Greyhound racing industry breeder disposes of puppies that wont chase! Controversial

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by Jodie, May 12, 2008.

  1. galty

    galty New Member

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  3. Jodie

    Jodie New Member

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    The only reason why the RGT are not anti racing is because they HAVE to defend the industry and HAVE to defend their funding from the industry.
    The very fact that the British Greyhound Racing Fund allocated only £1.4 million to the RGT, shows how irresponsible the industry are. From the RGT's latest accounts, it costs them on average £650 to re-home a greyhound, as there are now 10,000 greyhounds being registered on to NGRC tracks, it would mean the industry should fund the RGT to the tune of £6.5 million to ensure the welfare and re-homing of all the 10,000 NGRC greyhounds.


    And to accuse the antis of wanting dogs to die, is just obscene. We have tried to get the BGRF to re claim the near half a million pounds paid to Walthamstow in stadia improvement grants over the last 2 years and allocate this to a special fund for the retiring greyhounds when Walthamstow closes in August.
    We also appealled to the Chandlers to hand some of this funding back.
    We have had independent rescues on 'red alert' should the two re-homing organisations at Walthamstow not be able to cope with all the retiring greyhounds.
    Another sighthound forum has personally offered to donate funding to help in this situation.
    So please, retract that statement. Its untrue and offensive.
  4. galty

    galty New Member

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    Then they can but out and go back to YELLOW alert... LOL

    Taken from another site who REALLY care about what happens to the Walthamstow Dogs and issued this statment.

    BGRB Welfare Committee Chairman John Haynes and Welfare Officer Peter
    Laurie met yesterday with Walthamstow Stadium Directors Charles
    Chandler and Annie Aslett, together with Racing Manager Chris Page,
    Press Officer Paul Wynn and Barrie and Debbie Clegg, representing the
    Walthamstow Owners and Welfare Association.

    Laurie said: "It was a positive and constructive meeting, from which
    the clear message is that no greyhound is at risk as a result of the
    impending closure of Walthamstow Stadium. "The BGRB will work closely
    with Walthamstow to ensure that whatever resources are needed will be
    made available to safeguard the welfare of all greyhounds connected
    with the Stadium." "Walthamstow is fortunate to be affiliated with
    two outstanding rehoming schemes who are keen to continue their
    excellent work, placing retired greyhounds in loving homes. The
    schemes will receive financial support. "So too will trainers, on a
    case-by-case basis, as they are likely to be affected by the closure
    in different ways. We are hopeful that a number will be offered
    positions at other tracks and their greyhounds will be able to
    continue their racing careers. Others may retire and we will assist
    as appropriate in helping to rehome any greyhounds that cannot carry
    on racing with other trainers."

    For Walthamstow, Annie Aslett said: "I feel very confident that the
    people who attended the welfare meeting yesterday have the greyhounds
    and the trainers' best interests in mind and that between us all, any
    problems will be dealt with sensitively and efficiently" Barrie
    Clegg, speaking on behalf of the Walthamstow Owners and Welfare
    Association that held an emergency meeting on Tuesday evening
    added: "I would like to reassure everybody that both the association
    and I are deeply committed to remaining 'open for business' until the
    last Walthamstow greyhound has been successfully re-homed. I have
    reassured the trainers that we are here to help them and we will
    remain here to help them for as long as it takes. "I am in regular
    contact with the RGT, the track, the BGRB and other interested
    parties and I am extremely confident that, provided we all pull
    together for the good of our beloved greyhounds, no greyhound is at
    risk. "Now is not the time for sensationalism. It is the time to
    secure funding and to plan how that funding will be best spent to
    guarantee the futures of each and every greyhound. "We are currently
    trying to establish numbers so that we can plan for every
    eventuality. This is a forever changing picture as trainers' futures
    become clearer. "The critical matter as I see it is now one of
    finance and I will be seeking confirmation from all stakeholders
    exactly how much money will be made available and when it will be
    made available to enable us to do the job as professionally as we
    have done in the past. I will be asking that the figure is made known
    to me at the earliest possible opportunity and well before the track

    Sun May 25, 2008 8:52 am

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  5. Jodie

    Jodie New Member

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    You didnt address the issue of the industry failing to fund the RGT adequately.
    There is a shortfall of over £5 million pounds to ensure the re-homing of NGRC greyhounds.
    How can you justify this from an industry that makes gross profits of £18 billion on the backs of these exploited greyhounds.
  6. spot

    spot New Member

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    Galty I apologise for my mistake, it should of read thousands a year and I don’t understand why you think that’s funny, however I did say dogs not all greyhounds. The amount of greys going into rescue is of course filling spaces for other breeds, crosses etc.

    However (and you knew it was coming) the fact is that thousands of dogs are pts every year and the rescue situation with greyhounds is not helping that. I don’t know how you feel about the breeding situation but hand on heart I feel that far too many greys are being bred for either the industry to cope with or rescues to deal with either and these dogs have to go somewhere, either pts by a vet, sent to spain or china, or dealt with by the likes of David Smith. You may think he’s a saint but IMO he and those who used him are far from it.

