How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I have just realised that DHL are supposed to be delivering an order from iHerb on Sunday. I wonder if they will be classed as vital. I put in another order from Shufersal this morning, the last for a while I hope, and got the first available slot - 7pm next Wednesday. That should be OK as supermarkets will be allowed to open, and of course the macolet will still be able to open, not that Hai will let me go there but he will always send over anything I need.

    The Ninja will close his store as he is i/c of Home Command for this regional area and they are now responsible for keeping order. making sure people are OK and not breaking curfew - or something - as well as being a volunteer first responder.

    To be honest I am almost frightened to go to bed as I dread what the situation will be like in the morning. Morning, huh - it is coming up to 1.40am already.
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Just back from Aldi - which we had noticed was much quieter when we passed this morning - it is only at the bottom of the hill we live on. The store was pleasantly quiet, and Chas seized the last sliced loaf, and I got the last two bottles of brandy, (vultures!). Wine/spirit stocks were generally very low, and there was no tea, coffee or milk - not even the dogs' soya milk - though there was a shelf of fresh cream. No crackers or crispbread - though plenty of crisps, sweet biscuits and scones. Lots of cheese and processed meat, but I forgot to check fresh meat, and toilet rolls!. Maybe not a full range of fruit and veg, but you certainly wouldn't starve.
    The bad news today is that the experts are advising that some form of social isolation may be necessary for up to twelve months! I really hope not, the KC are hoping that we will be able resume showing our dogs at the end of June.
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Why are people still queuing outside places like Tesco and other supermarkets from 5am when the supermarkets do not open until 6am? And when the supermarkets have set aside special hours for elderly/disabled and for NHS workers, are young people apparently still pushing in front of them?

    According to the Mail Online
    Have they all gone mad?
  6. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Yes they have. Utterly selfish behaviour.
  7. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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  8. Malka

    Malka Member

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  9. Chris

    Chris Member

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    I reckon we will be in full lockdown by the beginning of next week because people are just ignoring the social distancing advice. This morning we drove through town. McDonalds is now drive through only. Their outside seating area was absolutely packed. That isn't the idea :(
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I am totally flabbergasted and feeling rather over-whelmed. Hai from the macolet telephoned to ask if I am OK and if I need anything, and if I do just to email him a list of what I want. And - if he does not have it he will get it for me.

    I know people are asked to check on elderly neighbours and Hai has always been so very helpful bringing or sending things over if I cannot manage to go over to the macolet, but he has really gone out of his way now to check on me like this.

    I doubt he knows that I have had a couple of deliveries from Shufersal [another one, which will probably be my last for quite some time, due on Wednesday] but I doubt it would bother him - mainly I have only bought things that he does not stock, plus a couple of extras that I used to buy and have missed. The things I get from iHerb are definitely not things that Hai would stock - or even be able to get.

    Everything seems so normal from where I sit - the only thing that has really brought the situation home was the delivery that just came from iHerb - a different DHL driver, not the one that Tikki adores - and he was wearing a face mask. He put the carton down just inside the door without even asking me to sign for it.

    I hope everyone is OK - I suppose I had better check my emails now.
  11. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    @Malka I am pleased that you have people who are looking out for your welfare. I agree, it is hard to remember that things are not 'normal' until we are reminded. We still stand too close when we meet someone we know in Tesco's, or exchange a few words with a friendly member of staff. We have already got hold of that door handle before we remember to use a tissue or wipe! Perhaps that is why the elderly are more vulnerable - we have become too set in our ways.
    We are fine - if a little bored. Eddie's trainer has been in touch to offer help with errands or the hounds, if it become necessary. It is very kind of her as I haven't trained with her since Merry's Agility induction course, - but she has just won an award at Crufts for almost half a century of dedication to her club and its trainees! A young woman that I have never spoken to has put a little note through everyone's letter box, offering free help if required - which includes dog walking.
    This infection seems to be bringing out the best and the worst in people. I had been wondering what on earth people were doing with all the trolley loads of toilet rolls, hand gel, etc. that they cleared from the supermarkets. It seems that at least some of it may be appearing, at inflated prices, in the hands of small traders. If this is correct, I hope they have them in stock for a very long time. Take care everyone.
  12. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Shop explains why it’s charging £29.99 for small hand sanitiser
    Shopkeeper says the sanitisers cost him £25.99, and had to be imported from Europe, because none are available in the UK.

