Dobermann Discussions

Discussion in 'Dobermann' started by Discussion Thread, Apr 29, 2004.

  1. Clob


    Likes Received:
    Denis Carthy
    Trouble 21
    Think we can discuss anything to do with the breed to be honest

    What in a 'working dog' forum? - I thought VW was a health forum topic.
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  3. mustards mum

    mustards mum New Member

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    Sorry I misunderstood, I thought that Dobes were working in general Mental Health Therapy on a regular basis.

    I would have been facinated to hear if that was the case as I can so see how Dobes would help people relax and having an inteligent dog can only help anyone with learning difficulties.

    Lovely photos :grin:

    eta serious spelling mistakes there but too tired to type more than this apology.
  4. Clob


    Likes Received:
    Denis Carthy
    Mustards Mum
    I thought Dobes were working in general Mental Health Therapy on a regular basis.

    I really dont know about the modern situation, I think the modern units are quite small and more for mild revolving door patients but I am not at all sure of how things are now.

    That was in one of the old psychiatric hospitals with a secure unit for the criminaly insane, late 80's.

    He was allowed on several wards by about 9 months, including a locked ward for short lengths of time, no more than 1/2 hour, most times less.

    The only other dogs that came in from time to time were some selected labs but their drives were quite low and they tended to go under a table after an hour or so. Not many of them, they mainly worked on the milder wards,to nervy when an episode broke out on the volatile wards/units.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2006
  5. Trouble

    Trouble Member

    Likes Received:
    Well Azz moved it to here, so i guess so.:shock:
    its working dogs as a group, not necessarily only dogs that work, if you follow. like terriers as a group. am i making any sense?
  6. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

    Likes Received:
    Yes you can discuss Breed specific issues in this thread/section.

    The health & wellbeing sections etc are there if you want to ask questions about your dogs health/behaviour etc
  7. Clob


    Likes Received:
    Denis Carthy
    Trouble 21
    its working dogs as a group, not necessarily only dogs that work

    Yes that makes sense - but as far as health, reasonably predictable temprament throughout the breed here etc you will not get that untill there is a ZTP and that simply will not happen here.

    VW is a problem here, more than most realize.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2006
  8. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

    Likes Received:
    What do the abbreviations stand for Clob?
  9. Clob


    Likes Received:
    Denis Carthy
    Hi eRaze,
    VW is Von Wilderbarbds diesease, its sort of like heamophilia, in some young dogs they only need a slight tap and they start internal bleeding (rare) but it occures maybe more in later life, the dog might be bleeding slightly here and there and no one knows about it.

    Pure opinion only but I suspect many of these 'sudden onset of being down' resulting in death over a 1 or 2 weeks period could well be puut down to VW in older Dobes, they are quite prone to showing signs of old age with a slow (normal) progression but an awfull lot of them suddenly deteriorate fast over a week or so and then they are gone.

    ZTP is a fit for breeding test for all Dobes throughout Europe - there is one other alternative (simlar) and all dogs must have tests for herditory conditions, HD is complusory everywhere in Europe, VW in some and cataract, more or less anything suspect as a problem must be tested. In Germany the HD score for Dobes is HD free or HD1 max.

    If the dogs dont pass the working and hereditory tests they are classed as unfit to breed and don't get a fit for breeding licencefrom the breed registration club. In Dobes there is an extensive temprament test in the working test.The conformation test involved is equaly stringent, they check them with a tape measure if in doubt, it eliminates passing on poor structure which could cause health problems.

    All working breeds have one everywhere in Europe (even dogs such as Dachunds, must do blood trails etc) but I dont know the tests for other breeds.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2006
  10. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

    Likes Received:
    How does 13mths sound? A dog tested a carrier too!!

    Re health tests. I would want to see a normal thyroid, thats a FULL panel, not just T4 levels, a clear PHPV eye test every 12mths, Hip score, VWD status, Possible neck score (although Vets dont seem to be doing it so much now) and a Doppler heart scan. Apart from the hip score, VWD and neck score, I would want all of the others tested on a yearly basis and on BOTH parents.

    Re ZTP testes, definately! The temperament on a lot of the Dobes in this country is poor, which is why when the continental imports came in people had problems! They now had a Dobermann, not a pet that wouldnt even defend its owner when they were threatened, all very sad.

