How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Four men did turn up to see about the issues. They consulted the manager and whatnot. As a floor worker I am unsure of what exactly was done. But I suspect it wasn't much. They WERE told to turn off the horribly loud and offensive music because it did not play for the rest of the night... But nothing else was done.

    I don't think they really care about enforcing any type of social distancing or mask wearing. I'm unsure if they even CAN do such. A few days late the music was back and they even did a little dance contest after an early finish. People not wearing masks properly and LITERALLY dancing up on one another.

    Our governor is Brian Kemp (a Republican and a Donald Trump ally and STRONG supporter). He won't implement any sort of mandates and much like Trump, believes wearing a mask should be 100% optional and that the COVID basically isn't a real threat.

    Though I do not live or work in the actual ZIP CODE of the city of Atlanta - I also know that he fights with the mayor of Atlanta on every mandate she tries to apply. He even SUED her in an attempt to overturn hermandatea saying that businesses may not allow patrons in without masks.
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  3. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Well if your state doesn’t have a mask mandate then there’s not much you can do unfortunately, same with social distancing. I’d keep calling about the loud and offensive music.

    I personally don’t understand why some governors refuse to issue a mask mandate.
  4. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I hate computers... Well what I dislike at the moment is that I was trying to access my pay history at my current job and the online system is not working for me. Says it’s an error on their end that they will work on. Others at my job aren’t having the same problem... just me. I need my pay history for some banking I’d like to do. Our paychecks are direct deposit and our paystubs which show how many hours you worked, what your wage is, what taxes paid etc are virtual. So I need access online. Argh
  5. Chris

    Chris Member

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    So fed up of all the arguing about the new tier system brought in here and the very stupid relaxation of it so 'we can have a Christmas'. Never hear anything as daft as that. Obviously, this very clever virus knows that it's Christmas and takes a holiday <sigh>

    I can see us being back in full lockdown in January after half the idiots have give the virus as a Christmas present to granny.

    I'm hoping the Oxford vaccine passes through the regulator quickly. If it does, we stand a chance of being out of this mess by spring, fingers crossed
  6. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Here's a photo posted recently when Trump met our governor. Trump had no mask as you can see. Our governor tends to put one on when he sees a camera pointed at him. The guy in the back doesn't have one either.

    Sooooooooo... Yeah. Nobody here, including our governor... Cares about masks the way they should. Our governor SAYS to wear the masks... But refuses any sort of mandates and often is spotted not wearing them himself. QAM6XTUSQDM3FHARFOOP7KORX4.jpg
  7. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    The same "relaxed" guidelines have been implemented here, as well. No longer need 14 day quarantine etc. As for the "vaccine" they're trying to push, they'd have to drag me kicking and screaming to put that poison in me. I would honestly rather have someone with a confirmed COVID case cough in my face than let them put some barely tested vial of WHO KNOWS WHAT into my body.
  8. Chris

    Chris Member

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    I can't wait for the vaccine. Tens of thousands have already had the various versions in trials and, to be honest, I want my life back.

    My lad lives alone and is virtually a prisoner in his flat. They have cases of Covid in the sheltered housing complex he lives in now so they are all basically under virtual house arrest. Although we talk via video link 2 or 3 times a day, the isolation is taking its toll.

    So bring on the vaccine.
  9. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Do you really trust that vaccine enough to think it'll magically make everything all better and life can go back to normal ASAP? I want to say I wish I could have that sort of trust... But I just don't.

    There's nothing to support that a VERY VERY quickly pushed out vaccine will be the saving grace to this issue. Same with the early medicines used to treat COVID. Ordered in big batches due to "promising" leads in trials, ended up being nearly completely ineffective.

    If COVID were that easy to eradicate, it wouldn't be this widespread to begin with. What have they truly been able to accomplish in 6 months that they couldn't accomplish in 3 months? Nope! I don't trust it at all.
  10. Queensland blue

    Queensland blue Member

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    Puppy from the country went for a wander to the city happy news story .

  11. Queensland blue

    Queensland blue Member

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    If you want to see what works just look at Australia .
    They had masks mandatory down south , and lockdowns .
    14 day quarantines and the like , reduced hours for things like exercise , shopping etc etc .

    it worked to the point now so far where the borders are opening up ,
    Masks are off , travel being allowed again .

    they went hard early , knowing it was better to take the financial hit and the collective effort early .
    And it has payed off.

    which gives now the next bridge phase through ......

    Now the vaccine has almost arrived a lot of people will take it as they’re not as distrustful as many other places .

