Vet rang they thought she had pancreatitis but the results have come back negative for that she has raised white blood cells so got an infection she's on a drip she's having antibiotic and pain relief the vet said she seems a bit brighter and there going to try her with some food and water and keep an eye on her tonight and ring me again in the morning. If she doesn't keep the food or water down they will do more tests tomorrow so fingers crossed she's now on the road to recovery. It's to quiet here with out her so I need her home.
Update on mills she's still at the hospital she managed to eat a bit of chicken this afternoon she's still on the drip and there doing more blood tests and a scan today I so hope she kept the chicken down. She must be missing us so much now when I rescued her she had lived in a cage for five years of her life. She has never been away from me since I so hope she doesn't think I have abandoned her it's so heart breaking thinking of her all alone in the vets if she can't come home tomorrow I'll ask if I can visit her and take her special toy and blanket in for her. I'm waiting for the vet to ring with the results it all seems to be a waiting game at the moment.
Oh I hope she keeps the chicken down - she'll feel so much better if she does. How awful to think of her early life living in a cage - I bet she couldn't believe her luck when she came to live with you. I hope you get the results soon - and that they're good. There's nothing worse than waiting.
Sorry to hear Millie is still at the vets, I think taking her favourite toys/blanket in will reassure her that's she's not been abandoned
Poor Millie - if you do take her favourite toys and blanket to her please tell her that I am sending her loads of cyber get-well-soon {{{vibes}}} (((hugs))) for you Carol xx
Millis is not responding at all this morning the vet is worried she's called a meeting with the partners for 12 o'clock it's not looking good I've told them I won't let her suffer at all I'm sitting her bawling me eyes out I'm taking some food out with me just incase I can tempt her but if there's no hope then I will put her to sleep thanks for all your kindness these last few days carol xx
I am so sorry. I pray that things aren't as bad as they look and that something can be done to help her.
Oh Carol, I am so sorry. I do hope one of the vets can come up with something else to try. Try to stay strong for the time being - not easy, we all know how it feels.
I am so sorry to hear this Carol - know that whatever happens we are with you and Millie. Feel that arm around your shoulders? That is us. Feel someone holding your hand? That is us. Because we care. (((hugs)))
Thank you malka and everyone it means a lot to know your all there. One of the partners operated last night to see if it was a blockage there wasn't but the bowel is very badly infected and angry looking. And that means it's either infection or cancer he took a biopsy that was sent off last night. Results will be back next week I went to see her today she's very down and still won't eat I've tried chicken scrambled egg and nature diet but she doesn't want to know I'm going again tomorrow I try some fish. Has anyone got any ideas what I can tempt her with there keeping her in until the results come back
Carol - do you normally feed raw? Only you posted a photo of your pugs enjoying raw meaty bones, so I wondered. Pereg, who is raw fed, is crazy about raw chicken or turkey liver, and a bit of that would be a perfect thing to get her to eat, so maybe poor little Millie would fancy a wee bit? Or maybe she just does not fancy eating after her surgery yesterday evening. Still praying for her - and once again (((hugs))) for you. xx
Have you tried baby food Chicken/ Turkey or Beef Stew, or canned tuna fish ,even a drop of peanut butter on your finger may start her off . You could also try some chicken soup, I used to add a couple of carrots and potatoes, once cooked I mashed or liquidised it,didn't make it to thick so they could lap it rather than try to eat .
Some great ideas I try sardines and yogurt and baby food tomorrow she's not eaten since Sunday she's being force fed and on a drip but I need to try to get her apatite back so she can come off the drip
Many dogs can be tempted to start eating with boiled ham. I also like to use chicken livers, they can either be cooked and hand fed in small soft pieces, or will mash easily with a little of the stock. If things start to pick up, you can then thicken with a little cooked mashed veg. Wishing little Millie all the best.