How do you decide on a breed when you have a clash of opinions? Discussions

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by x-clo-x, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. Helen


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    We are just as bad as each other - hence having 11 dogs. Luckily, we like the same breeds, although it did take some persuading that pointers weren't top of my list ;) lol. He had 2 when I met him, and I had a springer, and a gwp booked. Turned out very well as he was more than happy to work my dogs as well.

    We then moved and I needed working dogs so increased the pack. Now, it seems that all the counting dogs are mine! Not sure how that worked out but he is allowed to borrow them lol! lol.

    I think I would certainly put him off a breed that I didnt particularly like but as I say, we are both into gundogs, terriers and lurchers so can't see a problem there.

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  3. EmmiS

    EmmiS New Member

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    Emma Louise
    My Oh likes dogs but knows very little about them.

    He loves the looks of GSDs, and doesn't seem to mind many. I think i will get my way :p
  4. kezza30

    kezza30 New Member

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    My dad wanted a malamute or husky dog, me and my mum wanted a cute pomeranian after alot of research the malamute and huskies were not right for us because of there very active life style, there is no way I could run 5 miles with a mal :blush: the pom was not right for us and my dad and brother want a 'big' dog they won't be embarrased taking out they say eventually after constant research, looking at breeds that was larger than the pom, had the looks the boys loved but also was right for our family, trust me it was not as easy as it sounds we were told about the Eurasier. The Eurasier? I did not come across that breed on the web pages of breeds I was looking at but after googling it and falling in love, I researched all of it's traits, how it fits in with family life, what it requires, grooming, seperation and all the likes and decided it was perfect not only in looks, I know that is not the most important but in our family as there is always someone at home to keep this type of family dog company. So I showed this to my family and we finally could all agree and off I went to search and talk to any breeders/owners I could find.

    Sometimes if your lucky to fine a 'middle ground' roll with it8) Now all where waiting for is to actually meet some for the final test sometime in the next couple months and if everyone is agreed be put onto a waiting list :D
  5. sarah1983

    sarah1983 New Member

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    We talked. Discussed what we wanted in a dog, what we didn't want and what breeds were a definite no. Neither of us wanted a toy breed or a curly coated dog. I wanted a medium to high energy, intelligent but not highly independent dog who didn't have high grooming requirements. He wanted a German Shepherd he could play with and cuddle when he felt like it.

    When I saw the ad for Spencer I phoned hubby up, said there was a young Lab looking for a new home and did he have anything against Labs. The answer was no and so Spencer came home to us. I think me sitting down with him and pointing out that it was going to be me doing 99% of the work with the dog made him open to getting something other than a GSD.
  6. Set_Nights

    Set_Nights New Member

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    My OH wasn't that interested in or bothered about dogs before Mia. Don't get me wrong, he likes animals and would never hurt one but he is not a crazy "animal lover" like I would say I am :p. When I started thinking about getting Mia he was unsure but he never really objected, he just made it very clear that she would be my dog and that I would have to do all of the feeding, walking and training and he didn't want the responsibility. I agreed. She was home for less than a month though before he completely fell in love with her. Quite often these days he will end up lying on the floor to watch tv because he is too soft to tell her to get off the sofa (she does if asked) and the last thing he does at night is go through to her bed to tuck her in with a blanket in case she gets cold :p.

    There are some breeds he says he wouldn't want (anything small or long haired) but if I really wanted one then he would probably relent as long as I did the extra work. I don't think he would ever get a dog of his own so I don't really have to worry about a compromise there.
  7. Loki's mum

    Loki's mum Member

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    My other half wanted an Akita or a Malamute for our first dog, but I managed to persuade him that an Elkhound would suit us better.

    Then he wanted a Leonberger - but I persuaded him that an Estrela would suits us better.

    Then he was horrified to learn I wanted a JRT - it took a whole week of foot stamping for him to agree to getting her.

