Hey Tara first of all let me tell you I am sorry for your loss too I always say the only bad thing about getting cats & dogs (any pet for sure)in the family is, the time after they pass away... May Tonka's, Blaize's and Laia's life long and joyful with you btw Laia's name is "spot on" since she has the hair done like The Princess Laia she looks adorable also. Arya, as of today is 44,5 lbs (22 kgs) and our vet said she is doing great all in, weight and other things. I am a little bit "concerned dad" kind o person so I try to get things in control and in as perfect as possible (altough I know I can't ) she has her deworming done as scheduled so she is ok about worms our vet said she may be at max height for females and not to worry so I am fine now lol I am also happy about, you & your big family joining breedia after seeing my post I dont post that much like Juli, Vee or Philippa but I am really happy to be here also since Breedia is a kind a "distant but close family"
Umur you missed out Carole, who is a major part of the Breedia family - and I still worry why Barbara has gone AWOL - sigh... ...and do not forget that I am not so distant from you, but it is a pleasure to have you a part of our Breedia family - even though I know I post too much
Aw shuks Malka! Yes, I hope Barbara is OK. It must be 6 months since we heard from @LMost too. Sorry to wander off your thread Umur.
I do hope that Umur does not object to going off topic but we all seem to be a Breedia family and we miss those who go AWOL and we cannot contact, @CaroleC , the wife of @LMost had been having problems in recovering from her stroke but again we have no way of contact. So sad but at least Effi can get into my computer and knows to whom he would need to send a message.
Hey All Juli is right Carole I forgot you, sorry for that I don't know who Barbara and her husband is but, it looks like its our loss that who haven't met them yet. I hope everything goes well in their house also. About the "off thread" situation, there is not a single thought from me about objection please dont ever think that See you soon
Hello Umur - if you stick around, which I really hope you do, Barbara is @Pork1epe1 who seems to have gone AWOL and it worries me. Incidentally there are two off-topic sections which might interest you at times, so how about having a look at them? http://www.forum.breedia.com/dogs/off-topic-chat/ and http://www.forum.breedia.com/dogs/members-only/ which are for anything [polite, please! ] but are not specifically about dogs. And you may blame me for having started most of the threads there.