History of the Greyhound - discussion Discussions

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by Patch, Feb 9, 2008.

  1. Malady


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    How on earth did you come to that conclusion ? :lol:
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  3. galty

    galty New Member

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    Did try in my very poor way to explain it in the post before yours.

    Medical speaking the GH is differant, but then some might say even with the reasons I have given that Im wrong.
  4. Malady


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    I've just looked and can't find your post explaining how the Grey is the only true dog :lol:

    Apologies, but if you look at the genetics of many decades of research have revealed you will see the Spitz breeds were the first 'true' dogs around ;-)
  5. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    And yet millions of non-Greys are in excellent health and live to good long ages. How come Greys don`t outlive all other breeds, going by your rather odd reasoning ?

    If a dog needed a transfusion, vets would use whichever matched regardless of the source breed. None of mine can be donors because they are not heavy enough and no other reason.
    Nero on here has Rotties who are donor`s.
    I don`t hear any vets screaming `no, that`s no good, bring me a Greyhound`.

    So the `superior breed` had problems with GA`s that were perfectly safe for other breeds - that does`nt make them superior, its not a valid point in any way toward your argument.

    Quote the source please, and its the second time you have used a sweeping derogatory term out of rude ignorance and clearly intended as inflammatory.
    Kindly desist.

    Your own flawed lack of sensible reasoning proves you wrong, I don`t need to make any effort to do so ;-)
  6. galty

    galty New Member

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    Post 60

    Take point, did say first "Suprime", using word true made it ambigous(sp)
  7. Malady


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    Errr, this also applies to many Northern Spitz breeds !!
  8. Malady


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    Do you mean Supreme ? or this a different medical word I dont know of ?

    Take point :

    The points you make in post 60 do not prove the GH is a Superior, Supreme or True dog !

    They just prove, as with many other breeds, that they are different in their genetic make-up !!

    What makes you think that being genetically different makes them Supreme or Superior ?
  9. galty

    galty New Member

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    Against the rules on this site to give links to other forums.

    Dont agree with it, but its the rules which I signed up to when becoming a member of this site, will respect that.

    So if you are interested it was a topic on DOGPAGES, so go find it your self, started by a tree hugger
  10. spot

    spot New Member

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    Would like to say that many greyhound/lurcher rescues also make appeals to those with greys to donate blood as yes they do make excellent donars. Many owners of rescue greys give blood regularly (well the dogs not the owners although they might as well)
  11. Jodie

    Jodie New Member

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    We are all earthlings on this planet Galty. You can be accused of specism with your statement.
    Specism is the act of placing higher moral or ethical value on one species over others, very similar to racism or sexism.
    We all have different talents and qualities, just because we admire certain qualities in one species it doesnt make them superior, in my humble opinion.
    And not surprisingly I agree with the tree huggers.
    Have not the greyhounds done enough for the industry without being forced into retirement to give blood?
    No.........they will literally bleed these poor greyhounds dry of anything that can be sold for a profit!
  12. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    I politely requested you desist with the deliberately antagonistic `tree hugger` crap.

    You then make it very clear you are aware of the rules you signed up to then you try to post such a link, deliberately and publicly flouting that rule.

    I can only conclude that the interests of the breed in the topic are far less important to you than your apparently greater desire to try to wind people up.
  13. galty

    galty New Member

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    Sorry Patch but only stated the name off the site, did not give a link.

    You conclude wrong.

    You want to ban racing which in the long run will see the GREYHOUND become extinct and you accuse me that this great dog is of no intrest to me.

    By the by

    When I went on the GREYHOUND Welfare March in Nov 2006 the Girl who runs GREYHOUND actionSCOTLAND when getting to speakers corner which is surrounded by trees said "MUST GO A HUG A TREE"
  14. Aunty Amanda

    Aunty Amanda New Member

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    My first post!

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