Has your dog ever had leg problems? Questions

Discussion in 'Alaskan Malamute' started by XxSTORMxX, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    As you are not sure of the name he has given it, I think I would phone the vet, (or even the nurse), and ask for the exact name of the condition he has diagnosed. This will allow you to do some more accurate research. Re-reading your posts it isn't even clear that the lameness we are discussing is actually in the hip. Have you had a word with his breeder about the problem? I do hope all goes well with your boy.
  4. XxSTORMxX

    XxSTORMxX New Member

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    I have just been talking to my partner about maybe getting a second opinion...he can remember the vet saying that if we took storm out for a walk then we would notice a limping by time we had come in from a walk and he is thinking about maybe testing that as my partner thinks he fine...I just cant get my head round how he seems normal, there has been no more limping still his playful self. I am going to try and contact the people we had storm off and see if there has been any problems with mum or dad and any of storms sisters or brothers. We will for sure go for a second opinion, we have a vets near us who we will contact next week and see what they say. Thank you for the links ect. More updates to come I guess. :) thank you all
  5. lovemybull

    lovemybull Member

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    Callie had a definite limp and the vet said it was a sprain common to certain breeds...not hip problems however. Callie is around 60 pounds, massive head, shoulders and chest with wittle bitty chicken sized back legs.
    Even getting up and down off our bed is a challenge for him. The steps, he tends to wipeout running around corners too fast. You know what makes me mad is the breeders who try to make even beefier bulls.
    If you look online there are some poor dogs bred intentionally to have twice the chest Callie has. I don't want to even imagine the orthopedic problems those dogs have. Fortunately he seems to recover from random sprains pretty quickly on his own. Hope your baby heals up soon, wishing you all the best.
    I give both pups Glucosamine supplement, I feel it has to help.

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