Come on, who owns/has ever owned a Lurcher/longdog. General Chat

Discussion in 'Lurcher Forum' started by chaz, Aug 26, 2010.

  1. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    Well we have Cassie who we got from the dogs trust nearly 3 years ago now. Here she is:


    We think she is a collie greyhound with a dash of EBT but will never really know. She is a bit of a snob and the lady of the house but we love her to bits. I dont think we will ever be without a lurcher :)
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  3. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    GreyhoundK its always nice to see Bella and Kym :), they are a gorgeous pair of girls, Claire its such a shame you had to lie so much to give Leo a great home, and I'm saying that writing on my phone with a rabbit on my lap and my two hounds laid on their bed ;) there are many lurchers who live with cats, and just saying no to a home with cats could be dening so many hounds a home, and with rabbits they can be kept away from hounds too. Razcox I think you know what I think of Cassie :mrgreen:.
  4. Phil

    Phil Fondly Remembered

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    Cats !

    I love them.



    It's them with issues

  5. lurcherlass

    lurcherlass New Member

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    I have 2 rescued lurchers,have loads of fun with them,love them to bits.I am also a volunteer for the retired greyhound trust.Sighthound/longdog everytime for me from now on :grin:

    Jess...saluki x ???

    Lester...whippet x ??

  6. Misty-Pup

    Misty-Pup New Member

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    Sarah x
    OH and I aquired our first lurcher in April this year.

    Snipe is a collie, bedlington, greyhound cross deerhound, greyhound. He was 5 months old when he came to live with us! :)

    I've not been up in Scotland from the end of April and I'm still not home, but the first few weeks we had him, I was there, and he was all legs!!!! I wasn't used to such a wiggley bouncy large puppy! :) Have seen him once since, and he's still a lovely boy, thinks he's a gundog, as he lives down the gundog kennels and OH takes him out dogging in! He spends all his time with the gundogs! He's a bit confused! Hoping to get him out on a few shoot days as a beating dog when I move back up! :)

    Few days after wo got him! :)

    In July, about to go for his walk! :)

    Don't really have many pics of him, will get some when I am next at home! :)

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