How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    Experts say alcohol is best for killing the virus? So my insides are fully immunised!
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    This is getting ridiculous now. Every day [if not every hour] there is more and more false information given and advice being offered, which makes it difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff at times.

    I do not think it is helping those who have anxiety problems at the best of times, which in its turn causes more problems for those who have to care for them.
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Even more restrictions have now been put in place but what is good is that the Health Ministry have introduced a new feature to its map of potential exposure spots, allowing people to input an address to view nearby danger zones which have been visited by sick individuals.

    Also, as a precaution and an alternative to hospitalisation or home quarantine, the Defense Minister has ordered the creation of three facilities to house potential carriers of COVID-19 for people with mild symptoms, in order to free up hospital space for more seriously ill patients. One in the north, one in the centre and one in the south.

    Sounds sensible but describing them like "hotels with medical staff" is a bit OTT I think, and there is going to be a heck of a lot of work for the army - I am just praying that our 'friendly' neighbours do not take advantage of that fact. :rolleyes:

  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I went over to the macolet this morning for a few things and nothing seemed to be missing from the shelves, but apparently quite a lot is missing in supermarkets in the cities, and people were queuing yesterday outside the large supermarkets that open for a few hours after Shabbat is out.

    If the pictures and stories that are in the tabloids are true, then I am ashamed of some of my fellow human beings.
  6. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Lots of stuff missing from shelves here. I’m feeling exposed at my job and wish I could afford to quit... Going out today to try and stock up in case I do get this thing, so I can hunker down for a few weeks, or if my work decides to shut the doors fow awhile. If I didn’t have to go out I’d just be a hermit for a bit.
    @GsdSlave, Please post some hand sanitizer to me, send to Marc in CA ; -)
  7. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    GsdSlave likes this.
    There is talk here of the over 70's being asked to self-isolate, in their own interest - possibly for up to four months!!! There was talk on the radio chat show this morning, of community spirit, with neighbours helping out, walking dogs or doing shopping.
    Oh yeah. I really can't see that working. There are very few people that I would trust my dogs with. Is it really likely that anyone is going to check out your age? Too worried about their own welfare I would think.
  8. Andrew Sheldon

    Andrew Sheldon Member

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    Put a cap on backwards and paint your face with some fake acne.....they will never know.....
  9. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Funnily enough Carole, I've seen two posts on one of the community groups on social media offering help with shopping and dog walking so there are some kind folk about.

    Prior to the weekend, our shops were OK. Only things in short supply were toilet rolls, but still some on the shelves and they were out of sanitizer, but shops in town had them at reasonable cost. All the caravans are open now. The shops have been emptied over the weekend and I mean emptied. Most are taking advantage of shopping here and taking stuff back to their homes :(

    I have to go into town on Tuesday as it's my lads 50th birthday and family are coming over, but that will be my last trip for the foreseeable apart from going in to buy shopping when needed. We will be hibernating as much as possible. We both have COPD so were trying to be sensible
  10. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Eeek! I haven't done any stocking up - though OH did pick up two tins of beans and sausage instead of one last week. I've been more worried about Eddie's eye than doing any shopping, and it sounds as if I might have left it too late now. Round here we are mainly the same age group, and most are regular dog walkers too. We are not gadabouts by any means, but Beagles do need their exercise. There are some quiet places to walk though.
  11. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I’ve been trying to shop but not much left. 4 stores and no brown rice... found quinoa at least, which I like. No fake meat products, which is part of my protein... been to 5 stores. This is absurd and getting scary
  12. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I did eventually find a little white rice, left in the bottom of a bulk bin. I got about 2.5 cups between 2 kinds, and more quinoa. The only beans left were green lentils, and while I was scraping up the rice someone came and got the last of it. He saw the look on my face and asked if I was going to get it.. I said yes and he said he had some at home and that I could have it. Super nice. I told him as much. I wish I’d said let’s split it, in hindsight. The backdrop to this is the only other people in the bulk area was a couple wearing heavy duty respirators, the type that are rubber that you screw the replaceable filters on too. Look like Darth Vader, or a Storm Trooper. FREAKY. I did manage to also get a decent supply of meat substitutes, being vegetarian. Tempeh and some seitan and gluten based fake sausages etc. also found some pasta. Shelves are just stripped. Stores are having shorter hours because why stay open when you don’t have much to sell. It’s really getting intense. I fear the panic will only get worse. Besides bread I can probably go 3 weeks now, at least more than 2. There was also no frozen or canned vegetables... Wearhouses that supply stores are running out. I feel really bad for those that only have enough money to buy what they need right now, because others have stocked up months worth of food, leaving nothing for them (or me. I can afford to stock up some, just didn’t take it seriously enough, soon enough).
  13. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    @Malka. Juli, thank you for starting this thread!!