  11. Clob


    Likes Received:
    Denis Carthy
    Dawn Quoted
    but it occures maybe more in later life,

    Yes, I put it across quite badly – I meant the condition probably starts to cause medical problems more often than not as the dogs gets into their later years and the immune system and body starts to decline in general as the result of ageing.

    The temperament on a lot of the Dobes in this country is poor,

    Tests are non existent except by a few individuals for their own needs to know, however, I am not sure the temprament is at fault, its the training abilties/methods etc that might be at fault.

    which is why when the continental imports came in people had problems!

    My dogs are all Euro dogs. In late 70’s – 80’s they were mixed as close to Euro as possible at that time.

    They now had a Dobermann, not a pet that wouldnt even defend its owner when they were threatened, all very sad.

    I don’t have anything to do with UK breeding etc but I am picking up this past couple of years that there is a growing problem with Euro imports being mixed with UK show dogs and then sold on to people who are only suited to a steroetypical, quietish pet dog, is that true? (that there are growing problems).

    I have also picked up that the Dobe rescues are now almost full again, as a result of the above, and that some of the more recently established Dobe rescues will not take dogs which have developed aggression, is that true?

    I will probably mate my own bitch with a dog from a pure working stock dog within this next 12 months but at the moment I cant see me finding suitable homes outside Europe.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2006
  12. Clob


    Likes Received:
    Denis Carthy
    I got something wrong - they are allowed HD free, HD 1 & HD 2 in Germany
  13. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

    Likes Received:
    Hi Clob.
    Ever been to any of the temperament tests here for Dobes? Its ridiculous. Dogs who are scared of umbrellas, and dogs that would allow people in their cars, and to date I have NEVER seen a Dobermann defend its owner from a direct threat, its dreadful.

    I am a huge fan of the Continental bred Dobermann, they have the true Dobermann temperament, there is no way a Dobe in Germany would be allowed to be bred from if it backed away from anything, these dogs should be bold and fearless. My close friend has 4 Dobes at present, 3 are full continental, one is half and half, all possess true character.

    Dobes were bought in here from the continent some years ago, as we were losing the head quality in the breed, the european dogs have super heads and the heads here have largely been improved, but with the head came the brain, and yes, acting as the breed should, many sold to pet homes proved difficult in novice hands, and consequently could of ended up in rescue. I was involved with Dobe rescue for years, I had one myself, I cant tell you what the situation is now though.

    Nice talking to you Clob!:grin:

    Edited, forgot to add this pic, this is my boss's Dobe, 1/3 English 2/3 Continental. Super dog, nothing phases him, a true gent, but NOT silly!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2006
  14. Clob


    Likes Received:
    Denis Carthy
    I am a huge fan of the Continental bred Dobermann,

    Arrggghhh - carry on like that and you'll soon be as unpopular as me :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

    I will reply to the rest when I have time, great photo, can you tell me the weight of that dog, he has plenty 'presence'. I just sent a PM.
  15. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

    Likes Received:
    Thanks Clob, at the last weigh in, I think he was 94lbs, my boss will correct that if its wrong and she sees it!:lol:

    This is him too.



    He was bred by my friend.
  16. DobieGirl

    DobieGirl New Member

    Likes Received:
    What is wrong with having a 'silly' Dobermann? :?
  17. Trouble

    Trouble Member

    Likes Received:
    Natalie yours is a puppy don't take it personally.:grin:
    Sydney is never phased by anything either, it's the training that's the important part in my ever so humble opinion.:lol:
  18. DobieGirl

    DobieGirl New Member

    Likes Received:
    I'm not taking it personally ;-) . I know someone who had 2 dobies and they were the most silliest dogs i'd ever met, but in a good way? if that makes sense?
  19. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    What do you mean by silly Natalie? I was not referring to anyones dogs on here, I dont know any of them and also I was not referring to a puppy.
  20. DobieGirl

    DobieGirl New Member

    Likes Received:
    Erm Clumsy....? a bit clown-ish.

    I thought your thread meant that Continetal dogs do not poses this quality :)
  21. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dobes are big clowns, you misunderstood me.

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