Good news that breaks my heart General Chat

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by HiHoSilver, Feb 20, 2011.

  1. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    I haven't kept goats before!! BUT I'm a nurse in a hospital so I'm immune to smelly stuff!! Except sick!!:blush:
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  3. HiHoSilver

    HiHoSilver New Member

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    Goats feet are worse - they make the worst vomit you can imagine smell like the heavenly dew...Honest.They're amazing creatures and quite wonderful - but only from the ankles up!
  4. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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  5. wilbar

    wilbar New Member

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    Too bl**dy right I would:). It's my dream if I ever win the lottery! But thank heavens for people like you (& your long-suffering missus:grin:) who are able to pick up the pieces for these poor animals & give them the chance of a happy life.

    I don't suppose you want to hear it, but if Pooh & the other greys can find kind loving homes that will give them a happy life, then maybe you could save whatever space you have for the poor damaged dogs that would have less chance of being rehomed? They really need you ~ you may be their only hope?
  6. HiHoSilver

    HiHoSilver New Member

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    You me and my missus are of one mind in this wilbar!Hope you ALL win a lottery!
    Pooh,Billy,Goliath,Evvie,Aoife,Mrs Snoot,Shakira andTyler WILL all be going,they'll find wonderful homes - where there's a lot less competition for a lap!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2011
  7. k9paw

    k9paw New Member

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    Have been reading n following all of this n think you n your missus from what have read do a brilliant job in helping dogs (n cats) overcome many fears n miss understandings (if don't mind saying so) in order for them to find loving n caring homes, even though must be very hard for you to see them go. Many true/fundamental? n important aspects of life are sadly very much forgotten in this day and age.
    Best wishes
  8. HiHoSilver

    HiHoSilver New Member

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    The rescue turned up unexpectedly for the greys today and they had bad news,only 4 of them were booked for homes.What could I do?
    YES POOH STAYED!The missus just laughed...
    Place is going to feel very empty tonight without the others.:roll:
  9. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    YAY!!!! Hoorah for Pooh!!:mrgreen: :mrgreen: You're gonna keep this one aren't you?!!:p
  10. HiHoSilver

    HiHoSilver New Member

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    I am now!:-o If I ever manage to get the cable to connect camera to computer I have before and after photos.I'm so proud of him.He looks amazing now - bones covered,coat shining and smug expression!The way he's eating now I suspect he'll end up fat.Now that his tummy has stretched he's making up for lost time I guess.Next is to get him fit,he was too weak for exercise before.He'll be off for the chop soon too,again he was too thin to consider neutering.
    He's a blue brindle which I suppose is a nice match for my old blue lady.
    He's certainly happy to be staying.He was confused and a little worried to see his friends go today,he may well have bad memories of such things - or thought he was next perhaps, but once they were out of sight he cheered up and went back to his supper.
  11. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    Aw bless you for being so wonderful!! I'm so glad you're keeping him! He sounds beautiful! I can't wait to see the photos.
    Thank goodness for people like you:002: xx
  12. HiHoSilver

    HiHoSilver New Member

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    It was funny when they were picked up today,the driver kept going on about what great condition they were in.He should have seen them 6 weeks ago...
  13. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    Have you got photos of all of them? I hope so...can't get enough of them.
    I have to're very good being able to part with them. My only effort at fostering was our new lurcher Poppy and I knew when she arrived that I couldn't part with her!!:roll:
  14. HiHoSilver

    HiHoSilver New Member

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    Only took photos of Pooh when he first arrived (so that I could prove he was like that when I got him as opposed to his condition being because of me!)The weather has been too lousy for pic taking otherwise,it's hardly stopped raining for weeks.
    And I'm not all THAT good - I ended up keeping the Pooh Bear when I said I wouldn't!
  15. Vicki6344


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    Yay for Pooh! :049:
  16. Fivedogpam

    Fivedogpam New Member

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    It sounds to me as though you were meant to keep Pooh! Thank goodness for folk like you and your wife - yes, I am envious of you too but I'm not sure I cope with dogs like your rottie!
  17. HiHoSilver

    HiHoSilver New Member

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    You may be right.Even in his improved state Pooh was nowhere near the best looking of the gaggle,nor most affectionate or funny.Something about him though..
    Please don't call Romeo the rott MINE!
    Although I suspect you're right about that too.He's not exactly an 'in demand' type on a Dogs Needing Homes list.
    I like rotties,always have,and I've had 8 of them (not all at once!) over the years.Romeo and Shakira are numbers 9 and 10.
    I've never had one from a puppy,they've all been over 3yrs old when they came to me and ALL of them had people aggression issues on arrival.I've been quite badly frightened initially of some of them - Romeo included! But I've never been attacked or bitten by any of them, the scary ones have threatened me but that's it.
    He's now acting like a bit dopey puppy (typical rott behaviour regardless of age) and barely growled at the gh rescue people yesterday.
    There's a long way to go before I'd trust him loose around people but the early signs are encouraging.
  18. HiHoSilver

    HiHoSilver New Member

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    Pooh Bear update.You all knew it long before I was ready to admit it.PB was meant to be a keeper.Now that he looks like a greyhound again the progress is astounding.Even since yesterday when his friends left (that rattled him) he's realised this is a forever place for him.Prior to that he seemed to be waiting for the other boot to fall.Now he's all cocky.THIS is MY spot on the bed.This is MY food bowl.I don't have to steal food or snatch treats.He's still a gentle sweet boy - more so now that the desperate air has gone.He swaggers around the place (he cringed everywhere before)He pushes aside the mastiffs at the door (they don't mind) and he tells the boxer to sod off when she tries to steal HIS spot on my lap.Great - now I have a boxer,2 terriers and a greyhound on my lap on the sofa.Just as well there's nothing on the tele of interest.I can't see the screen!They'd make a better door than a window..
    The missus,bless her heart,sits in serene isolation on her armchair and brings tea at half hour intervals to her swamped husband and I swear to God she'll die of a hernia from her gallant efforts to not laugh at her fool of a husband!We've been married 40 years now and although I was more of an eejit at 18 than I am now(hard to believe I know)I got one thing right - I picked a good un!:grin:
  19. wilbar

    wilbar New Member

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    Your lucky lucky dogs:lol:

    So glad to hear the Poo has settled in so well.

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