How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Agree. We find just after lunch is best. It is usually my Archers time - that is the radio prog, not the drink - but even that is a pale lockdown version at the moment.
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Tbh I am wondering whether I will ever actually go into a store again. I think I have been thoroughly spoiled by Hai and by online shopping. I do miss seeing and talking to people but I hate being crowded as everyone seems to tower above me.

    @CaroleC - It is so many years since I listened to The Archers that I have forgotten everything about it except for the introductory music [which I will no doubt now have as an earworm all day!]
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Yes. I used to hum that to keep up a rhythm when I was training heelwork.
    You would hardly recognise the programme now - so many new voices, I have a job remembering who they all are.
  5. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Three times today I've had to ask people to stand back. My son has been given a place in social housing and we are trying desperately to get his move sorted out. Not something I wanted to do during a pandemic, but needs must. None of the shops will take telephone calls so it's been a nightmare to arrange and we may or may not have a sofa being delivered on Friday. They are quibbling about entering the building and using the lift to the third floor. Hopefully, come hell or high water, he'll be in next week.

    One thing it has made us do, rightly or wrongly, is leave our total isolation. It's been good to get out for a walk (very secluded area) and meeting people at the sheltered housing flat. Of course, in the flats, we have worn masks and gloves, but it is covid free and has been throughout so I just hope we all get through it unscathed
  6. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Best wishes for the move Chris. Your son must be so excited.
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I hope that the sofa is delivered and that your son's move goes OK Chris. All best wishes to him in his new flat.
  8. Chris

    Chris Member

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    6 years, 5 social workers, and three applications it's taken to get him accepted so pandemic or no pandemic we had to accept regardless of the slight risk and problems with deliveries it has caused. Friday should, hopefully, be the last headache with the sofa. Then on, it's just moving him in and apart from stuff he's using on a day to day basis, he's all packed up and ready to go. Yes, he is very excited. The place is like a 5 star hotel. It has its own restaurant, hairdressers, shop and even the PCSO station. Carers are on hand 24 hours a day which is the main consideration for us.
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    It sounds absolutely perfect Chris and ideal for your son. I am sure the fact that there are carers 24/7 must be a big relief for you. Such a very long time to have had to wait though.
  10. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    It sounds fabulous - and so much less of a worry for you and your husband. So pleased for you all.
  11. Chris

    Chris Member

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    It would be perfect for you Juli. Your own independence, but help on hand when needed.

    It is a fabulous place and we have everything crossed that he settles in and enjoys living there. It will be a massive weight off our minds if we know that he will be looked after when we are no longer around
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Not for me Chris - I do not think I could bear living in an apartment again and I love the fact that there is nobody above me, below me, or even that close. Nothing behind my bungalow but my large weed-filled yard and then the agricultural fields, and no houses immediately across the road either.

    Funnily enough your post came through when my lawyer [or rather one of them] was here as I have a problem with my landlord which needed to be discussed. Slava is also a volunteer first responder like Amit, but he is with United Hatzalah and has a two-wheeled bike as against Amit's three-wheeled [two in the front] yellow one.


    Most people are used to seeing Amit's bike [incidentally, he now calls all the first responders "Ninjas"!] so maybe thought he had changed from MDA to UH!
  13. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Finally - Ram should be coming tomorrow to give Tikva her Parkworm shot, Bravecto, and wormer. And cut the nails on her front paws which are far too long now as it is six months since he last came here. Amit had picked up the Bravecto last time it was due, which was three months ago, but she missed the due Parkworm shot because Ram would not come out.

    I asked him about the case that had been at the surgery and he said that it was his other vet who does the 3-8pm shot. She was infected by one of their clients and although luckily she was not too sick she was guaranteed for some time. The afternoon vet nurse also had to be guaranteed although just for two weeks as she tested negative. So Ram had to work double shifts - I am not sure whether Dahlia, the morning nurse also had to or whether he had another vet nurse for that shift.

