Do you think they will extend the DDA? BSL

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by Adele4dan, Jan 5, 2007.

  1. bullterrier

    bullterrier New Member

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    Another way of getting money from us, dog attacks will carry on(apparently Labs are the worst offenders). Can`t see the Staff being put on the Dangerous Dogs List, it`s the third most popular dog breed in Britain. Im more worried about the Bullterrier, let`s face it most people automatically believe that because they "look vicious" that they are. Also they`re only no.20 on the popularity list, so the government would get little comeback from the voters.
    The police & council experts are a joke, wouldn`t trust them to be able to tell a standard poodle from a minitiaure poodle.
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  3. Stamford

    Stamford New Member

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    There is no reason at the moment to believe that any breed will be added to the DDA list in this country.But and this is only my opinion if European countries have any influence then in the future we may well see Staffords and others added.Germany has a list as long as your arm and they are pushing for others to follow in their footsteps.:evil:
  4. bullterrier

    bullterrier New Member

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    Has anybody noticed how the Germans didn`t ban any of the German breeds(I don`t believe they should have banned any dogs), seems a that they haven`t heard the word hypocrite & the term double standards. They tried to push their ban E.U. wide through the E.U. courts but didn`t succeed. If they had their way we would only be allowed dogs under a certain weight and height( unless they were German breeds). What a boring world it would be.
  5. Jenny234

    Jenny234 New Member

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    i dont think theres any reason to believe that staffies and the like wont be added to the list, im pretty sure alot of the european countries have already done so and so has canada?

    its the uk next, and i find it so very worrying :(
  6. muttzrule

    muttzrule New Member

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    In the areas of the US with "pitbull" bans, this includes all varieties of staffordshire bull terrier. English, Irish or American. :(

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