How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Back to square one? Ten days ago the regulation for wearing face masks indoors [ie in stores or for people visiting etc] was lifted. At noon today the regulation was brought back.

    Why? Because one person returning from abroad brought back the Delta variant of the virus, and broke quarantine by sending his unvaccinated daughter to school. So from zero new cases just a couple of weeks ago the number of new cases are now shooting up to over 200 a day - and rising rapidly.

    Traces of the variant have been found in the sewerage of Ashqelon [I do not know which other towns have been testing] so they have ramped up testing again, asking people who have had both vaccinations but show any signs of a raised temperature or cough, to be tested.

    Still waiting for the fat lady to sing...
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  3. Chris

    Chris Member

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    The Delta variant is now the most prevalent here, Juli, but it looks like the vaccines are holding it as it seems to be the younger end who are getting it as opposed to the double vaccinated.
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    The person who brought it into the country had had both vaccinations, and that is what is of concern. I know that the vaccinations are not a 100% guarantee against catching the virus, but the rate of new cases is not good.

    The newspapers were saying yesterday that the regulation to wear masks would be brought back on Sunday but when Amit brought my meds round this morning he was wearing a mask and when I said I thought it was to be on Sunday he said no, because the rate had shot up yesterday and overnight, so they brought it forward to noon today.
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    The numbers of infections of the Delta variant is now up to 300+ with the majority of adults infected having had both vaccinations. It started in the northern town of Binyamina and has already reached town [Ashqelon] where there are a number of cases, and beyond.

    Amit was wearing a facemask when he dropped something in for me on Wednesday and told me to be very careful about not letting anyone near me. Rafi was wearing a facemask when he just brought over Shulamit's Friday couscous - I have a grocery delivery due on Monday and I hope that the driver will be also wearing one.

    This is not very good.
  6. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    There were almost 28,000 cases in the UK yesterday, with 22 deaths.
    Infection rates are rising, but the vaccines seem to be reducing the severity of the effects.
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    It is rather scary for me, not being able to have the vaccine, even though the severity is not so great now for people who are vaccinated. It is the rapid spread that is of concern.
  8. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    This is very disconcerting to hear. I’ve been reading mixed messages here about the need to wear a mask or not if one is vaccinated, because of the Delta variant. Our Center for Disease Control has said it’s not needed if you are fully vaccinated but the World Health Organization has recommended continued masking due the Delta variant. Our government seems to be pushing the idea of life being able to go back to normal if people get vaccinated, using that as the carrot for those who are hesitant to be vaccinated. Yesterday evening I went into the Home Depot and the health food store without one, and previously I had generally still been wearing one. Guess I should go back to wearing a mask, just to be safe.
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    How are you feeling now, Marc? Still getting headaches or have they eased off a bit. And how is the reconstruction going on the new place?

    Must not forget - how is Katie Mae's foot now. Hugs to both her and to Bandit.
  10. Chris

    Chris Member

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    I so worry about you Juli. I think it only common sense that all countries continue social distancing and mask wearing because there are those out there, like yourself, who simply cannot have the vaccines for medical reasons
  11. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    At the moment, I'm going maskless. I've been vaccinated and don't have close contact with others. I re-evaluate it daily and always have a mask on me.

    Meanwhile, I just started a "pack walk" locally. Have 18 folks so far. Have one evening walk scheduled and trying to get someone to initiate a morning walk. Looking forward to it. Cat-dog needs to continue her "dogs are OK" rehabilitation.
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    To be honest Chris, what is scary is the thought that short of a miracle it is quite possible that I will have to spend the rest of my life, in my home, sitting here watching people outside carrying on as normal, knowing that I cannot go out and join them.