    Everyone try and stay safe
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @who owns who - Marc - regarding brown [or any other colour rice], lentils and various legumes/pulses, and of course quinoa, have a look at the website as they have a good variety. They are in Ontario CA and I buy such items things from there. I like the tri-coloured toasted quinoa cannot get it here, just plain quinoa, and I also get wild rice from them. So-called 'wild rice' sold here is just a mix of black, red, brown and white rice [I do not eat white rice, pasta, or any processed products]. I am not vegetarian but I do not eat much meat and I do like what I can do with various pulses. They also have a lot of vegetarian and vegan items.

    Their prices are good and AFAIK delivery in the US is free for orders of over a fairly nominal amount [use the code COH622 for a discount on a first order] and they also have a Box-it for a pick up in various places so maybe there is one somewhere near you.

    As for this thread - I had been thinking about it for a while but did not know how or when or even if it was even OK to start it, until the elephant just could not be ignored any more, and I deliberately put it in the Off Topic and not Members Only section because everyone is affected by the situation in one way or another.

    I think that it is good for us to be able to talk about what the situation is generally because of that elephant and how it is affecting us - how we are managing etc. We are a community in that we are all dog-lovers, and even though this is a forum about dogs the situation affects them as much as it does us.
  15. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I'm veggie too - well piscatarian is probably a better term. Quorn and stir fried fresh veg are my staples - and cheese of course, which gives everything flavour. Eddie is back at the vet this morning, so we will see what is in the supermarket has on the way home.
    Good news that the government now says, of course we can walk our dogs! Just to be sensible about allowing distance from other humans.
    Has anyone heard anything about the firm in Seattle which is claiming to have almost developed a 'cure' for Covid19? Really?
  16. Andrew Sheldon

    Andrew Sheldon Member

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    I used to cough loudly to hide my farts.
    Now I fart loudly to hide my coughs.
    :eek: I'll get my coat.....
  17. Malka

    Malka Member

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    That made me laugh Andrew! Coughs? I have had a very annoying dry cough for years, a nasty side-effect of the BP meds I take. Olga, my lovely but now retired GP changed the type on four occasions but they all made me cough, especially at night or if I talk too much. And talking too much makes me out of breath because I do not talk that much apart from to Tikki of course.

    So what with coughing, getting out of breath just talking, plus photic sneezing from the sun or bright lights......and because of various season allergies......I am glad I do not mix with people! When I was at the macolet the other day I got such a dirty look from someone - the only other customer there at the time, as if I ought to be wearing a face mask.

    Oh well, I could always ask the Ninja to get my gas mask down from on top of my bedroom cupboards! [Gas masks were replaced after the Gulf War in '91 and then again a few years later] and mine is still packed and sealed in its box.

    @CaroleC - good luck with Eddie at the vet today, and I hope the supermarket does not have empty shelves.
  18. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    On it's way :023::lol:
  19. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I'll update Eddie on his own thread.
    Tesco had no rice, and only a little of the posher brands of pasta - loads of bottles of curry and pasta sauce though. Lots of lovely, and very cheap, cabbages, but no carrots. There was very little broccoli, and what cauliflower was there was not good quality - I didn't really fancy it for the price. There seemed to be potatoes but NO FROZEN CHIPS!!!. Well, there was the French type, but not our usual UK cut. We picked up a pack of Hash Browns instead. The freezers generally looked well stocked. There was one or two labels asking customers to not take more than four of a single item - but they were attached to empty shelves.
    I got my bread from the in-store bakery, but there were fewer rolls on display, and a large promotional display stand for Hot Cross buns was completely empty. Is there a flour shortage too? I believe that the major supermarkets have no delivery slots left for this month.
    We are OK for fresh food for at least a week, and probably about the same in tinned stuff, (some of which is rather old and could really do with being used). The dogs food will last for at least 6 weeks, I hope that doesn't start to be affected too.
  20. Malka

    Malka Member

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    My DHL delivery from iHerb, which included quinoa and wild rice although it was mainly a refill/top up order for my first-aid box, plus usual vitamins etc for Tikva and myself. Tikki adores the DHL driver and as soon as his van comes into sight the little floozy is outside waiting for him, tail wagging like mad, and he comes down the path calling to her!

    I hope my 6-8pm slot for delivery today from Shufersol turns up OK. So far it does not show on the website that it is being prepared but it has only just gone 3pm so I am not overly worried, and there is nothing in the order that is liable to have caused empty shelves - [I hope that was not famous last words.]

    People must be really going OTT if the the major supermarkets in England have no delivery slots left for this month - I hope the same does not happen here. Not for myself so much but for the people who are regular online customers.

    EDIT - my landline is down yet again. What a perfect [NOT] time for it to happen. :mad:

    - - - And another edit - Shufersol's website shows that my order is in preparation!
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2020
  21. Malka

    Malka Member

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    And now for the must wear one of these badges ...

    ...and keep doing this...


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