Oh I love this game See in the first photos I would have said a weeny touch of great dane with that head. But now I have to agree with others, Pointer/Dallie/staffy mix. Lovely though
Pointer x Lab, I don't see any Dally as most dally crosses I have seen personally have more defined spots or black patches or black and white dogs with a lot of black, white chests e.t.c. I have seen a litter of dal x lab and they were all splodgy b+w with some spotting and 2 were almost all black with some white. So if he had dally i'd expect more black spots, splodges, unless it was a lighter coloured dal, lemon/blue e.t.c Pointer mixes and even pointers have the lighter spots like that.
Yeah he does look a bit fox houndy doesnt he? That patch over his eye if you look closely is a faded tiger brindle patch which is also odd!!! Awww thanks for all your kind comments.... hes such a chump!
Really interesting question mishflynn... I *think* he hunts.... when he sees other dogs he goes low, croching down, neck extended, tail extended, staring and walking very slowly towards the other dog... as soon as he is a meter away he gets up, tail wagging!!!!! Its very odd and lots of different people have given different reasons for this. It sometimes scares other dogs and you see them going from welcoming to submissive. He sometimes acts a bit bully / staffy with other dogs, heckels up, shoulder barging - totting about - if you know what I mean He is normally in his own world but if you watch him he is trotting from point to point sniffing. He wont go far away from you but definately does his own thing. He isnt excited about food, toys, fetch / retrieve. He likes meeting other dogs unless they are dominant bullbreeds. Flies annoy him immensly and he will spend hours catching and eating them. He is the perfect host and will make friends with ANY dog bought into the house alot easilier than on the field. I think this maybe down to his original pub home. He guards a bit, will bark at the door and worries sometimes at small noises and has to come for a hug. Hes a plain old chump really!!!!!!
He is lovely! I think he is boxer x staffie with other bits and pieces in there. A bit like a jigsaw! Whatever he is he is gorgeous. xxx
Oh such a BEAUTIFUL dog I have only looked at the pics, and not any replies. At a finest guess I would strongly say American Bulldog X Dally or pointer.....
Hahahaha Have just read through the rest of the replies I have 4 American Bulldogs, and I would go as far as to say I am 101% sure he is at LEAST 50% American Bulldog. The chest, the muscles, and most certainly the back end.....Just like an American Bulldog. Looking at the shape of the face, he could even be more than 50% A.B if he was of Hines bloodline. I have a hines, who doesn't look much different to him - just more of a bully face and bulldoggy muzzle. I would lay my life he is American Bulldog, and wow, you have 1 fantastic looking dog there.....Give him a huge kiss ;-)
dunno but is a beauty, some bull breed poss am bulldog or staff x poss lab or pointer, difficult without seeing the size