    Who in there right mind would pay that? OH Wait!
  13. Malka

    Malka Member

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    He claims that he purchased the hand sanitisers for £23.99 per bottle and also had to pay £2 per bottle in transport fees - what a load of male bovine excrement. I have no idea if, in fact, anyone in Europe is exporting the sanitiser but there is plenty available at normal prices from AliExpress, Banggood, Dx, NewChic, and no doubt others. The same with wipes - and masks.
  14. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Thousands upon thousands flocked here yesterday. Caravanners who are still coming to their vans and day trippers. It was like a busy bank holiday. It was so bad that our local MP and the Police Commissioner have raised the matter with the powers that be. It also seems that some arcades and cafes were open

    Lockdown?? We have brought it on ourselves :(
  15. Malka

    Malka Member

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    The whole country is supposedly in total lockdown, supposedly now being enforced using emergency regulations except for vital work, going out to buy food and medications. Otherwise everyone must stay at home.

    That means no going to parks or beaches - but yesterday was nice so what seemed to be half of Tel Aviv went to the beaches. Keep a two metre minimum distance from each other? Sure they did. NOT. Selfish idiots who seem to think that lockdown does not apply to them.

    Vital work? Is ice-cream selling vital work? Is ice-cream actually a vitally necessary foodstuff? The idiot who was driving an ice-cream van round the Moshav seemed to think so. I hope he got two flat tyres. Both on the same side of his noisy jingling van.

    The situation at some supermarkets are apparently so bad that the PM is now threatening to close them if things carry on this way.
  16. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Same here can’t get my head around why these people are acting like this.
  17. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    The National Trust - because they thought it would be good for us to enjoy fresh air - removed their car parking charges, and decided to allow free access to all their land estates. However, the sheer numbers this weekend, at Snowdonia, Malham Cove, and similar beauty spots, has led to the NT locking it's gates to everyone. I believe that Edinburgh was packed this weekend too. People are treating social isolation as a public holiday. What is the chance of containing the school age children over the next few months? They haven't been given much of an example to follow.
  18. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I think this sums it up quite well...
  19. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Hand sanitizer was $80 on Amazon a while ago with Lysol wipes being over $40 and disposable masks being over $40. This is price gouging and is illegal. Amazon keeps deleting listings and banning sellers but they keep cropping back up. It's sad that some people think of PROFIT when this global health crisis is killing people. Why make essential items way harder to get? Horrible.
  20. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Amazon is a dirty word in Israel now. With no warning whatsoever they have stopped supplying products - items from current orders that were already packed and waiting for shipping have been unpacked and put back into their warehouses. Not that they supplied that many items here but some things that they did are unavailable here.

    I placed an order with Amazon, and paid them for it, on 13 March for a specific wheelchair back support cushion. Yesterday I was informed that the order is cancelled and that I will be refunded "in due course".

    Yes I can find a similar, but not as good, cushion from eBay, AliExpress or Banggood - and probably other online places as well, but they are all sent by China Mail which takes weeks at the best of times, so L-rd only knows how long it would take now for delivery.
  21. Andrew Sheldon

    Andrew Sheldon Member

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    I just don't get this at all. Peeps in the UK haven't grasped how serious this virus is and how their actions are only going to make matters 10 times worse. Look how bad it is in Italy at present, the hospitals in the north east are in melt down with the dead and dying on the corridor floors. AS I mentioned here in France there is hardly anyone in supermarkets little own on the streets and in parks. Ok we are in lockdown but the UK must act more responsibly. I don't think Boris's lack lustre approach has helped very much either... I think the mindset of younger people is pretty poor too, because they believe they will not get the virus badly they are flaunting the rules. However if a younger person does get the virus badly they may not die but the lung damage can effect them for the rest of their lives....

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