    I don’t know what I will do yet , I’m not pro or against , I would like to be genuinely informed first , then see what happens with others .
  12. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Each to there own, but there is to many unanswered questions,It is safe, it might be safe, it may make you sterile, it may not, according to the government website If it makes you 60% disabled you hit the jackpot of 120k but wont be well enough to enjoy it, Pfizer CEO said "We don't know yet if the vaccine can stop transmission of the disease".

    So it’s a NO for me.
  13. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Tens of thousands have trialled the vaccines so yes, I will go for it.

    Do I think it will change things overnight, no. Best will in the World it will take a good few months even to roll it out to those who want it. Then there's the wait between the first and second vaccine.

    I will be having it as will my OH. We both have COPD so if we get the virus, it's likely it will kill us. The vaccine is the light at the end of a very long tunnel that we have been hoping for.

    Australia have done marvellously, but I hope they don't get too complacent. It's summer I believe over there and, as we know here in the UK, the virus tends not to like summer as our numbers dropped well down too. Now. of course, it's another matter
  14. Andrew Sheldon

    Andrew Sheldon Member

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    I'm not sure what I am going to do re the vaccine. Due to EU regulations and bureaucracy I think its going to be at least another 5-6 weeks before it is on offer here in France. I guess by this time plenty of people in the UK would have had it and if there were any problems they might show up in that period of time...
    Saying that the whole process of manufacturing and testing the vaccine does seem to have been rushed a little which is a bit concerning..
    There has been many confusing and anti vaccine articles and videos put out there by sceptical and mis-informed people, talks of 'gene splicing, ie altering our gene structure , (genetically modified people), and all sorts of frightening stuff, when in fact its a pretty standard vaccine in the way it will effect our immune system and the way it is manufactured.....
    So I have read......
    fingers crossed then....
  15. Chris

    Chris Member

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    I think my favourite conspiracy theory is the one that says the vaccine isn't really a vaccine at all but a microchip implant. Of course, it all makes sense when you think about it. That's why we are vaccinating all those in nursing homes first because they are the most dangerous and we really need to know when they turn over in bed :)
  16. Malka

    Malka Member

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    No, the latest conspiracy theory Chris is that the vaccine will not just implant a microchip, but will also implant 5G antennas inside people. Oh, and it and will contain Luciferase, a photoluminescent enzyme that glows when exposed to light of a certain wavelength, to detect who has already been vaccinated. o_O

    Those who show as not having been vaccinated are going to be rounded up and...
    ....well apparently the conspiracy had not managed to find out what would happen to them as they had not managed to hack into the secret "plans" yet!
    :043: :043: :043: :043: :043:
  17. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I will be waiting awhile to see how the vaccines react in a wider sample of people over a longer period of time. Besides which I won’t be in a group that’s given the vaccine earlier than others. My sisters neighbor, who’s a doctor, suggested to them to wait, as he was concerned that things are moving a little too fast. He said he was going to wait. I’m used to wearing a mask by now, and social distancing, so to wait a few extras months feels like not a big deal to me. I do want my life to return to some new semblance of normalcy, but not at the risk to my long term health. Doesn’t someone say patience is a virtue....
  18. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I think we will be having the vaccine. My OH is over 80 so is likely to be in the first phase. Of course, even if we are protected, we can still carry it, so is daily life going to be back to normal again? Perhaps that is what the Pfizer CEO intended to warn us about.
    There are currently no plans to vaccinate anyone who is under the age of 50, unless there are underlying health conditions. This seems divisive, will the vaccinated be allowed to go to the cinema and the football match? Will they need proof of vaccination in order to attend? There are still a lot of problems ahead.
  19. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Where did you hear that they're not planning to vaccinate the under 50s, Carole. I looked at the itinerary yesterday and although they are bottom of the list, they are on there. There is some question mark over the under 16s though from what I can gather, but that is only newspaper talk and, as you know, we can't trust that, ever
  20. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    It was on the Andrew Castle programme this morning, (LBC 7 - 10am.).
    Some admin person said this and Andrew challenged her. He then re-read the list and agreed that the last group on the list was, Under 50's who have underlying health conditions.
    I must admit that I took their word for it. There was a jokey remark about everyone taking up smoking to ensure that they had a health condition!
  21. Chris

    Chris Member

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    You may be right Carole. I just assumed that the healthy under 50s would follow those who have health conditions as they were originally listed, but I've just looked again today and they are not mentioned. Strange

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