Greyhound, outdoor living? Questions

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by richwsmith, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. GreyhoundsGoMoo

    GreyhoundsGoMoo New Member

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    Oh, and one more thing.
    We walk our dogs (greyhounds) at around 7:00 each morning. I get home around 16:00. They are absolutely fine as long as you let them outside as soon as you get home. They just sleep all day!!
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  3. richwsmith

    richwsmith New Member

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    That's good to hear from someone who already has a similar setup.

    I've been hearing about these dog flaps and corresponding collars that work off infra-red. The flap remains closed and secure until the dog is in proximity. This would be the best of both worlds as the dog would have the choice whether it wants to be inside or out.

    Saying that, it seems opinion is split as to whether or not it is appropriate to leave the dog without human interaction for that length of time (despite the fact all the dogs are left far longer than this at the Trust).

    I commute past my partner’s parent’s house every day. Since my last post, having discussed our predicament, they have suggested that most days, they’d be happy to have the dog (my partners mum only works 6 – 9 am). Unfortunately, they live about 30 minutes into my 45 minute commute, so it would mean the dog travelling in the car for that long each way on those days. However, the journey is mostly country roads, no standing in traffic, or starting and stopping etc.

    Additionally, they have a Springer Spaniel that is truly spoilt and might not take kindly to another dog suddenly arriving. The people at the Trust believe there wouldn’t be an issue and they would likely stay out of each other’s way, but clearly some trial runs would be necessary,

    Some more food for thought in any case.
  4. GreyhoundsGoMoo

    GreyhoundsGoMoo New Member

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    That sounds like a good setup. Our dogs are absolutely fine in the car, and we travel to the nearby greyhound kennels and transport dogs all over the place and i have never met a greyhound who doesn't LOVE the car. 30 minutes is fine to be honest with you. We have had greyhounds in the car for about 6 hours and they loved it!!
  5. Reisu

    Reisu New Member

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    I never met one that didn't like a car ride either, presumably because that's how a lot of them get to the track! Jobie tried to get into a random sranger's car instead of coming on his nice walk in the park with me once :twisted: i have no idea how some trainers get away with it, you see them in a car with the back seats down and four or five dogs just standing freely in the back, all flopping around when they break :shock: still they seem to like it! 30 minutes would be absolutely fine :grin:
  6. richwsmith

    richwsmith New Member

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    We had Ash the Greyhound for 5 days last week. She is the most anxious and barky dog at the trust. Despite that, she adapted excellent to home living. We are still in the house without the garden but decided that outdoor living was inappropriate anyway.

    She’s already toilet trained, has been taught not to pull on the lead and doesn’t show signs of suffering separation anxiety due to being away from the other dogs.

    The only small issue is some anxiety when we leave the room (a little whine, trot around then return to her bed). We are getting her again this weekend and intend to try and gradually leave the room for increasingly longer periods and try making disapproving ‘shhh’ noises when she does whine. We saw this on the dog whisperer, anyone had success with similar techniques?

    The long-term plan is to walk the dog for 20 minutes of a morning at 8.30am, return at 12.30pm for a 10 minute walk and feeding as well as half an hours company and then a long walk at 5.30pm when we return.

    How does this sound to people?

    It was extremely difficult to see her muzzled and returned to her pen after behaving so well with us.
  7. spot

    spot New Member

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    To be honest this may not even be a problem in the long run as you only had her for a few days it is more likely settling in anxiety, to me its very very early days to judge any behaviour in the home yet.

    Im not sure why you need to start correcting her immediately over this one issue. IME greys are extremely sensitive and very rarely is there any need for over correction. It sounds to me like you just need to work up to leaving her longer and more reward when she does what you want that immediately start with aversive methods, if this turns out to be a problem once the settling in period is well and truly over. Again I would certainly give her a lot longer to settle before judging anything to be a problem (or not a problem) yet.

    The rest of the plan sounds fine and I hope she settles well with you. It must of been very difficult to let her go back!
  8. richwsmith

    richwsmith New Member

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    Hi Spot.

    OK, that makes sense. The only reason I was initially quick to correct this is that we unfortunately won't have the luxury of being able to take a whole week off work.

    Turns out I've managed to get the Monday and Tuesday off as well as my partner having the Friday so we will have more opportunity to try a gradual approach than we thought.

    She is very sensitive like you say and the last thing I'd want is for her to become intimated by me since I already have a trust that she doesn't seem to have with other men. She was apparently mistreat and rescued as an 'emergency' due to her circumstances being so dire.
  9. GreyhoundsGoMoo

    GreyhoundsGoMoo New Member

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    That's a brilliant idea, its safe with Ash being inside, and she has some company at lunch time.
  10. richwsmith

    richwsmith New Member

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    Ash chilling out in the corner of the room:

  11. Hali

    Hali New Member

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    Aww, bless, she already looks right at home.:)

    When do you get her back again?
  12. richwsmith

    richwsmith New Member

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    Get her back on Friday morning. My girlfriend is now taking half days the rest of the week so we can get a full 9 days with her (or even forever, all things being equal!)
  13. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    Shes a darling - well done to you for taking her on bless her. I'm sure she will be fine, i have had my girl Kym for 10 months now and she has settled brilliantly. So much so that as of yesterday i have a male greyhound Dave that i am fostering.

    The make excellent pets and have lovely natures. Good luck to you x
  14. richwsmith

    richwsmith New Member

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    Thanks all for the advice and best wishes. I'll keep you informed of progress next week.
  15. whippetrus

    whippetrus New Member

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    Personally keeping a greyhound outside during good weather is not something I would do. As was previously said in this topic noise could be an issue if they are used to company. I just feel that this type of dog would be happier indoors with access to a garden than outside.
  16. richwsmith

    richwsmith New Member

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    We've had her since June and she lives exclusively indoors. Wouldn't have it any other way.

  17. Insomnia

    Insomnia New Member

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    How's Ash doing now? Read the thread with interest, and so glad it's worked out :)

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