How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. ashketchum

    ashketchum New Member

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    they are doing fine! I noticed that they didn't play much around lately.
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I do not know whether anyone will agree with me or not, but I feel that it is a pity this thread has just dried up - the last post in it having absolutely nothing to do with it. The situation regarding the pandemic has not really changed, and as this was just about the only thread where people could keep in contact with each other, or discuss problems in general, it looks like we have come to a full stop.

    I miss hearing how people are doing but maybe I am in a minority - maybe indeed I am the only one who feels like this. But then I am still unable to leave my home so quite possibly I am just being selfish in missing everyone.

    Tikva is well - the kitties are still around and I am still feeding them. Summer has come to an end but we are still awaiting our first rains. Soon it will be time to pack all summer clothes away and get out everything for winter.

    There is nothing else to say really, except that I hope everyone is keeping well.
  4. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    I think it dried up as the virus eased off during the summer months. It's looking now as though it have returned from holiday and is going to make it's presence felt over the winter months :(

    I'm nursing a bit of a sore head at the moment. Had a biopsy last week (diagnostic - nothing too nasty), but it's on the mend and I washed my hair today for the first time in a week - YAH!!

    Rosie gave us a scare yesterday. She had explosive diarrhea and her back legs caved and she couldn't use them. Rushed her to the vets and it turns out it's severe gastroenteritis. Today she is walking again and thankfully eating. Tired but on the mend thank heavens

    Like you, I think this thread is a good idea in that we can chat and keep each other updated on how we are doing through these extraordinary times xx
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I am sorry to hear about your head Chris - and hope everything will be OK. Also poor Rosie - do you know what caused the gastroenteritis?

    As for this thread, true it did start because of the virus, but it gave everyone the chance to just talk about us as people and not just us as X who owns Y dog etc - and with no specific chat thread how would we have known about Marc's terrible concussion [@who owns who] - and it still worries me how he is. This thread sort of brought us together and as we have no way of contacting anyone off forum, it would be a pity to just lose it. Because we would then just lose all the friendships we have made.

    And the virus did not ease off here during the summer - it was diabolical. It luckily dropped significantly due to the booster shots, but now there is concern about yet another new variant in Europe, and talk of shutting the airport down again when it is only just being opened to some tourists again.

    Not that any of this will affect my situation, but I am half way through the 21st month of not being able to leave my home and I think maybe it is getting to me a bit now.
  6. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    I am glad that you and Tikva are keeping well Malka. I think you are beginning to get fond of those kittens. I hope Amit is in good health and has been able to resume doing those little favours for you.
    I'm sorry to hear about Rosie, Chris. I can't remember, would she be about ten now? These things seem to hit them harder when they get into double digits. I hope your head is feeling better soon.
    I'm still very emotional about losing the Beagles. I thought I would have found a pretty Beag to love by now, but although there are lots of lockdown youngsters looking for homes, there is very little that matches my criteria, ie. healthy, 7 years upwards, and not needing too much exercise.
    I have made little progress in getting a referral. The first letter that my rheumatologist sent never got a reply, and this was only followed up last week. I believe the Prof that they approached retired 3 weeks ago anyway! I was given one months medication to try and support the condition of my hip - those ran out 3 weeks ago, and the repeat scrip request only arrived with my GP yesterday. I know the NHS is under stress, but there seems to be no continuity. Still far too many people working from home in my opinion.
    Chas has not been too good. A bit down, a bit wheezy, and he has never put back the weight that he lost when we had Covid. After much nagging, he finally agreed to see a doctor, has had his BP monitored, and has an appointment for a blood draw in early December.
    I will finally get my Covid booster on the 25 th.
  7. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I will post later with all my ups and downs.

    @Malka thanks for expressing your wishes for us to continue with this thread. I can only imagine how being confined to your home this whole time would be getting to you, and all the more reason to keep this thread alive!

    @Chris B, I hope both you and Rosie bounce back quickly.@Helidale & @CaroleC, I can relate to your frustration with the healthcare system, as I’ve had my own recently. I do hope Chas gets what he needs too.

    I haven’t posted much in awhile but I have periodically thought about the regulars here.
  8. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Yes, Carole, Rosie was 10 in September. I've never seen Gastroenteritis literally shut down all the back end and you can imagine my thoughts when she couldn't put any wieght on them - terrifying, but she's so much better today.

    I have to say, the NHS have been fantastic with me. Saw the optician for new glasses as my eyesight has dropped quickly and dramatically. Told her about strange headaches on one side of the head and she told me to 'phone my doctor pronto. Got an appointment same day and sent straight to A&E then next day to Emergency Care. Three days later an appointment with Opthalmology. The biopsy came a week and a half later.

