Hollywood :-( (kirsten stewarts mum) General Chat

Discussion in 'Crossbreeds Forum' started by Tupacs2legs, Jul 2, 2010.

  1. Adam P

    Adam P

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    Couldn't get near the dog any other way, food didn't make him your friend just aggresisve, I suppose I could have let him starve for a few day/weeks until he came round to my way of thinking but as it was the initail unpleasentness was over in a few minutes and we then got to build a relationship.

    Btw show me a better way to save them and I will use it.

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  3. Lionhound


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    So in your mind there are only two choices.............shock him or starve him.

    Also for the first time I can recall you have admitted that your methods are unpleasant.

    Your last sentence also tells me that you do not believe that what you are doing is the best method of training but the only one that you are able to do. Without trying to be nasty, maybe you are just out of your depth dealing with these aggressive dogs.
  4. Adam P

    Adam P

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    Hi Lionhound

    I couldn't see any other wya to start a relationship with the dog really, certainly not one that would yeild relatively quick results.
    I could have spent a long time working him with body language in the yard but he was so aggresisve it wasn't really safe and the owners had reache dthe end with him

    The unpleasentness was when he attacked me and I had the slip lead on him, I use dit to hold him off and he coughed ect a bit, Once the collar was on I was able to loosen the lead and control him with a mixture of the lead and colalr, I also got a muzzle on straight away so as to ignore his aggresison.

    Re your last line, They'd called other people and been told to pts. So regardles sof my depth at least I made an effort.


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