Boxer features in this year's John Lewis Christmas advert General Chat

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by Azz, Nov 10, 2016.

  1. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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  3. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Ah, after looking at everything and then reading Azz's recent post, I think I understand. This reminds me of a Minute Maid orange juice commercial I saw a while ago.

    It depicted a young child pouring orange juice into a bird feeder, a dog bowl, a hamster water bottle, and JUST as he is about to turn the juice over into the goldfish bowl (will be fatal to them)- his dad comes and discovers him and asks him what he's doing, to which he says that he's sharing because it's so good. Dad then says, "Not the goldfish, let's give some to mom" and takes him away.

    This was very upsetting to me and my goldfish friends, as goldfish in bowls are like dogs on short chains, not to mention all the other animals being subjected to unhealthy orange juice. Enough of us went and complained and Minute Maid took the video down!

    If enough people care about an issue, things CAN change. Azz has a point there. However, at the same time, there are many situations where the effort is not realistic.

    But if you believe in something, there's nothing wrong with standing by those beliefs, even if nothing is likely to come of it. It shows courage to me and a force of will.

    We have Donald Trump as POTUS and he's taken a harsh stance against immigrants etc, as well, so I feel their pain. Not fair to treat them all like they're ISIS. Only if us actual citizens stand against the prejudice do they stand a chance of being treated fairly.
  4. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    but without the little man buying the paper, the big guy wouldn't bother advertising in it :)
  5. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    I think you may be a little confused, its NOT the advert that is the issue, the "campaign" Azz is putting his name to is about the "company " John Lewis, for placing any add in a newspaper....along with any other company who places adds in a newspaper, her (and the collective "we") are accusing then (newspaper) of running a hate campaign against immigrants and any other minority group they feel is being attacked.

    Newspapers report news........

    What really gets my goat is this collective "we" who think the rest of us are brainwashed by tabloids newspapers.......some of us are able to think for ourselves and form views on what we see and experience.

    Whether you like it or not immigration has to be controlled its not hatred or racist, its simply a fact, and the newspapers will report, it, they may sensationalize it , that`s their job, But this so called campaign has so many flaws its ridiculous......

    As Azz has pointed out, he will still shop at JL, or go to the local shop that will advertise his products in the local rag, is Azz and his fellow campaigners going vet each shop he shops at to make sure they NEVER advertise in a paper that may one day also run a story he does not like.

    Or is it just directed at big conglomerates., and his principles lets the little guy off ,

    I read the Mail, and other papers I shop at John Lewis, I am not brainwashed I have a mind of my own and can make my own decisions, its a bit patronizing when some people seem to think that others are being brainwashed and we need them to show us the way.

    Good luck with your campaign add, i`m sure John Lewis, Waitrose and any other company are going to miss your custom, at this busy time of year.

    All this because a dog is jumping on a trampoline !!!!!!!
  6. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    GsdSlave likes this.
    I think Jackie just about sums up my feelings here. I don't buy a paper - my OH occasionally gets an i, (the brief version of the Independent), so whatever is in the other tabloids just rolls past me. I don't shop at John Lewis because I would have to go into a city to find one, but I do strongly approve of their business model of having the staff as shareholders in the company.
    I really don't see what the fuss is about the Boxer advert, though I haven't seen it for a while, so maybe they are having a rethink. The only JL ad. that I did disapprove of was the first feelgood one, which missed the mark when the dog was shown out in a kennel in the snow. They did react to public opinion on that occasion.
  7. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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  8. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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  9. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    I'm going to say this - the link I just read is some of the most horrible garbage I've read all week. It is biased and just awful.

    The #NotMyPresident demonstrations were because Trump lost the popular vote but still won the election. Trump lost much of his own parties support, and many believe the election was rigged. This goes after he said that he'd only believe the election was genuine if HE won and then says that he could have won the popular vote if he "needed to".

    It definitely wasn't just because their side didn't win. There have been elections before where the candidate lost the popular vote but won the election and there were not country wide protests, or "riots" as the article says. This election was very different but of course the article leaves out pertinent information. Trump supporters are violent, as well BTW - but I won't even go there.

    Trump winning this election sends the message that America stands behind his words, which called Mexicans rapists and dealers, sought to ban and/or racially profile all Muslims, and speaks in a horrid way about women AND had multiple women accuse him of sexual assault. Him winning when the public voted against him caused the campaign.

    That article is the same as the people they are condemning. Look at that disgusting animation they added to make fun of supporters and see how they are telling people to buy Mega Bloks instead of Lego because Lego decided to express it's ethics in a way the authors of the article don't agree with. Hilarious how they did that and completely hypocritical.

    And Twitter most likely locked the account because it is calling groups of people fascists and generally being abusive. Look how many times the article says that the supporters HATE this and HATE that and how many assumptions it makes about supporters of the hashtag. It really is no surprise that some people are standing by the tag if the opponents are this backwards.

    Last edited: Dec 2, 2016

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