I stopped looking at the ingredients now & am sticking to food I know my hooligans & Skye will eat, I paid £46 for a 10kg bag of food because it was according to a web site compare site one of the best dog food around as it didn't have any colouring or E numbers in it, problem was non of my lot touched it & i ended up putting it out for the foxes, so I went back to Butchers at least I know they will eat that food, I feed K9 Fish4dogs as he won't touch meat or any dry food with hint of meat in it.
thankyou guys for being so helpfull. i think this is something thats going to take me a lot of research as i really havnt a clue what im doing and i also need to look at how much it all cost as £40 a month is about as much as i can afford. Also worried about if something is to complicated my hubby wont do it right he barely remembers the cod liver oil caps