How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Be interesting considering no toilets will be open, the mind boggles :102:
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I thought the toilets had opened? I obviously thought wrong :eek: [or should that be :078:]
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    No Ram for Tikki today as his father has been taken into hospital. Not coronavirus B"H but something to do with his heart. I am keeping everything crossed that he does not catch the virus while he is hospitalised.

    Anyhow, Ram said that he will try to pop in either tomorrow or Friday but obviously another few days will not make any difference.
  5. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    You could be right, things change from one day to the next.
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Have you seen the pictures in the media - both yesterday and today? Can people be so desperate for a drink? I mean it is not as if there has been no alcohol available since lockdown started - I just do not understand people.
  8. Chris

    Chris Member

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    The pubs opened up yesterday. So did the caravans. To say it's a disaster is an understatement. At least three call outs to different pubs to break up brawls here :(

    Virus? What virus??

    It's just crazy how some are behaving. All the good work is very likely to be undone
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Matt Hancock apparently said that drinkers had "very largely acted responsibly".



    Social distancing at its best? Is that acting responsibly? One question though - why were none of the police wearing facemasks, because they were as much at risk as all the crowds were.
  10. Chris

    Chris Member

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    The toilets have been open since they lifted the travel restrictions here. They did try to keep them closed, but the day trippers were 'going' anywhere and everywhere so for hygiene's sake they opened them.
  11. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    There doesn’t seem to have been a spike after our beaches were packed and the protests, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    We are on the point of another total lockdown.
  13. Malka

    Malka Member

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    It is all just so depressing. Everything was going well because the initial lockdown was fast and strict and figures were falling, so some restrictions were eased - probably too soon. Too many people ignored the regulations. Went out unnecessarily. Ignored social distancing. Did not wear facemasks, which has been a law for some time now with fines for not wearing one. So the virus kept spreading and seems to have come back with a vengeance, with infections rising rapidly.

    They cannot close the schools again because the school year has already ended, but many of the other things that were opened when restrictions were eased are being closed again, and a full lockdown is on the cards.

    Fair enough it probably will not affect me personally because I am still confined to my home due to my age and situation, but it is just so darn depressing as it looks like we are back to the beginning again. :090:
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    So far it is just a restriction on the numbers of people at synagogues, restaurants, venues etc plus fines for not wearing a facemask going up to 500 shekalim [~£115.50], plus stricter lockdowns on certain areas - with the threat of a total lockdown if the number of cases keeps increasing as has done daily for the last week.

    But while he is still able to, Ram finally turned up for Tikva's Parkworm shot etc - and even though I was sure she had gained a bit of weight I was horrified to see that she has gained 1.3kg :eek:. She missed being weighed in April as lockdown was strict so Ram could not come here and the previous time [January] he did not weigh her as her weight usually only varies very slightly. But to go from 6.7kg to 8kg is rather a lot for little Tikki so even though Ram said that she just had a little bit of fat on her tummy and was by no means overweight for her size, I think that I will put her on reduced rations for a while.
  15. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I have always been worried that there might be a case of the virus on the Moshav, especially as there is only the small macolet here. When I checked the data this morning one showed up at #37. I live at #7, just across the road from the macolet.

    OK so there are those with cars who do their grocery shopping at supermarkets in town or at nearby shopping centres, or get it delivered [the macolet is limited in what it can carry although it does have most basics], but even those people will pop in for things like bread, milk, f&v and other daily necessities, and children are always in and out for sweets and ice-cream.

    I see the macolet from my open doorway, see the delivery trucks, see the cars outside and see people going in and coming out - if it hits someone who has been in the macolet then it is going to spread throughout the Moshav.
  16. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    What a worry, but as long as your store is strict with their social distancing and PPE it should be OK. A disabled man who lived 3 doors away died about three weeks ago. I was told that Covid19 was mentioned on his death certificate, but he had been seriously ill for a long time. His wife seems to be OK, and the other neighbours too, and when, (or if), Chas and I had it, nobody caught it from us.
    Do take care though.
  17. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Carole, the macolet is tiny and the aisles are so narrow that I can only just get through on Xanadu, which is a regular size with a 40cm width seat. Not being a manual chair with wheels that are outside the armrests it is narrower overall than a manual one. The refrigerators and the small f&v section is across the end of it and I have to do more than just a three-point turn to get from one aisle to another - in fact I usually have to [or rather had to because I can no longer go there] reverse back one aisle and try to go down from the top end again.

    Theoretically they are only letting a maximum of three people to be in the macolet at any one time, but if Hai is not there to stop them the girl/girls working there have great difficulty in stopping some people at times. Same with face masks which is the law here, the frequent response being "sorry, I left it in the car, but I will only be a minute..."