    Because this virus is not going to go away.
  13. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Over here, you would still get thrown out of Tesco for not wearing a mask. Our vets will only see you masked, and the hospitals issue you with a new mask when you attend. Mind you, looking at the state of some people's masks, I don't blame them. A chap behind me at the supermarket had scratched away all the central part of his paper mask - I let him go ahead! I hate the damn things though, especially now the warmer weather is here. Have to keep lifting a corner to get a bit more O2!
    I had another fall last week. No, I'm not going dotty, this was due to an old tree stump hidden in the long grass, genuine accident! However, I did get the results from my MRI scans this week. I have a severely arthritic hip, but there is one area which has not been receiving a blood supply, and it is beginning to crumble. There are no breaks in my knee but that is also arthritic and there is some displacement of tissue which is getting trapped. My wonderful rheumatologist has gone beyond her remit to get me this attention, so she is now going to call in an orthopaedic surgeon to sort me out. It could be a new hip and knee, or just the hip with injections into the knee. It doesn't sound much fun, but if it gets me running round a show ring again, it will be worth it!
  14. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Oh Juli that just breaks my heart. I don’t really know what else to say. I wish I had something wise or comforting to offer...

    I am so happy (and embarrassed) that I just figured out how to reply to multiple posts in the same post.

    Darn. Somehow I got my reply into the box with your quoted post...
  15. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I’m happy to hear you’ve finally gotten into the doctors
  16. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Please do not worry about it Marc - it is just strange to realise the possibility. I actually do not mind it that much but I am aware of the fact that the longer it goes on that I do not go out, the more I will be psychologically unable to do so even if I could.
    That's what the +Quote box is for!
    You forgot to type [ /QUOTE] (no space between [ and /) !! You should always click on More Options to preview if you are not sure!

    The building plans sound horrifically complicated, but I am sure you will be able to sort it out. I am very happy to hear that your headaches are lessening - good luck with the neurologist when you get go.

    And I am delighted to hear that Katie Mae's foot has now healed!
  17. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @CaroleC - tripping over hidden things is permitted!

    I do hope that the orthopaedic surgeon can sort you out. People that I have known who have had replacements have always said that the new hip has given them a new life. I do not know anyone who has had a knee replacement but Amit had to have injections in one of his knees a couple of months ago [he has always done a lot of running and his knee was causing him to be in a lot of pain]. Unfortunately for him he had to have it done privately and it cost rather a lot. But he is back to running again, although he is still taking it steady.

    That picture in the show ring is fabulous! Hopefully you will be able to get back to it.
  18. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    I hope you get sorted soon Carole and the waiting list isn't to long.
  19. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I have never learned how to do these clever things, links, quotes etc.

    @Malka I know you are severely allergic but would it be possible for you to have a vaccination under sustained medical supervision? I can't imagine how frustrating it must be not to be able to leave your home.

    @who owns who I really admire you being able to plan and build your own home! We built our own bungalow in the 70's, (a nightmare), but we bought our plans and quantity survey as a package deal.
    Hope you manage to sort out your visual disturbances this time.
  20. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @CaroleC - the situation is this: they would send a deep-cleaned ambulance to collect me and take me to a special vaccination clinic where there are doctors there all the time. I would be vaccinated and then have to stay there under close supervision for five hours. Then I would be brought home.

    But. I live alone, and it is quite possible that an anaphylactic reaction could occur once I am home - they do not always happen instantly. Yes I have my Epipens and yes I have my emergency service who answer within 30 seconds of me pressing the button. But they then would have to call for an ambulance, and what has happened in the past is that then the ambulance service then calls me to ask whether I actually do need an ambulance, and why.

    An ambulance would then have to come from town to the Moshav, then take me back to town to the hospital. And if it were to happen after the gates are closed for the night, or from the start of the Sabbath on Friday until Shabbat is out on Saturday evening when the gates are closed, which means more delay.

    Also, as even the full vaccination is not a 100% guarantee - at least 50% of the adults who have now been infected with the Delta virus had had both vaccinations - I would probably still have to shelter as much as possible even if I did have the vaccinations and they did not cause anaphylaxis. Ravit, our new doctor, strongly advises me not to risk it. Her view is that I am far safer staying in my home and not taking the risk of an anaphylactic reaction.

    I have had the flu shot each year with no problem whatsoever - but the vaccine against Covid is a different type of vaccine and there is no knowledge as to whether it would be safe for me or not. So I am taking Ravit's advice, which is the advice given by the Ministry of Health. It is their advice - not saying that I can not have it if I want it, but strong advice not to have it.
  21. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    You really are out of options then. So sorry.

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