How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Chris

    Chris Member

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    They are both pretty much the same today so she's tucked up in bed.

    No they don't seem to have anything in place in respect of what happens now one of their workers has it :(
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    You must be frantic with worry Chris, stuck at home knowing that you cannot do anything. I do not know if this makes sense but at the moment I feel like I am in an alternative universe and all this is happening where I used to be - and I just do not know what to say.

    I "look" for my Breedia friends and when I do not see them I worry. Gareth posted a rather odd message late on Saturday in Arabic that worried me, and he has not been online since. So I add him to the people I am worrying about. Carole and Chas, Gareth, your daughter and son-in-law - my missing team members - and it feels like I am the only person around.

    And of course I also worry about all our Breedia dogs. I made arrangements about Tikki some time ago, and all my arrangements are up to date and sorted - and Amit knows how to get onto Breedia in the event that I cannot. But of course he is on the front line now...
  4. Chris

    Chris Member

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    I saw this on social media and it struck a chord:

    We fell asleep in one world, and woke up in another.
    Suddenly Disney is out of magic,
    Paris is no longer romantic,
    New York doesn't stand up anymore,
    the Chinese wall is no longer a fortress, and Mecca is empty.
    Hugs & kisses suddenly become weapons, and not visiting parents & friends becomes an act of love.
    Suddenly you realise that power, beauty & money are worthless, and can't get you the oxygen you're fighting for.
    The world continues its life and it is beautiful. It only puts humans in cages. I think it's sending us a message:
    "You are not necessary. The air, earth, water and sky without you are fine. When you come back, remember that you are my guests. Not my masters."

    Unfortunately, it's just doing the rounds and not attributed to anyone
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    A nationwide lockdown has just been announced for Pesah [Passover]. New restrictions on public movement, prohibiting all travel between cities from tomorrow [Tuesday] at 4pm until Friday at 7am.

    A complete lockdown and increased enforcement will begin on Pesah evening from Wednesday at 6pm until Thursday at 7am. Citizens will be required to remain in their homes amid fears that going to someone else’s house for the Seder or during Pesah’s intermediate days could lead to the spread of coronavirus.

    I guess that means that Bezeq will not be fixing my telephone landline tomorrow afternoon now.
  7. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    @Chris, I hope they both feel better soon. I was speaking with a friend this morning who told me of an old friend he talked to today, who I haven’t seen in decades, who lives in a small ski town in Colorado. He is finally feeling better, day 19, after having come down with the virus.

    It’s shocking to me, the stupidity of it, the lack of follow through in work places where people have become sick. Happening here, and sounds like there too.

    @Malka, My sister lives about 20 minutes from my parents, who are 80 and 82. She told them that they couldn’t come over for Passover. My mother wasn’t happy about this, but was given no choice but to begrudgingly accept it. She did however deliver some Matzoh to my sisters family. She met them outside in her driveway.

    My sister would do all their shopping for them, and has done some, but they insist on going out and getting stuff for themselves.

    I told them to be careful, as I don’t know when I will feel comfortable getting on an airplane again, and I’m not to keen on driving over 3000 miles for a visit either, plus I wouldn’t do that in
    my old truck.

    I don’t partake in Passover, I say I was born Jewish, but it didn’t take... I do consider myself culturally Jewish, but don’t partake in any organized religion, although I do consider myself to be a spiritual person.

    My favorite part of Passover as a child was that we got whipped butter. This was the only time of the year that it was in our fridge. Oh and I did find the Afikoman one year at our temples group Passover.
  8. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I do not understand people. We have been in lockdown for how long? The only inter-city travel permitted for work that is considered vital, and inner city only to get necessary food, medicines and medical reasons. If on foot people have not been permitted to go further than 100m from their homes, and even then only for necessary food and medicines, and there has been virtually no public transport so if you do not have a car and no local shops, you are stuck. It has not even been permitted to visit friends or family. And only two people allowed in a private car or, if in a taxi then just one passenger who has to sit in the back seat.

    But it has not made any difference. I do not know how is has been in towns but even though there were few children out on their bikes here, and there were still people coming to the Moshav to spend Shabbat with family members, so the only real difference now will be prohibiting all travel between cities from 4pm today until Friday at 7am and a total curfew from 6pm tomorrow until Thursday at 7am.

    It is like the masks. Instructions were issued a few days ago that everyone must wear a face mask when in a public place, ie outside of their home. Obviously delivery drivers have, mostly, been wearing masks and the girl from the macolet who brought things over for me the other day was also wearing gloves, but I have been sitting here this morning watching out of the door, as I always do, and there are far more cars about than normal - far more vehicles using the Moshav as a short-cut - the macolet is the busiest I have ever seen - and less than a dozen people wearing a mask.

