-dog: High. They are deliberately wary with strangers. Used for guarding in the past
    , the Boxer retains its status to this day. They are sometimes aggressive towards other strange dogs. Boxers are not afraid of a brawl with the neighbor's dog.

    Country of Origin: Germany
    History: The Boxers origins stem from as far back as the sixteenth century in Europe. His ancestors are thought to involve mastiff-type dogs called Bullenbeissers (translating to "bull-biter"), English Bulldogs, Great Danes, Boston Terriers, French Bulldogs, and some type of terrier. The general consensus of the Boxers' genetic makeup is that around the 1830s, German hunters created the Boxer from mating a small Bullenbeisser (mastiff-type breed) female to a native, possibly Bavarian, male dog, by which the two produced a female who was then mated to an English Bulldog. Boxers were first used as hunters to the Germans and Nederland residents to hunt boar and deer. Later in Germany, the breed was used in bull baiting and the popular sport of dog fighting. When dog fighting was banned in Germany in the mid-nineteenth century, the Boxer was then put to use as a guard and for controlling cattle at slaughterhouses. This may have been where the Boxer received its current name, being called "boxl" in the slaughterhouses. Another theory states that the name "Boxer" was formed due to their use of front legs when in the fighting ring, resembling a boxer. In 1895 the Boxer breed was exhibited in Munich, by then making a reasonable standard by which to judge, and in 1904 was registered by the AKC. After World War II these dogs became more popular in the United States, and has since received steadily rising praise. Boxers were among the first to become military and police dogs. A

    First Registered by the AKC: 1904
    AKC Group: Working
    Class: Working
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    But the guarding came later, mid 19th century, it was not the reason they were bred for :) No one is disputing the fact that they can be used as guard dogs just that its not one of their main functions.

    Some can be good at guarding and others not. I am so glad mine fall into the other category and just alert me and not guard.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2008
  18. horses01466

    horses01466 New Member

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    Thanks for that Bajaluna...........
    Just wanted to add that my dogs have an outside kennel too, and are outside for most of the day, until night... they are big energetic dogs and need a lot of fresh air... as to most big dogs....keeps them healthy!!!... my old boxer lived to 12, until his little heart gave up.. and he was as healthy and hardy as they come...he was outside..and thrived on it....
    all dogs like comfort.. but that doesnt mean that they cant live outside if they are properly provided for....
  19. horses01466

    horses01466 New Member

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    what a beautiful happy animal!!!! gorgeous boxer:;-)
  20. bajaluna


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    We have 7dogs and our biggest problem is we cant get some of them to come in,unless its grub time then they come in take snooze and leave again,we also live in the country im sure if we were in the city in a 20 by 10 yard they would get bored and want to come in but they choose to be outside here xxx
  21. horses01466

    horses01466 New Member

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    Yeah, exactly....theres no excitement of being in a house... when theres space outside
    I cant get my dogs in at night either!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no matter what the weather...:grin:

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