How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Chris

    Chris Member

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    The country has new cases, Juli, our county (Lincolnshire) doesn't today. Even the cases throughout the country are coming down, but I think he's releasing lockdown a couple of weeks too early. Only time will tell
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I can only check countries, not counties. And I wish I could stop reading the news and all the statistics as although the latter are accurate as far as they are reported, the news contradicts itself article by article.

    I can check things here as there is an inter-active map on the government coronavirus website, and by putting in the name of my moshav I can set it to a radius of however many kilometres I want, and all where confirmed cases have been in the previous 14 days will show up. I set it to 5km as much more would be in the Med, and it is just showing two. One on 28 April 2.35km away and one on 29th 4.72km away - giving a half hour period when the person had been in contact with others at those places. So far B"H nothing on this moshav but the way people here are blithely going around as if nothing has happened - face mask? what for? - social distancing? what is that? - it would take just one person to be infected and most of the moshav would then get it.

    Which is why although it is frustrating not to be allowed out, I quite understand and appreciate it.

    I just wish I could just forget newspapers and maps and statistics for a while.
  4. Chris

    Chris Member

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    I tend to avoid the newspapers. They never tell the truth. I do watch the daily Government briefing for truthful (as much as any Government is truthful) updates.

    I also get emails to tell me when the Government has updated or brought in new advice and check that too
  5. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I have the opposite opinion, but live in a different country. The president lies basically multiple times everyday. He says that anyone who wants a test can get a test, yet this is not true in most places. More tests are supposedly becoming available, but he’s been saying that for well over a month. He calls the press that doesn’t back him up fake news. 3 months ago he was calling it a hoax, that the few cases that were here would miraculously go away. More recently he said we should try to kill the virus with “very powerful light” and disinfectants In people’s body’s.
    We have a crazy person running the country. Without the free press we’d be doomed
  6. Chris

    Chris Member

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    We saw the clip of Trump's disinfectant briefing.

    Actually, from afar, it just looked like him talking out loud to the scientist/doctor rather than offering it as advice? He comes over to me as a guy that puts his mouth in drive before his brain's in gear :)

    Juli, the newspapers headlines you were talking about. Two have popped up on my newsfeed on social media today. This morning's said that Germany's numbers were rising and they would soon be back in lockdown. Just seen one tonight that says their numbers are dropping. Just an example of the rubbish and lies that are printed
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    If you google "People in the US contact poison control after drinking bleach" you will see that more than a few people thought he was actually suggesting it.

    Please tell me that this is a joke...

    because if it is not and people actually attend, then the results could be catastrophic.
  8. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Anyone who is stupid enough to ingest bleach or Lysol, needs a brain transplant’ as who in their right mind would even consider drinking/injecting bleach.
  9. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Unfortunately, it's been happening in a lot of places both before and since Trump's gaff. On the back of some disinfectant bottles and bleaches, it says effective against coronavirus. It obviously means for cleaning not for drinking, but there will always be those who will drink the stuff.

    On the newspaper headline, I really have no idea but I can well believe it because we seems to have a multitude of idiots out there who think they know better than anyone.
  10. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I would like to excuse Donald by saying that he may have misunderstood the information on the back of a cleaning product, but I doubt that he has had to clean anything since he left the military.
    On a different tack, the Kennel Club has today recommended that all canine events up to the end of September are cancelled. I'm beginning to despair about ever getting back in the ring - and suspect that a lot of other seniors will be feeling the same way.
  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Oh 'eck - it looks like I am now on a list - two days after the call from the woman from The Centre for Senior Citizens I have had another call. From a volunteer. Actually I had two calls but I hung up on the first one because she kept babbling on and ignored my requests to please speak slowly. Whether she was also a volunteer or not from this centre or whatever it is, I have no idea as I just could not hear what she was babbling about. Anyhow, about half an hour later the second caller introduced herself as soon as I answered and said that she was a volunteer who had been given my telephone number, asked how I was and how I was coping, and would I like a little chat. :rolleyes:

    Heavily accented English but she spoke clearly so at least I could hear her properly, the only problem being that I was in the middle of making my lunch. If 5pm could be called lunch! Still, being salad it was not as if it could be left for a few minutes and she did sound rather eager to be nice. So, would I like her to call me maybe once a week to see how I am? Was I on WhatsApp [or whatever it is called]? Or maybe chat by email or something?