    Tikki will be delighted to see Ram again as he is one of her favourite men! Unfortunately though I will obviously not get my usual hug from him.:(
  14. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Glad to hear that everyone at the practice is well.
  15. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Ram said they were all fine B"H - I knew they were only letting in one person at a time [appointments only except for emergencies] so that they did not have people hanging around outside, as Amit had to stand outside while the nurse went in to check about the Bravecto pill, give it to him and take the payment for it.

    The vet who had the virus was the Russian woman who saw Tikki when I rushed her there because of the sudden allergic reaction she had to ?? something ??

    I had telephoned about Tikki's Parkworm shot and Bravecto etc last time they were due and Ram told me that he was not allowed to make house calls [again, except for emergencies], which is why I asked if Amit could collect the Bravecto tablet. And as he did not have her card when he went to get it the nurse had to go in to check if it was OK to give it to him.
  16. Chris

    Chris Member

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    We've another outbreak in Leicestershire and they have had to go back into lockdown. I'll bet thought that many will be coming here at the weekend when the caravans open back up whether they are supposed to or not :(.

    Glad you're getting Tikki sorted now Juli. I know you're a worrier where Tikki is concerned :)
  17. Malka

    Malka Member

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    You are right - I do worry about Tikki and even after all this time any odd sound from her makes me jump and check that she is OK - and the slightest noise from her at night wakes me. It seems ridiculous to still be on seizure-watch as it were, but I do not think that will ever leave me.

    Which reminds me Chris - did the sofa arrive for your son's new flat, and has he managed to move in successfully?

    I have been reading about the lockdown in Leicester and they say that there will be no way the police will be able to stop people from leaving the lockdown area. Really all they are doing is closing unnecessary shops, closing schools, and delaying the proposed opening of pubs and hairdressers.

    The rate of confirmed infections here has been rising rapidly and new sanctions will probably be put in place before much longer.
  18. Chris

    Chris Member

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    The sofa did arrive, but never came off the van as the blokes said they wouldn't take it up to the flat. Dunhelm assured me that they were supposed to, but we've given up and will wait until after the pandemic has retreated.

    He moved in today after three weeks of pure frustration with one thing and another, but he's in. Just about 8 more boxes to unpack, broadband to be turned on and getting the camera we watch him by and it will all feel more like home to him.
  19. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Was it because they did not want to go into the place because of the virus or was it because maybe they had to take it up stairs? I do hope your son settles in quickly so it feels like his home.

    I have been lucky in that apart from the first water delivery after lockdown, [Mei Eden had emailed all their customers that containers would just be brought to the door and not inside] the guy has brought in the two deliveries since then and carried the containers through to put them on the rack. He did ask me to stand well away first. The food delivery guy just puts the bags down inside the doorway and rushes off.

    I also had to have Benzi [or is it Benji? I can never remember] who I call "the rat man" in last week as even though I have not seen any signs of rodents, a couple of things had been knocked off a shelf in the kitchen and something knocked over on the sink unit. He was wearing a heavy duty industrial facemask not just a regular one though so there was no problem having him go everywhere.
  20. Chris

    Chris Member

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    There's both a service and a passenger lift, Juli, and some delivery companies haven't eased their initial very strict rules regarding the virus. I'll betcha a lot of the drivers will be in the pubs when they open on July 4th :).
  21. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I do not know about furniture deliveries here Chris, but as far as I know normal deliveries are still only to the door, with things put down outside on the doorstep, even though most things have now been opened up. Soon to be shut down again I reckon as at midday the infection rates since midnight were already over half of yesterdays total.

    Before the lockdown, if there was no service lift and something was too large for a passenger lift, such as large pieces of furniture, and had to be carried up the stairs in an apartment block, there was a charge per flight of stairs. Actually only old blocks which are less than four storeys high do not have lifts and none of that height have been built for years - the law is that any block over four storeys must have a lift and large blocks both a passenger and service lift. Seeing two men carrying up a large fridge/freezer up a flight of stairs is amazing - they make it look like they are just carrying a box of feathers.

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