Do you allow your Beagle to sniff on walks?? Questions

Discussion in 'Beagle' started by AmyH-Cornwall, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    OP means original poster!!!

    I am sure you will do a good job of raising your baby, you will have a few set backs, here and there.

    Regards letting him sniff, he is a Beagle, he has to be allowed to do what he is programmed to do.

    But I am sure you will find a happy medium, without having to check in with CM... if you are lead walking on roads, then ofcause you wont to get to where you are going without having to follow your Beagles nose all the time, but you can allow him to sniff here and there... otherwise whats the fun for him.

    But if you are off road walking , and whether or not you have him on or off lead, he wil be in Beagle heaven with all the scents around, so allowing him to have a good old sniff (while on a long lead) will allow him to use his instincts.

    BTW.. sniffing on a walk is not a Beagle monopoly :lol:

    I have two Boxers, can do a round the block road walk with both of mine..with one it will take me 20 Min's... the other could take an hr, if I allow him to do as he wants... sniffing and peeing on every blade of grass, lamppost, gatepost, and anything inbetween:shock: :shock:

    Sometimes I allow it sometimes I dont, all depends on what time I have at the time.

    So a little common sense is required, and you dont need to be regimental in your regime with him.
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  3. Hannaho

    Hannaho New Member

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    i let my beagles sniff all the time i dont know how i could stop them if i wanted too - its bred into them its what they do and i cant see there being a problem with it they seem really happy when there sniffing somin intresting.

    i take them biking with me to so when they start running they dont sniff as much as normal.

    i play games with my two and there noses i hide treats around my house and let them find them its really cute to watch plus they love it gives them soming to do aswell.


    JIMMY LAW New Member

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    I have two Beagles, if i am walking them off the lead, they can sniff where they want, if it looks like they are sniffing something dead or look like they are going to roll in something nasty, my command of leave is understood and they will come away.If i am walking and they are on the lead this is where it can be difficult with constant sniffing.What i do is walk them on the road road side where there less items such as walls,gates,trees lamp posts etc.Then when it suits i flip onto my other side and then they can sniff away.
  5. Bonwillan

    Bonwillan New Member

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    Thats very similar to how I walk our 3 Beagles. I have 2 on one side and 1 on the other. I swap them around so they all have a chance of a sniff. If I do not want then to sniff I give a 'leave it' command and then tell them to 'get on'. Then then walk without sniffing much.
  6. t1ger1977

    t1ger1977 New Member

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    I agree and yes a Beagle is a scent dog but they also have to follow rules, boundaries and limitations. I think training a Beagle to walk then be allowed to scent as a reward for a good walk along the way is excellent and also providing scent games to focus their breed desire. You cannot allow a dog to do as it pleases when it pleases. A dog should be a dog first and then the breed, after all breed is not destiny!
  7. Johnclick

    Johnclick Member

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    I allowed Joe Buck (now deceased) to sniff on walks all the time. Pikey (recently adopted) is also allowed the same privilege. I draw the line when he stops and starts wallowing. The primary reason I walk the dog is for the benefit of the dog. If your dog happens to be a Beagle, walking without sniffing is an unpleasant experience.
  8. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Ed has two distinct phases on his walks - working, and relaxing. Working is practising his attention to me, heelwork position, and polishing up his stays, recall, and retrieve. Interspersed with this are 'Go be a Dog' sessions, when he is allowed to play with toys, other friendly dogs, and to follow his sniffy instincts (within reason of course!). Seems to work for us.
  9. lovemybull

    lovemybull Member

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    I don't know from Cesar but we had a beagle for awhile who was eventually rehomed. His motto was "Must sniff every molecule". One block of sidewalk could take an hour and I am not exaggerating here. My boy now is an AmBull and he can sniff awhile too. But yeah I think with some dogs you're wise to set limits.

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