BUA- The British Utonagan Discussions

Discussion in 'Utonagan' started by alady??, Jun 4, 2010.

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  1. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    In regard to the first part of your post i think people do care what they are getting or any dog would do, whats the point of saying they will grow up to look like wolves, its obviously aimed at people who want wolfy looking dogs.

    To the second part of course people wont give up the dogs they have had since pups just because the dogs dont end up looking like wolves but i think you missed my point, in LEGAL TERMS is this false advertizing and in LEGAL TERMS would that mean people would be entitled to their money back for being sold something that was falsely described?
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  3. Hali

    Hali New Member

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    Well it depends. I agree with you regarding things like looks. but what about traits? 'large gentle breed with sound temperament'? Shouldn't this read 'cross between two breeds and we are hoping for gentle dogs with sound temperaments? The add doesn't even say what breed the KC registered sire is?

    It could be a GSD - in which case, what if the pups have strong guarding traits and the family can't cope with this?

    If its a mal or sibe - are the family being told the dog may have strong prey drive and may not be able to be let off lead?

    Relying on the family falling in love with the dog so they will put up with any unexpected traits is NOT the act of a good breeder.
  4. Kalasin

    Kalasin New Member

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    Yet the same can be said of owners. Anyone who doesn't take time to do the research before bringing a pup home and does not ask clear questions concerning lineage, health tests, temperament and looks is not the act of a good owner.
  5. DevilDogz

    DevilDogz Member

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    was your dogs parents tested? and i guess you know all about the dogs in the line that you brought from then? was there no tempermant issues in that line? :001:
  6. Moonstone

    Moonstone New Member

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    But, that is well and good, if they are told the truth in the first place;-)

    Too many people have dodgy pedigrees, or found out a little of this or that has been added after they have bought their dogs home. or the dogs grandad was a GSD , or a sibe etc.

    I would say if you want one of these dogs, go for the real deal and know what you are getting. Get a sibe or a mal, and if you are desperate for a wolfy dog a CsV.
  7. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    Breed or activities register ??

    I guess in their opinion it is not false advertising as to them, they look like a wolf - 4 legs and a Tail...
  8. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    ...and I doubt they do.....but its not really fair on the people who purchased the pup in the belief that it would look like something when it turns out to be something else....

    I brought Tassle as a black and white collie and ended up with a Tri colour cross....I adore her and would not exchange her for the world....but it was not what I wanted!
  9. DevilDogz

    DevilDogz Member

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    My mum brought a hairless that turned out to be a puff! which was not what we brought or choose either! :shock:
    we choose the pup as our next potential HAIRLESS show dog :shock: we love him more than anything, the breeder was so sorry for being wrong when said pup was born, that they offered to 'swap' him for what we actually wanted :shock: we couldnt do that........but like you we brought our pup in good faith, the breeder didnt know yours would change colour, and the breeder of ours was gutted with the mistake they had made..we both were not lied to on purpose like the breeders of the NI do :evil: :shock:
  10. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    And that appears to be what some of these 'breeders' are banking on. By the time the owner finds out that the pedigree is rubbish and the dog has a hereditary health problem (such as epilepsy) they are hardly likely to send them back, are they, despite being duped into parting with a huge amount of money.

    With respect, that is completely wrong. We asked all those questions before we got our dog. Despite being lied to when we asked those questions and believing the lies, I would consider myself a very good owner. I don't think my dog would have survived to nearly the age of six with the life-threatening epilepsy he has had he fallen into the hands of some other people. Being a 'good owner' is about more than asking questions of the breeder.

  11. Hali

    Hali New Member

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    But why not state what the sire is in the advert? Why imply that these are full Utes that are being offered? with misrepresentation like this from the start, what information is going to be given to potential owners?

    The breeder is acting more like an estate agent with the 'caveat emptor' (let the buyer beware).
  12. tazer


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    *Sighs wearily*, its just a great big bloody mess all of it.

    I think, with regards to the ad, that it could, if someone were inclined to do so, be taken to trading standards.

    I can't imagine someone who thought they were getting a dog in wolf's clothing, with a gentle nature, being happy with a gsd mix, with strong guarding instincts and a high pray drive, which is what they could well end up with.

    It doesn't matter if the new owner asks all the questions in the universe about their new puppy, if the breeder outright lies to them, then they won't know, until its to late.
  13. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    hey you watch it ;-)

    i have a working breed ta ;-) :)
  14. Kalasin

    Kalasin New Member

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    Yes my dog's parents were tested, yes I saw the pedigrees and did the research before I brought him home. Personally I think a dog's temperament is mainly what you make it.

    I try to do things properly :?
  15. DevilDogz

    DevilDogz Member

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    You may think a tempermant is what you make it, but thats not always the case! ;-) I know a breeder that heavily inbreeds her dogs, one of her problems are at the min, she is having alot of tempermant issues through out her lines, in dogs that stay with her, where sold on as pups ect!
    Tempermant can come through lines, even generations later.
    Hence dogs with bad tempermants should never be bred.

    What were they eye tested for, just the normal yearly test? and how comes no elbow and hips? Isnt that a bigger problem in the breed than the eyes?
  16. Kalasin

    Kalasin New Member

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    I didn't specify what tests were done...

    Mum and dad both have excellent temperament having met them on numerous occasions and Kiba's temperament is fantastic because I put the work in when he was young and have continued to do so as for me, that was one of the most important issues.
  17. DevilDogz

    DevilDogz Member

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    Hmmm Im sure when this came through as an email it said eye tests ;) Maybe you edited the post pretty quick or im dreaming? Shame i deleted the email, or i could have checked.....
  18. Kalasin

    Kalasin New Member

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    Go ahead and check. Hand on my heart I've been nothing but honest on these threads.

    The e-mail should display in trash.
  19. DevilDogz

    DevilDogz Member

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    NO i deleted my deleted box straight away, i get to many emails from a crested list and it drives me mad them sitting there once deleted :blush:
    But i'll take your word for it, im lossing the plot then! :mrgreen:

    what tests did they have then :)
  20. Kalasin

    Kalasin New Member

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    Ahhh you're one of those people that gets a lot of spam. I close my eyes and pretend my spam box doesn't exist when I sign into e-mail. :lol:

    Mother was hip scored, father was hip, elbow and eye tested and both were VWD tested.
  21. DevilDogz

    DevilDogz Member

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    ah thanks for answering, how comes mum was only done for the 2, but dad was done for 2 extra?

    I hate emails i get alot from the crested list, i read and delete then delete from my deleted box unless its good info then i save! ;)
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