Best Harnesses? Questions

Discussion in 'Alaskan Malamute' started by Nanuq, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    it is a minefield really, because as sure as eggs are eggs there will be some jobsworth somewhere that is aware of the law. So does that mean I couldn't go scootering on the Country Park then with it being a public park:-( :-(
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  3. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    Legally you shouldn't no - certainly not if your dogs are pulling you (which is the aim of scootering, especially with my breed :lol: ).

    We tend to go very early morning before anyone is about or late evening (with lights) again so no one else is around.
  4. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    WOOPS.... as I run into the umpteenth courting couple:blush: :blush: :blush: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    Don't know if it is worth getting a scooter now, was really looking forward to it as well:-( :-( But no way do I want to be 'had up' for merely enjoying ourselves:grin:
  5. Kimassok

    Kimassok New Member

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    I use the Harnesses from Mushami Alltia, Troll and Hundekjorerverkstedet:=)
    And yes Greyhawk, Bjorkis also has very good harnesses!
  6. magpye

    magpye New Member

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    There's a bylaw?
    I had no idea there might be a law against scootering! ????
    I was planning to take this up myself with Kismet

    Does this bylaw also cover Bikjoring? or Canicross? - I'm not fit enough for Canicross, but I was really hoping to ghet some bike training with Kismet before I invested in a scooter.
  7. mo

    mo New Member

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    Maureen Boyd
    Its not a bylaw against scootering itself its against having an animal in front PULLING you, this can be termed as using an animal for draft in public areas.


    here is the details.

    The Protection of Animals Acts (1911, 1912)

    Of specific interest to dog owners is that under this Act it is an offence to use a dog as a draught animal –that is to pull a cart, sled, barrow or anything else on a public highway. So all of you with huskies or other breeds originally used for such a purpose, this can only be done on private ground. This illustrates some of the anomalies of the legal system. Given that using a dog as a draught animal on a public highway is an absolute offence (that is cruelty does not need to be shown to secure a conviction), if it was cruel then this, surely should be extended elsewhere. If however, if it is for another purpose, such as preventing accidents on the roads then why was it not moved into the provisions relating to the control of dogs on the roads in the Road Traffic Act?
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2008
  8. Kimassok

    Kimassok New Member

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    This seems very strange to me, but it must be me not understanding it right.

    You can use a husky or similar type of dog, to pull only on private ground?! Does this mean you can not have it pulling in public areas like mountains or fields?!
    Is pulling for a huskylike breed concidered cruelty????

    Please explain, if I get it wrong?!
  9. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    No you haven't got it wrong. As the law stands currently it is illegal to allow a dog to pull you on public land (or rather to use a dog for draught). Those of use who work our dogs over here have to do it on private land.
  10. Kimassok

    Kimassok New Member

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    But I still don't get it (sorry, I feel stupid to ask for explaining:blush: ), but on what grounds were these laws accepted:shock: ? And in what way is pulling for a husky greenland, malamute, setter or what ever breed, animal cruelty:shock: :-o ?????
    This must have a foundation in something or some way - any way?
    Please explain this to me.
    So winter sledding is forbinnen then, or with pulk?

    I would go as far as saying that the opposite is closer to cruelty, by refusing a working dog to do the job it's ment to do and has done for houndres of years:twisted: ! Or am I thinking crazy.....:shock: ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2008
  11. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    The law was passed in 1911 (the Protection of Animals Act) and the official wording of the law is as follows:

    This law is still in effect today.
  12. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    It is only forbidden on public land, hance why people who want to run their dogs do so on private land :)
  13. Kimassok

    Kimassok New Member

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    That is simply fantastic:shock: ! It's real - but we are in 2008 now, isnt it time this law was taken up for re-evaluation?:?: :!: :idea:
  14. magpye

    magpye New Member

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    It specifically says 'public highway' Does this include bridle path? What is the definition of 'highway'... Surely it can't be extended to include public parks. Surely the individual park wardens would have jurisdiction there? Our local park has specifically put up a sign banning kite powered vehicles, but still allows ponys and traps. I had intended to run Kismet there as i dont see a particular difference between her and a scooter and a pony and trap!
  15. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    Horses (or in this case ponies :lol: ) are allowed to be used as draught animals - dogs are not. That is the difference.

    Kimassok - I agree that the law should be updated, I know some people do use them on public land (normally during unsociable hours so that they do not see anyone) however there is still the chance that they could be prosecuted for it. We are fortunate in that we have an area fairly close by that issues permits for us to use their land to train on :)
  16. Kimassok

    Kimassok New Member

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    Yes, I see.

    But still someone should update this rules, since as you also say, someoe could - in worse case scenario - be procecuted.

    I can't help myself laughing a bit stupid is that?!:=)))
    But we also have stupid law here aswell, as any country has, I'm sure.
  17. cornishmals

    cornishmals New Member

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    I have just been reading these posts as I know some people do struggle to find places to work their Woos.Its taken me 2 months to get a Forrestry Permit so my Mals,O.H and me can have fun on our Rig.Luckily the woods are only 15 minutes away but I know some people travel 1 1/2 hrs to use there Rigs/Scooters.
    P.S no one told me that for every hour on the Rig equates to 3 hours cleaning time after.LOL
  18. MickB

    MickB New Member

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    Luckily it is rarely, if ever enforced. Over the years we have done quite a lot of Xmassy work (delivering Santa etc) on public roads (with police protection). None of the police forces we have dealt with were either aware of or particularly concerned about the law. Having said that, we only train on Forestry Commission or Royal Windsor Forest land.

  19. mo

    mo New Member

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    Maureen Boyd
    Although I dont think I have ever heard of this ever being used, it only takes a member of public that has issues with you using their favorite walking area to train your dogs, or dislike the idea of your dogs being allowed to run in front of your bike or such, all they have to do is google uk law sled dogs using public land and the information is there for them to use it against you. so its always prudent to train your dogs at times when there is less public around and with permission from the rangers or park attendants. "Quote Cornishmals 2 months to get a Forrestry Permit " try waiting 7 flaming years to get a permit from Delamer forest, like I have lol and STILL not got one.

  20. rosegallagher

    rosegallagher New Member

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    we get a weekly permit for thetford forest , we get one every couple of months , costs £17 each time though. Gives the dogs a change of scenery as usually run on the racecourse near us.
  21. Muddiwarx

    Muddiwarx Member

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    Bridle paths are a no no :(

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