    Finally I allowed him to have his dream dog, a Malamute. He promised he would walk her, train her, run with her and scooter with her - have a guess whether he kept his promise! So now I have another large breed dog who hasn't been a picnic to raise and needs more exercise than the other lot. She was meant to be his dog, but has become mine, so I guess you really do have to be prepared to 'own' your partner's dog - just in case the reality of it isn't the same as the fantasy. Don't get me wrong - I do love our Mal to bits and wouldn't part with her, but she's the OH's last dog. Any others will be my choice since I will be the one doing the work.
  8. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    thanks for that. i already know i would be doing all the work, thats why im trying to drill it into his head how hard some breeds can be.

    out of interest woukd you have another mal in the future?
  9. Baileys Blind

    Baileys Blind New Member

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    My Oh wants a GSD, now I do love the breed but I have a few doubts about owning one, he wants one as it was his childhood dog and he has rose tinted glasses on, as you do with most things from your past :lol:

    So I set about researching a dog that would suit us as a family (inc his 10yr old daughter) his shooting hobby and our lifestyle, knowing full well that with his hours of work it'll be me that does the majority of walking, feeding, training etc with him chipping in at the weekends, found some cute puppy pics and sorry for doing it but pointed out some bad points around GSD's and the good points of owning the breed I've chosen, left it with him to ponder on a while :lol: :lol:

    He is now looking forward to a working cocker puppy in the house at some point :lol: :lol:
  10. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    i tried putting my OH off one of the breeds he liked, and ended up falling hook, line and singer for them :lol:
  11. sarah1983

    sarah1983 New Member

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    My hubby's the same. GSD bitch would be his first choice coz that's what he had growing up. Never mind that he just wants a dog who'll lie quietly all day while he sits on his computer, doesn't need much exercise or training and who he can play with and cuddle whenever he gets the urge :roll:

    I was completely against them at first but having researched them, read stories and seen pics of the ones on here my mind has been changed.
  12. Baileys Blind

    Baileys Blind New Member

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    Oooops :blush: :043: :blush:
  13. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    i know :lol: :lol: :lol: i liked them anyway, but never saw me owning one, after reading and reading, talking to breeders, talking to owners, and now going to see them at crufts :blush: i think its safe to say i could see myself with one :lol:
  14. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    Ohh share which one is it?
  15. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    think you know already ;-) :lol:
  16. Dogloverlou

    Dogloverlou Member

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    I just knew when i'd come across the right breed ( Hovawart ). All the others faded to the back of my mind and my everyday thinking and obsessing was taken over by "my" Hovvies :lol:

    I met the breed at their breed club show last year, i've talked to breeders, i've got the recommended breed book and i'm off to see them again at Crufts ( my first time ever! )
  17. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    It was Graham that got me into greyhounds and lurchers. I wanted to stick with lab collie crosses. When I saw my friend's lurcher I fell for her instantly!! Hence why we now have 3 lurchers and a greyhound amongst others!
    If we dsagreed on a breed then I think we would go for a mutt.
  18. Moon's Mum

    Moon's Mum New Member

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    Get the dog before moving in together! I didn't even consult my long term bf before getting Cain, I just sort of rang him up and told him :lol: I've also decided on my next breed without asking him :lol: but then I'm very much the dog person, and while he's happy enough to have them kicking around the house, I'll be the carer and they'll be my dog, so I get to chose :) I wouldn't make him live with a dog he hated but as he's never expressed any strong views, I've never thought to ask his permission.

    As for Akitas, huskies etc, I would make very well sure that he knows exactly what he's getting in to and will do the work and not leave you lumbered with a demanding breed to do the work alone. Very easy for him to choose by looks but I hope he realises houch hard work those breeds can be...
  19. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    This is what I've tried to tell him, because he's only chosen breeds off what they look like, he knows nothing about how different breeds behave. I know it would be me doing all the work with the dog, he would just expect it to cuddle, go go a wall and sleep with him on the sofa. Luckily there aren't many breeds that I would rule flat out, I'm pretty flexible, and don't mind doing whatever work the dog needs.
  20. SLB


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    Funnily enough the only breed my OH wouldn't have is a CC :lol: :lol: :lol:
  21. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    thats cos hes rubbish :016: :016: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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