Did they turn out how you expected/wanted? Discussions

Discussion in 'Crossbreeds Forum' started by SLB, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. rubyjay

    rubyjay New Member

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    I am of the older generation were pure breed dogs were a rarety. Being at home all day I have been looking for a mixed breed dog as a companion and not expensive to purchase,but dogs dont roam anymore so it is the mixed breed that is a rarety now...My daughter knew of someone who's bitch had an unplanned litter so this is how I came to get likle Alfie, His mother is a Shih Tzu and his father is a Chihuahua...He is so cute and not a bit of trouble although very mischievous lol :p
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I wanted another small dog. Preferably even smaller than Little One. I did see Pereg's dog mom at the Shelter and thought Pereg might end up a bit bigger than her [no idea of mom's breed and dad was unknown] - but Pereg grew. :shock: And grew. :shock: And grew! :lol:
  4. Chris

    Chris Member

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    My Jade was supposed to be a JRT cross. She actually turned out to be an inch or so taller than my Border Collie, bless her :)

    Both were my babies for many, many years and I miss them both so much -despite my 'ickle dog turning out to be not so 'ickle after all :)

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