    What hope is there for a future if people openly flout government instructions?

    Thinking of @CaroleC and Chas. @Chris and your daughter and son-in-law. @ Everyone and your families. And @ all our Breedia dogs.

    Prayers and love to you all.

    Juli & Tikva
  9. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    I always make fresh and only use frozen if I'm short on time. But I'm not quite sure if I'm classed as a young un anymore at nearly 40, although I still feel about 25!
  10. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    It's been hard Juli, as I love my cycling. But I've resisted going out in this lovely weather we're having, for the sake of the overworked NHS staff at the moment.
  11. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    After reading through everyone's messages from the last few days, I hope your families are well and are recovering? And for those of you who are alone, remember to stay strong and we will get through this. Lots of love to you all, from me and the little man. X
  12. Chris

    Chris Member

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    My daughter messaged this morning. Her throat is a little better, but the cough is worse. She's spending most of her time in bed and drinking lots. Thankfully, breathing is OK at the moment, but she's under strict instructions to call 111 (health line) if she starts to wheeze or the cough gets unbearable. Fingers crossed that with the throat easing up she's turning a corner
  13. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Bezeq turned up! Something was badly wrong outside and the techie had to call another techie to come internet, which has been on and off because of the problem with the telephone line, had to be switched off while they fixed things.

    And then my landline telephone rang !!!!! and the techie said "La Commedia è finita!" and I literally burst into tears.

    Gotta lotta ketchup to do now - and the sun is shining.

    I will be back when I have finished the ketchup!
  14. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    Glad she's ok Chris.
  15. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    Aw bless.
  16. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Gareth - you are a babe-in-arms still!
    Please keep resisting, for your own sake, for the sake of the NHS, and for everyone else's sake. Who knows how many people MAMILs and Covidiots may have infected due to their selfishness, so it is good to know that you will not join them.
    The loss of telephone landline was not a disaster as I have the little mobile that The Ninja gave me, but many people do not have that number, only my landline one, so who knows if anyone had been trying to contact me.

    It was the frequent loss of my internet that was causing me so much aggravation and distress, because without it I really am totally in isolation from the rest of the world.
  17. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Fingers crossed for your daughter - how is her husband now? I am still very worried about Carole and Chas and do hope they are both OK.
  18. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Her hubby is fine now. It looks like he had either a bug or cold. Of course, it could also have been the virus because this thing presents itself in many different ways. No wonder its so hard to fight it
  19. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Gosh, I have missed a lot over the past few days! I am sorry if you worried about us - I'm sure you have enough worries of your own. I'm just glad that, apart from Chris's daughter, everyone is keeping safe.
    Our update, we have been weak and unable to get any fresh food. Chas filled in the Gov. application form online, but there was no response. Whatever was fresh a fortnight ago had to go in the bin - lots of things we normally enjoy taste like poison now! Yesterday I felt that I had to ask a neighbour for help, and she got us some fresh fruit and veg. Lovely!
    I managed to get Chas to eat a little chicken breast casserole - he has lost 1.5 stones, I have only lost about 8 lbs, (hope I can keep it off). The doctor's phoned yesterday about 'scrip arrangements, so I told the receptionist about our food supply problems and she has given me the number of the Volunteer Co-ordinator for this area. Don't want to ask, but will do if we need it.
    Ed's flourescein test was disappointing, nowhere near enough healing to start on his steroid treatment, so I have been putting drops & gel in 6+ times a day.
    It was looking slightly better this morning, so I emailed the vets suggesting that we give it another 7 days. Fingers crossed! They couldn't do much anyway - my woofers will be carrying as much infection as ourselves!
    Enough for now. Stay safe everyone - and your families. Thank you for the thoughts - I hope it is a case of building strength now. It is amazing how many miles we all are apart, but how well we seem to know each other.
    Hug your dogs close, and spare a thought for our calamitous, good-humoured and well-intentioned Prime Minister!
  20. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I am so relieved to see you Carole - it is so frustrating sitting so far away from everyone and not being able to contact anyone off-board, just hoping whoever is AWOL is OK and will post. As for food, please Carole, please ask for it if you need it. I am lucky in that I have everything I need although I have no fresh fruit or vegetables. Plenty of frozen vegetables and some tinned fruit though so that will do. I do not know what Hai has but he never carries much f & v and quite possibly has nothing left now. I know that he has no eggs - nobody has eggs - there is always a shortage at Pesah but this year has gone crazy. As bad as the toilet paper/hand sanitiser situation!

    Poor Eddie - but he is so good letting you put the drops and gel in his eye. My little horror would have my fingers off if I tried to do anything like that to her.

    (((hugs))) from us both. xx
  21. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Good to see you back x

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