Bandog Discussions

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by Discussion Thread, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. tera

    tera New Member

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    Bandogs being man aggressive/civil is the whole point, it's what they're bred for, a guard/security dog. A Bandog is a mixed breed dog from working, tested (tested on a man) Parentage...Not a silly show breed bred to look a certain way, if it doesn't work it's not a bandog just a cross breed.
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  3. AshMan

    AshMan New Member

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    y would anyone breed that?
  4. tera

    tera New Member

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    For a security/guard dog!!!!Were not talking poodle show dogs were talking serious civil manstoppers bred for a purpose. Obviously not to be sold to pethomes unless deemed pet quality as quite a few are, the majority of this board are pet owners so wouldn't begin to understand the need or real uses for these types of dogs. A Bandog is just a term used to describe the job the dog is used for, It doesn't have to be Neo x pit...It can be a dog from any working stock dogs, but imo a bandog should have a mastiff look about them. I know of Dutch shepherd x American Bulldog x Neo that would outwork and out perform most Straight Neoxpit Bandog.
  5. AshMan

    AshMan New Member

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    hmm ok.

    i guess i just find that kind of breeding irresponsible. There are plenty of guarding breeds already available rather than cross breeding dog large dogs and using them as "serious civil manstoppers".
  6. tera

    tera New Member

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    Like I said the majority of pet owners just don't get it, It's only irresponsible if the Breeder & Handler/owner is irresponsible. The majority of guard breeds are in pet homes. A bandog is no more powerfull than a Corso/Presa/American Bulldog etc.....It's basically a mastiff that can get places quick and work for longer periods of time. It's by no means a new idea either, been going on since the begining of pit dogs and mastiff breeds, The term Bandog is a dog that is tied up in the day and let free to roam/guard at night...This goes back hundreds of years!!!

    I get the feeling you think it's a bad thing to do because it involves using pitbull blood ? You'd be surprised as to how much pit blood is in the lines of shepherds used by the british police force. Have you ever seen a real athletic muscley looking Labrador ? go figure :lol:
  7. tera

    tera New Member

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    And as for there being loads of Guarding breeds, most have been ruined by Kc's changing their temps to suit show rings...The working lines of sheps/Rotts etc cost a bomb so why not find yourself a good guardy Mastiff and a Good athletic working pit and make yourself a dog that will work for hours ?
  8. AshMan

    AshMan New Member

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    i wouldnt jump to conclusions. I'm actually a pitbull enthusiast. i just dont see the need for this cross.
  9. tera

    tera New Member

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    If you was an enthusiast you would know all about Bandog's surely as it's part of the pbt's history!!

    You saying there's no need for this cross is like saying I don't see the point in a bull lurcher because I don't hunt with dogs ? How would you possibly know about the needs for this type of breeding ? If every dog breed is made up of other breeds why can't someone who's looking for a good athletic guard dog start over and make one that will suit their own personal needs and not spend thousands importing other guarding breeds which tbh have been seriously ****ed up...aslong as the resulting offspring are put in working homes and not pet homes there is no problem.
  10. AshMan

    AshMan New Member

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    Ive never claimed to know everything about pits but anyway, we may have to agree to disagree on this one. i dont like the idea of breeding these to be serious civil manstoppers youdont mind. Enjoy your life. Look after your dogs.
  11. tera

    tera New Member

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    I can agree with that. But your Rotti, Shepherds, Dobbies etc were all bred to be exactly the same. Do you think they shouldn't have been bred ?
  12. AshMan

    AshMan New Member

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    i would not support any dog being bred for that to be honest. what happened in the past has happened.

    If people were breeding them for that now i would be against it.
  13. AshMan

    AshMan New Member

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    just to add APBT were bred for fighting i love Pitbull's yet i am against dog fighting. It may sound backward but its how it is maybe its me who is wierd
  14. tera

    tera New Member

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    What abouit service dogs in the Police force and Army, that's how they're bred and they save lives & catch criminals everyday for being bred that way.

    I think you'll find most pitbull fanciers are against dogfighting. These days it's done for money and by morons who know nothing but think they know it all...believe it or not a pit dog shouldn't die in the pit!!! back in the day it was a test of gameness to prove breedability.
  15. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    :shock: Would you like to provide evidence? That has to be the daftest thing I`ve ever read on here.
  16. tera

    tera New Member

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    How would I have any ? So certain mali's over here have no pit or ebt blood in them...You only have to look at some to see it plus I was under the impression that was common knowledge ??
  17. cava14una

    cava14una New Member

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    Have to agree:roll:
  18. tera

    tera New Member

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    Have you any evidence to prove otherwise ? Nope so we'll have to leave it there I suppose.

    It's not something I'v made up ffs It's been spoke about quite alot on working & security dog forums... knpv dutch shepherd dogs are fully known to have pit blood infused and that's a reason they work so bloody well!!Check some of their peds out and see how many dogs even one gen back have no parents recorded, it's not because they didn't know who the parents were it's because it's a out cross.

    I take it you have a gsd or a shepherd and don't like the idea of apbt blood being used as an outcross ? Show lines won't have any in so if yours is from a show line don't worry yourself..
  19. tera

    tera New Member

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    I thought it normally refers to the DDA proscribed dogs.

    Did you mean a banned dog ?

    A bandog from apbt parentage would be illegal over here as it will be an illegal apbt cross. But like I said further back it doesn't have to be apbt blood used, Apbt's have been bred for a hundred odd years to be people friendly so you get alot of unworkable bandog pups occasionally.

    I know a man in the us who has a sucessfull line of AbxNeo
    and AbxNeoxDutch Shepherd

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