    The biopsy is to determine (or try to) a diagnosis of either Giant Cell Arterotis or Trigeminal Neuragia so that I get the correct meds. At the moment, I'm on steroids which have stopped the symptoms except for the eye problems. I should get an appointment soon for eye injections (dreading) and further down the line a cateract op.

    I am highly impressed with the treatment I've received to date and I'm so sorry that you aren't getting the same care :(
  9. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    Pleased that you are getting prompt attention Chris. I hope the treatment isn't too uncomfortable. The injections sound daunting, but I'm sure they will do their best to keep you comfortable. I know three people who have had cataract operations - and one who had a different eye operation - all of them said they felt no pain. Amazing isn't it? We are so lucky to be living in these present times.
  10. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    I suspect this thread will continue to "ebb and flow" for a good while as folks deal with changes to their lives due to Covid.

    I finally went camping after my "Death Valley come home to my house burglarized trip". Took the motorhome - first trip in it since it was stolen. Have some bugs to work out with the motorhome again - everything was working great before they stole it.

    It felt good to get away, but I didn't feel as rested as I did when camping before I retired.

    Have my friend's service tomorrow evening. I still can't believe he's gone.

    Chris and Rosie - I hope you both feel better.

    Carole - I hope you and Chas start getting the medical care you need. I know that here in the states, service really varies and we have to push to get prompt help. I've been lucky that my longtime doctor was very responsive to my needs. I saw him for 31 years, so he knew me and never blew off my concerns. My new doctor is good, but we are still developing that relationship.
  11. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    @Toedtoes Not much of a chance of building a relationship. I'm afraid that we never see the same doctor twice. The practice nameholder was rarely seen - and has recently retired from the practice altogether. One other doctor seems permanent, but a succession of young doctors do not stay long. Up to my recent hospital checks I don't think I have seen an actual doctor for at least three years, though I must say that they were brilliant when I had my cancers back in 2012.
    I have opted to see a practice nurse for a couple of infections, and it was one of the practice nurses that arranged for my initial x-rays after the fall. These former hospital sisters are excellent and more than adequate for treating and prescribing for routine illnesses. BP checks are either self-reported, or can be carried out by techs.
  12. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    I prefer to see the medical practitioners where ever I can. They are so thorough and caring :)

    Rosie is so much better today bless her. We even went on our short walk today and she coped brilliantly. Still not completely there yet, but definitely getting there
  13. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I agree Chris. What is more, these ladies have carried on carefully conducting their clinics throughout most of the pandemic. The doctors have seemed happy to hide away.
    I'm glad that Rosie is gaining strength and is able to enjoy her walks again. I don't think the decent weather will last much longer. We have been promised snow for three days next week.
  14. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    My prior doctor (of 31 years) was actually a nurse practitioner. He was the best. My new one is actually an MD.
  15. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Snow. SNOW - go wash your mouth out :)
  16. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I do not even know when our doctor comes to the Moshav now, or even when Shula, our nurse is here. When I first came to the Moshav, Nina, our doctor used to come three times a week for a couple of hours but I do not remember which nurse we had then. After Nina retired we had locum after locum, and the clinic times were changed to twice a week only, Monday 4-6:30pm and Thursday 8-10:30am. The nurse would come 7-7:30am to draw blood - I think maybe every other week, and she held a well-baby clinic on a Wednesday morning. Also maybe every other week, or maybe both were just every four weeks.

    We eventually got another doctor who was great - Shula had started sometime before her, I think, but she - Olga - left some time last year, and the days/times we had a doctor and/or nurse went out of the window. I have no idea which days Ravit, our new doctor, now comes to the Moshav, and whenever I tried telephoning the previous regular times to speak with Shula, there was never any answer.

    If it was not for the fact that Amit has taken over dealing with all medical matters for me, and Shula actually gave him her mobile number, I would not even be able to get a repeat prescription. I have not seen or heard from her since she turned up out of the blue on 30 September to give me the flu shot - she is supposed to check on all housebounds and elderlies once a month but has not even telephoned me to check what my BP is. To be honest, if she cannot be bothered to ask, I cannot see why I am supposed to check it weekly just on the off-chance that she might call.

    I still have to pay my monthly Health Fund fees though, and there is no such thing as free prescriptions for the elderlies.
  17. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Had the booster this morning. No side effects whatsoever.

    Glad they are out of the way. I'll take any protection I can get from this awful virus
  18. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    My turn on Thursday.
  19. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    I'm waiting til my bracket gets "called".
  20. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Everyone over 18 can get a booster in the US now.
    Before that there were so many conditions that qualified anyhow.

    I have an appointment on 12/2
  21. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Thanks! Didn't realize that. I'm scheduled for my booster on Dec 4th.

    Which, I just realized is Tornado-dog's birthday...

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