Chalaca Verdes Pampas VICE WORLD CHAMPION Bratisla (Dogo) Showing

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by gplaper, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. Sara

    Sara New Member

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    AWE such a sweet face!!! Nitro looks like a wonderful dog!
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  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

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    There is a REASON that a deaf dog should never be off leash unless in a fence, especially if you cant trust the dog not to be aggressive, BUT I REITERATE: A DEAF DOGO IS NO DIFFERENT THAN A HEARING DOGO, you just train with you're hands! and a hearing dog, if it decides to go after something, will not likely be called off either. And I really dont care what a dog was originally bred to do, as the OP stated, aggressive dogs are not to be bred from, so the breed is improving. colouring all dogs because of a few incidents is why you have breed bans, too many of you do that. Labs have a higher rate of attacks than Pit Bulls here... maybe I should think that all Labs are vicious then? I'll repeat here, I would take a deaf dogo in a heartbeat, if I ever ran across one.
  4. Sara

    Sara New Member

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  5. gplaper

    gplaper New Member

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  6. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2009
  7. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Oh dear, you can shout all you like, if you dont know what these dogs are please dont try to tell those that do know, how to train deaf ones!:roll:

    A Dogo may not show an aggressive side in normal day life, but they have the most incredibly quick reactions that would make a Labrador look like a puppet! Take all the deaf dogs you like, I have no interest in that, however I do have an interest in the Dogo, I have friends (internet friends that is, known for several years) who work and live Dogo, they have owned them for over 30yrs, a Dogo without the most specialist training is a liability, a deaf one is worse.
  8. Sara

    Sara New Member

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    I guess I'm just banging my head against a wall... arguing with an "expert" like you. I cant change your mind, but you cant change mine either, deaf/hearing, it has no difference on aggression levels in ANY breed!
  9. tazer


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  10. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    But you are also arguing with the true expert, someone who lives and breaths the breed:?

    You seem to have a better understanding of the breed, than the person who lives with the breed every day:?
  11. Sara

    Sara New Member

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    ahhh but I am not really arguing with the OP as he is sensible about it and did let his deaf pup live, and home it with someone. Borderdawn thinks a deaf dogo is a vicious killer, which is my biggest problem. I have lived and breathed deaf dogs for a long time, and have met quite a few, and talked with thousands of others who own them, there are people with deaf dogo's on the list as well, No one on the list (over 2000 members) would believe a deaf dogo is more aggressive than a hearing one, or any other breed.
  12. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Does she, I thought she was agreeing with the gplaper when she and he said, a deaf DA can be a dangerous dog?

    Where as you disagree with both of them..
  13. wolfdogowner

    wolfdogowner New Member

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    There are lies, damn lies and statistics. Statistical bite rates per breed are all well and good but it would depend on how the bites were reported i.e. if stitches were required or if it didn't leave a mark, if the dog was being teased or an unprovoked attack. Labradors are a very common breed so bite statistics are likely to be much higher.

    Though I don't much care for Breed Specific Legislation, I am inclined to agree with Borderdawn that its better not to lift the ban than see a breed be abused. Some countries do have legislation that could be made to work and that would allow restricted ownership of pedigree dogs of a previously banned category. I would also agree that I have seen some Dogos develop dog on dog aggression so fast it is frightening.
  14. Lunakitty321

    Lunakitty321 New Member

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    I disagree with all BLS....all it does is attack the dogs. The dogs are innocent, its the people behind the "bad" dogs that should be the ones persecuted. I think if more effort was put into finding bad owners, and educating new owners, there would be no need to ban any breed.
  15. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Im sorry can you show me where I said that I dont seem to be able to find it? Then when you cant find it either, Ill await your apology.:mrgreen:

    Yes you are wasting your time, how many deaf dogo's or deaf dogs have you trained and lived with?
  16. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    This is what I mean WDO, except some people dont accept what these dogs can really be like, adding the deafness, you dont stand a chance. Im am very fond of the breed, I like watching them work and many are trained to a very high level, but those used for the wrong reasons are incredibly dangerous, more so than a Pit Bull I would say, purely because of their size.
  17. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I dont think she bothered to read that the OP said they may be dangerous if deaf, she just thinks I said its dangerous BECAUSE its deaf, she was wrong.
  18. 3dognight


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    im a dogo expert...deaf dogos are more likely to explode in a manner that will do more damage than a smaller dog.if they do at all.they are no more aggressive than any other type of deaf.its simply, there power...thats the danger dont what to sneek up on one!you might with a smaller ,less powerfull dog...all you have to do is add it up.dont be nieve thinking a deaf dogo will not react,if they do....look out...simple

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