    I am lucky in that all I have to do is telephone Hai and either he or whoever is there will bring it over. Plus I have the online grocery deliveries and so far there has been no reports of any cases at that supermarket, although some of the other supermarkets in town have been shown on the data as having cases reported.

    I have no idea which house is #37 or who lives there - it is about 500m up the road from me, but whoever lives there must walk past me if they are going to the macolet [unless they drive there] so possibly I do know who it is. And I cannot ask anyone because I cannot go out.

    The trouble is that not everyone who tests positive can [or will] say where they have been over the previous few days, which is why the virus is spreading so much in Israel - the number of confirmed cases is rising rapidly every day.
  18. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    They're putting COVID-19 on everyone's death certificate. I heard a cancer doctor say that he had been treating stage 4 pancreatic cancer patients that never tested positive for COVID and that stroke victims and other patients that came through his center were ALL being labeled COVID 19 victims without any proof that they even HAD COVID, much less died from it. There's a LOT they're not telling us.

    I work in a supposedly COVID infested warehouse every week for multiple days (3-4). Have been doing so since March/April.

    Despite them telling us that many people keep getting it, I see many of the same exact people every day and they also hired a ton of new people. Despite the COVID 19 cases in the state of Georgia supposedly soaring, they don't seem bothered.

    If you have a fever of 100.4 or higher you are sent home and asked to submit to a COVID test. But coughing and all the other symptoms of COVID? Doesn't bother them... Come on in!!! Cough and sneeze all you like so long as you aren't feverish.

    We only have flimsy paper masks and most people don't wear them properly due to it being extremely hard to breathe in them while exerting yourself.

    It is downright impossible to social distance with people passing by each other closely ALL NIGHT. There are 50-100 people in there per night in close quarters all touching the same stuff and breathing the same air. We all eat lunch in the same exact room. Can't wear a mask while eating!

    Why is the warehouse not a total ghost town if the disease is as bad as they're trying to claim? Why aren't we ALL ridiculously sick? Our mayor claimed to test positive for the virus and said she's been asymptomatic the entire time. Adults are seemingly WAY MORE vulnerable to it than children and they can't seem to tell us why.

    Like I said - there's something they're not telling us. Testing sites do tests back to back and car to car. Doesn't seem very sanitary to me. I've heard people who felt 100% fine and seemed healthy get a test just because it was "recommended" and get sick shortly afterwards. Almost as if the testing site was spreading disease. And now they want to push untested vaccines on us? No thanks!

    I refuse to look at mere government published numbers and accept what they're telling me... There's a lot that they AREN'T telling me and that is what I'm really interested in.
  19. Chris

    Chris Member

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    The USA approach to the virus appears very cavalier from what we read.

    Here we get both sets of figures. The actual tested positive figures and the figures where doctors assume Covid-19 has played a part.

    People are being totally irresponsible though and social distancing seems to now mean get as close as you can :( . It's reflecting in the slight rises in figures. We have one town already back in lockdown and two or three more on the brink. There have been factory closedowns while deep cleaning has taken place after positive cases and also a couple of shops/cafes I believe.

    Will I have the vaccine as soon as available. Hell yes. If I get the virus, I die, pure and simple as I have COPD as has my OH. So it's a case of small risk with vaccination side effects or big risk with the virus. No brainer
  20. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    What a bl##by farce, enforcing wearing masks toward the end of lockdown, but not 4 months ago.
    Many worked right through the height of this "crisis" (including my hubby) without a mask and didn't get so much as a sniffle, despite being exposed to a wide variety of people every day. Now suddenly we need a mask when both the infection and death rate have fallen.
    Though I am probably exempt from wearing one, I don’t fancy being confronted by people having a go at me.
    If major supermarkets and other retailers are not willing to comply what is the point?
  21. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Why the UK has only just brought in the regulation is totally beyond my comprehension Vee. What I also do not understand is that if supermarkets had security or staff members outside to ensure people were social distancing, offering hand sanitiser, and making sure that only a certain number of people were permitted to go inside at a time, why can they not also just not let people enter if they are not wearing a mask?

    Wearing face masks was made obligatory here as from 12 April for people in all public places outside their own home [including landings, stairwells and elevators in apartment blocks], and for those caring for a sick person inside their home. Car drivers did not have to wear a mask if they were alone in their car but did if they had a passenger, unless that person was a member of their household.

    It was relaxed for people outside during the heatwave but was made obligatory again on 24 May.

    There has been another confirmed case on the Moshav, just down the road this time, but I do not know if they are people who live here or were just visiting for some reason as I have not seen anyone to ask. Karin, a young girl who helps out at the macolet a couple of hours a week will be bringing me over some milk when she finishes [she will also take the key for my mailbox to get my mail], and I will ask her then if she knows.

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