    Even for the ones put into rescue there are just not enough homes for them.

    Again I respect your opinion and would like to think you would respect mine even if you disagree with a vengeance

    Im sorry Bajaluna I don’t quite understand your point, I have already done that, Ive fostered, transported and even picked up unwanted dogs from trainers.

    What is it you want me to do more? Yes I could go and troll the streets for more dogs but what is it you want me to do with them? Rescues are all full, the RGT has a waiting list as do other rescues with close ties with the industry.

    I would really like to hear your input on what can resolve the problem with overbreeding these dogs and the way out of it given the problems with rescues being full at the moment.

    It has been put to the appropriate people for years and very little has been done to change things – hence the frustration, the rules have never been enforced and are still not.

    Im not trashing the industry to you – Im voicing an opinion on a dog forum, it’s a discussion site why should I not be allowed to put my point across just because you don’t agree with it. I also don’t understand the need to insulting and accusing people of having some sort of mental health problem – why because they do not toe the line of your world vision?

    Absolutely byb’s puppy farmers etc should be targeted I have no problem with that at all. However rescues are not there to pick up the pieces of all of them. How would you stop them if you don’t try and educate people not to get dogs from these sort of places? I still don’t understand why its rescues fault.

    How would you describe a responsible breeder?

    I don’t think anyone has spouted bull at all I think most have kept the discussion sensible and polite, yes it gets slightly heated but few have resorted to insults.

    You may send rescues money – many many people do! They also help in other ways, money is not everything to a rescue – trying to educate people also helps, home checking, transporting and fostering are hugely beneficial to rescues and again many on here do all that and more. And trying desperately to find homes – which are not there in the numbers that are needed to rehome all the greyhounds being bred!

    Can you show me a direct link to that fact? Indeed there are good and bad in all walks of life, however in most instances the problems is attempted to be dealt with – not just brushed under the carpet. Im sorry if you have only learned from reading these threads I thought you were going to research things for yourself.

    Do you really think that a few sponsored walks are going to help all the dogs in rescue, yes build more kennels but for what so that more dogs can live out their lives in rescue? It all very well blaming rescues and saying they should do more but what they cannot do is make homes available for all the dogs currently being bred by the greyhound industry so what is to happen to the dogs – stay in rescue? So tell me where are the homes going to come from for all these dogs?

    You are entitled to your opinion that people who are trying to make a difference are nuts but do you need to be quite so insulting?

    Yes and they said the same about fox hunting. Many greyhound tracks are used for other sports as well, so that’s a bit of a non starter, actually it’s the bookies that make the big bucks out of this sport.

    For many of the dogs its their whole lives as well.

    I have already agreed that there are some involved who truly love their dogs but do not understand why people who are against the mass breeding of greyhounds and want the commercial side taken out of the equation are making it worse, surely the over population is the problem here.

    I too love my dogs and I shudder to think what could of happened to them, one after a fairly lucrative career the other dumped due to a broken toe.

    You again have to resort to insults and I really don’t think its necessary to question someones mental health to get your points across.

    Again its all very well saying build more kennels etc but where does the money come from and lets face a sponsored walk is not going to pay the thousands this would cost and

    two where are all the homes going to come from?
  7. spot

    spot New Member

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    Galty thats not a quote your using there is it?:grin:
  8. galty

    galty New Member

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    Please feal free to Quote me, but it would be nice if you would use the thread that you got that Quote from, do relise that there are two threads ongoing at the moment and others have stated before that they find it a bit confusing.

    My point on your statment about thousands of dogs PTS to sleep a day I took that you where refering to Greyhounds and pointed out to Malady that the other thread was to be kept on topic as asked by Admin.

    Does look like you are quoting from both threads, would help if in the future you could use the thread that quotes are from.

    Thank you
  9. spot

    spot New Member

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    Galty I think if you go back to page 15 on this thread you will find your post which I quoted.

    I am aware that there are 2 threads and try to respond accordingly

    I find that the mods on here usually do a pretty good job of allowing threads to develop how they will until completely off topic and as both these threads are basically about greyhounds and the racing industry I imagine that they find the acceptable, I am sure they will be watching the threads and act accordingly when they feel the rules are being broken. I would raise this point again though regarding dogs being pts each year.

    However (and you knew it was coming) the fact is that thousands of dogs are pts every year and the rescue situation with greyhounds is not helping that. I don’t know how you feel about the breeding situation but hand on heart I feel that far too many greys are being bred for either the industry to cope with or rescues to deal with either and these dogs have to go somewhere, either pts by a vet, sent to spain or china, or dealt with by the likes of David Smith. You may think he’s a saint but IMO he and those who used him are far from it.

    Even for the ones put into rescue there are just not enough homes for them.

    The rest of my points were in response to Bajaluna but if you wish to respond regarding where the homes are supposed to come from to cover the amount of greyhounds being bred for the industry please feel free.

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