How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Thanks for popping in Carol. It's nice to know you are getting better, albeit slowly.

    It took about 10 days for the register to kick in for us and food arrived. Since then, we've got access to priority delivery slots with the supermarkets so I hope the same happens for you and soon. In the meantime, accept any help you need

    I do hope Eddie's eye starts to improve soon x
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  3. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I will 2nd Chris’s point Carole, please accept any help that is offered or that you can get!! I’ve been doing some shopping for a neighbor, it started with beer, as his daughter wasn’t bringing enough for his desired level of consumption, and now I get them some other stuff too when I’m out anyhow
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    How are you and Chas today Carole, and how is Eddie's eye? And how is your daughter Chris?

    The whole country has been under a total curfew for almost 1½ hours now and yet there are still loonies on off-road quad bikes and motorcross bikes racing up and down. The gates are, of course, closed, but they come across the fields on the tractor paths. And there are still cars on the Moshav, coming in or going out - no idea how they are getting through the gates as only emergency services are supposed to have the code to open them.

    Ninja just came round on the MDA bike, in full MDA gear as he is on first responder duty, not in army uniform this time - he said that the roads out of town have road-blocks as nobody is supposed to leave their homes, let alone drive anywhere. People are not even allowed to visit a next-door neighbour but is everyone keeping to it? No.

    And people wonder why the infection rates go up?
  5. Chris

    Chris Member

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    They've turned a few round at Skegness train station today, Juli. Some folk just don't know what 'no' means these days.

    I got this from Karen (daughter) earlier today:

    Ok just really really worn out. I can cope with the cough, sore throat and even the hot sweats but the tiredness is the worst bit seem to be asleep more than am awake xx
  6. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Not much different Juli. I think we are over the worst - hope food will begin to taste normal soon, and then we can build a bit of strength. I have been told of a middle-aged couple who thought they had got over this a couple of weeks ago, but are still having to take rest breaks. I'm sure we will get there though.
    Wish I was as confident about Ed's eye, which varies so much throughout the day.
  7. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    @Chris That sounds like the same thing we have had.
    Is Karen still able to eat?
  8. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I know this sounds strange but I have just had some 'Strong' cheese spread on a Ryvita - with a slice of red pepper and two pickled beetroot.
    The best thing I have eaten since 21st March!
  9. Chris

    Chris Member

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    She's drinking rather than eating because she says it's like swallowing broken glass. It's certainly knocked her for six
  10. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    We didn't have sore throats. Disgustingly thick saliva, and an aversion to most foodstuff. We had to throw the bread out, the smell of it in the kitchen made me cringe. Very finely sliced apple slices were the first thing we managed to enjoy.
  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Can someone get something like Ensure Plus from a pharmacy for your daughter? Being liquid it is easy to swallow and provides complete, balanced nutrition.
  12. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    I've got my prescription @Malka. A litre of Secret Squirrel!
  13. Malka

    Malka Member

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  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Actually I have a bottle of dry white wine that Hai sent over as a gift for Pesah - I should have give it to Ninja when he was here this afternoon.
  15. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    She should try frozen blueberries if she can get them, or any frozen berries
  16. Malka

    Malka Member

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    It was very quiet on here yesterday, so I hope everyone is OK and that Carole and Chas, and Chris's daughter Karen are feeling better today.

    If you see this Carole, how is Eddie's eye today?
  17. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Got this from Karen this morning:

    Well feeling more like me today, still got a cough and slightly breathless but feel loads better xx

    To say I'm relieved is an understatement. Apparently, out of the 12 she works with, 2 of them have the virus and 5 are self-isolation. The remaining 5 are struggling to keep up with the work (retail)
  18. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I am not too bad, but will take time to get stronger. Chas is drained and grumpy, and has some off and on breathing problems - however, nowhere near the level of needing a ventilator.
    Eventually I phoned the Covid community support group to ask what services they could offer us. They were round within a couple of hours with some provisions and frozen meals! They won't take any money, just say that, if you wish, you can make a donation online when things improve.
    Ed's eye is only a little better. Vicky says that his other medications may be delaying the development of a new blood supply to his cornea. At least he isn't uncomfortable. We will just keep trying.
  19. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Good for you Carole - I am so glad you asked for help because you really do need it at the moment and it will help you recuperate and get your strength back, not having to prepare and cook meals.

    Sorry to hear that Eddie's eye is still bad, but as you say, at least he is not uncomfortable. It is frustrating having to try to treat him via telephone calls and emailing photographs. Tikki obviously missed her three-monthly Parkworm shot and Bravecto [and a nail trim - the ones on her front paws just never seem wear down naturally], but The Ninja is going to see if he can pop into the surgery and ask Ram for the Bravecto. The shot will have to wait as it is in a vial, not an ampoule, and the correct amount has to be drawn out according to her weight. Both Amit and I can give injections of course, but this one will have to wait.

    How are the Beags coping with not having their walks? It must be rather frustrating for them as they will not understand why they are not being taken out. Luckily I do not have that problem with Tikki.

    Incidentally, do you know someone from Suffolk who has a working BC, a crossbreed and seven Chinese Crested [I think half are powderpuffs and half hairless] who competes in Agility all over England? With such a tribe of Cresteds I think they would be difficult to miss!
  20. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    No, but Agility is a BIG sport and Suffolk is a long way from me. @Chris might know her though. I must watch out for them in Our Dogs.
    My Beags are fed up. They go in the garden, but just snuffle and eat grass until they are sick. No interest in playing retrieve, and I've no energy for jumping them. Eddie has his mad squeaker sessions which we tolerate because he loves it so much, but Merry is bone idle, until she hears a steel dish!
    A little excitement this week. I stuck a snapshot of Merry in the Our Dogs online dog show. She hasn't won, but did make the last 18 in the Hound class, from 217 entries! Such a delightful shock when I scrolled up the shortlist. I think the total entry was over 1700, and a lot were foreign entries. The overall BIS was a stunning picture of a black Curly Coated Retriever.
    I hope you get Tikki's shot soon, though I wouldn't think she was in a high-risk category. parkworm is a horrid little blighter though.
  21. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Well done Merry - making the last 18 out of an entry of 217 is something to be proud of! As for Tikki's shot - she does not mix with any dogs and sees off any that come into our yard, but the problem is that they do come in and L-rd only knows who owns most of them and whether they have even had any basic shot, let alone the parkworm one - or the mandatory yearly rabies shot. So that will have to wait but Amit should be able to get the Bravecto.

    I had to scream my head off yesterday at two "visiting" dogs, one being Nala who is next door's tied up watch dog - loose yet again. :rolleyes: She is enormous and really frightens me the way she rushes at Tikki and rears at her and I honestly do not know what would happen if I had not screamed at her. I screech NOOOOOOO - and she turns tail and legs it.

    Then another one came in - hurriedly chased by a very apologetic Mikhaël who got hold of its collar and dragged it away. He had told me a month or so back that he had a puppy, said something about it going to be a big dog - well it is already rather large although still very puppy-like - not sure what it is though. Maybe a GSD/Mal mix or something like that? Too fluffy for a Mal though but I did not see it long enough to get a proper look. Apart from my initial scream at the dog, Mikhaël came in for a bit of an ear-bashing because the dog was not on a leash.

    As for the agility person - his name is David, in his early 70's and he said that they travel and camp all over England in the summer, to go to shows - that is all I know except for the dogs he has and their names, and the fact that they live in Bury St Edmunds. I only know that much because I put a sticky on our team messageboard hoping everyone was OK and that they could use the board for a chat or a moan if they felt like it.

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