    Very nice but as with the original call, why did whoever or whatever this organisation is take over two months to find me? There are apparently centres all over the country with these volunteers [not teenagers, Sima said she is 75 - talk about the blind leading the blind!], so I have her telephone number and her email address - but I am not a chatty person and talking makes me cough, but I guess it is reassuring to know that I actually am on a list somewhere. I think.
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I have just gone to get something out of the freezer to defrost for Tikki's supper tomorrow - and seen the still unopened tub of ice-cream that I had been craving for for ages, and which Hai sent over as a present with the other things I asked him.

    I reckon the lack of fresh air is muddling my head. Open windows are not the same as being out and the cobwebs are multiplying at a frightening rate.
  13. Chris

    Chris Member

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    The days certainly merge together don't they. We go out on the back garden 4 or 5 times a day to play ball with Rosie come rain or shine. It's the only thing that seems to give us purpose most days
  14. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    In Tesco today, a lady who was examining the tags on the loaves of sliced bread, asked me if I knew what the date was. I had no idea, - I couldn't even be sure which day of the week it was.
  15. Malka

    Malka Member

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  16. Andrew Sheldon

    Andrew Sheldon Member

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    Ermmm….. its frunskyday……..
  17. Malka

    Malka Member

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    No, that was yesterday Andrew and it is already tomorrow, but I have no idea what the month is now.
  18. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I have an 1.5 hours left in my workweek so it must be Friday.... well it’s my Friday
  19. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    What are your R numbers like in the US Marc?
    London is supposed to be down to 0.4 now, here in the Midlands we are about 0.7. Just have to hope that herd immunity is building, and there are no local spikes.
  20. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    @CaroleC, What exactly are you asking, cases per 1000, 10,000, 100,000? I do know that in the county I live in the numbers are relatively low, but the next county above us they still have pretty high numbers. Of course the amount of tests have been limited.

    Our stupid president has pretty much said testing is overrated, and also that more tests will make him look bad, as it will show more cases. There have been plenty of people who’ve probably had the virus, like you, who never got a test, so we will likely never know the true numbers.

    From what I can gather, the doctors and powers that be can’t yet confirm that once you’ve had the virus that you won’t get it again. So the so called herd immunity may or may not be a “thing” with C19, and if some immunity is developed, how long will it last. So many unknowns. And all those that are waiting for a vaccine may have to wait a long time. There has never been a vaccine for a coronavirus yet. Maybe they’ll find one, maybe they won’t. Best case scenario sounds like a year or year and a half. Then how long before they can manufacture enough for the entire planet, that is if they can even find one? I don’t think I’d be wanting to be one of the first in line if they rush all the procedures to approve it.

    As things start to get opened up I don’t see myself wanting to eat out in a restaurant. I have gotten pizza to go a few times though.

    I’ve heard from someone in the local school system that they think it’s just as likely, if not more than likely, that school next year around here will be “distance learning” again, even though there is a sign up by the local high school saying classes start August 12. All the state colleges and universities in California have already said that at least the first semester next fall will be online. One of my coworkers who has been waiting for a few years to get into nursing school, and had finally made it to the top of the waiting list, is going to be doing most or all of it to start online, and says that the hands on parts may be delayed. I’m thinking the classes I was going to take are going to be online too, and I don’t know how that’s going to work, because part of the first class was supposed to be some hands on (so to speak) field work with people with substance abuse issues.

    The whole world has been thrown into flux, and it may never be the same as it was.

    Im not trying to be a downer, but I am trying to be a realist. Better to be happily surprised than to be disappointed
  21. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Another much-too-late bed time for me, so for all of you...


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