Breeding General Chat

Discussion in 'Papillon' started by IceCody, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Skye only started showing when she was 45 days gone & gave birth on the 64th day.
    But she did have a scan 28 days after she had mated, which lied it said 4 pups & she had 5 pups.
    Skye started nest making around the 38th day after being mated,
    You will know when your dog is going to give birth, as the day before she start panting heavy walking round not being able to lie down for more then 10 mins will be whining whimpering might even snarl at your other dogs (Skye did at K9) this is the best time to put CCTV (baby monitor) up as more often then not she give birth over night or very early morning (my hubby stayed up over night & Skye gave birth at 3am in morning) I kept the CCTV recording 24/7 for 2 weeks just to make sure all pups were being fed I did keep swapping the pups round so each pup had the best milk from the front teats.
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  3. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Forgotten to say a bitch can give birth from 56-65 days with an average being 63 days but they can go 72 days, however inform your vet if your dog goes pass 65 days.
  4. Dogloverlou

    Dogloverlou Member

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    A bitch I wanted a puppy from went past her due date and a couple of days later during a vet visit it was found all her pups had died :( She had to then deliver them still. Very sad. But it certainly makes you realise that breeding isn't always a breeze.
  5. IceCody

    IceCody Member

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    Yes I am counting from the first day of succesful mating. She should be on day 21 right now. I have a very good vet that is not far from me so if anything comes up I can take her straight in.

    That is such a sad story :( I am aware of the risks and believe me, a part of me is terrified and I will be monitoring her very closely and do not intend to let her go past 65 days. A ceserian will be done if needed.
  6. IceCody

    IceCody Member

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    Bailie is now at 21 days and her appetite is still not very good. We went for a good walk today and she ate all her portion for the first time in days. She is picking the raw food out as much as she can and I am wondering if I should simply stop mixing the puppy chow in. What do you with more experience say about that?
    She is still active although I can tell that she is not always feeling very well. She loves her belly stroked in circles and I am thinking that it helps ease the nausea.
    She is getting more irritated with both Leo and Destiny. Is that normal? She is not aggressive with them as such, just gets annoyed if they bump into her on leash walks or if they are playing around on the bed while she is laying there and lets them know to back off.
    I am dogsitting Leo´s sister, Emma. I am a coowner on her papers but she lives with someone else. Bailie seems to not mind her at all so I am not worried about that.

    I am also busy getting Leo and Desty ready for the show in may and I will be helping with two other dogs preparing them for the show as well. So alot is going on in the dog department :)
  7. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Yes its normal for her not to want any other dogs near her as she will be protecting her unborn pups.
    I used a special pregnant complete food when Skye was pregnant not raw not sure about Bailie's appetite being off
    Small walks is idea to keep her active, but I did stop when we were in our 50th day & just let her out in garden (she was now large & you could feel the pups)
    She might start "mothering" toys/socks when she's in her 40th day of pregnancy, Skye did I was forever removing socks from her basket.
  8. IceCody

    IceCody Member

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    I haven´t been writing on here for a little time.

    I took Bailie in for a sonogram but there were no puppies to be seen but she still acts very much like she is pregnant.
    She has stopped jumping up on the bed but uses the step crate that is next to the bed for Destiny. She would never use that before. She is slowing down a bit and still exepeirencing nausea even it has gotten a bit better. She is gaining weight and her teats have changed colour.
    She was at 21 day when I took her in and that is counted from the first day of mating and I am being told that it might have been to early.

    I am not sure what to do at this point execpt take her in for another sonogram but when should I do that than?

    Any advice for me?
  9. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Sounds like she is pregnant. I would give the vet who did the original scan a call and see what they say - they will probably want her back in for another one if they think there's a chance she is pregnant.
  10. IceCody

    IceCody Member

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    So should I take her in now or wait a bit? First mating was at march 10th, second on march 11, third on march 13th and fourth on march 14th. so she would be about a month prengant right now. Leo missed on march 12th so I abandoned that day as to let them both recover.
  11. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    I would give the vet a call and see what they think - they've seen her so know her fairly well, and will have a better idea of when to go back in.

    In about ten days time you might be able to feel the puppies, or at the very least she will 'look' pregnant, it might be worth hanging on till then.

    Did you get the Book of the Bitch btw? It should have some good info in there.
  12. IceCody

    IceCody Member

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    My cousin is coming from the states and she is going to bring me that book along with a couple of others on the same subject. For some reason I couldn´t find any seller online that would ship them to Iceland.
    I am a nerve wreck here. I have assisted with multiple deliveries of puppies and I´m the one that is called when there is a problem so I know very well what could go wrong but I have never actually planned a litter and therefor always had spayed and neutured dogs.
    I don´t care about the cost of a sonagram but Bailie did not like it the first time so I am a little reluctant to make her go through it again if I don´t have to.
  13. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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  14. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I took Skye for scan after 28 days being mated even then they got it wrong told me they were only 4 pups infect she had 5 pups,, if you can afford to have another scan then go on or around 31day after being mated, this will give you better idea if she is in pup or just having fantasy pregnancy

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