A very close relative of both saluki and sloughi.Same temperament too - ie difficult! I have friends in Holland,Germany and the US who breed these guys. On the plus side - the gentle loving nature that all sighthounds possess.Dramatic looks.Easycare coat. The dark side - recall around zero reliability, destructive behaviour on a scale of 1 - 10,a 9!Some but not all do grow out of it... Houdini ability 10!!!Minimum 8' fence recommended!Sensitive and highly strung a 10.Risk of your Azawakh being stolen in the UK VERY HIGH! NEVER leave it alone in the yard.NEVER tie it up outside a shop while you just 'pop in'. NEVER leave it alone in the car. NEVER let your child go out without an adult to walk it. What I call 'our dear friends who live in caravans' are always on the lookout for dogs like this.Just ask the saluki club about what happens to unattended hounds.
How could I have forgotten Pharoahs!Had a rescue Pharoah for 8 unforgettable years.As I don't want to offend you I'll just say good for you and have you found a way to get him to shut up for 5 minutes?We never did...The pound called him a medium size tan mongrel.No one wanted him as he was vocal to say the least.We took him off death row.Didn't know what he was until I saw similar looking dogs at a dog show.Showed them his photo and bingo,a couple came out to look at him and sure enough a show quality yet Pharoah Hound!He died in his sleep in his bed at the foot of ours.Even his dreams were noisy!He hadn't been unwell but he was old.He stopped yipping in his dreams around 4am.Had a feeling...so I got up to check and he was gone.He's buried at the foot of our garden and one of the kids got us one of those Egyptian figurines of Anubis to put on the rock over his grave.
Yes, I was reading up about them a while back and admiring some amazing photos. What an intriguing, beautiful breed
My Pharaoh is only 1/3 pharaoh hound, his mum was a pharaoh hound x saluki, his dad a rescue greyhound.. Funny you should mention the noisy dreams.. always wondered where he got that from He is silent at all other times, but a noisy dreamer... sleep woofs and yips, whines and occasionally all out screams. He sleeps cuddled up ont he bed with me so I can gently wake him and cuddle him back to sleep when he gets his night terrors
Have you read the Azawakh breed profile? I just recently added a photo to the members photo area (after the text)