Are Alsations and GSD the same breed? Discussions

Discussion in 'German Shepherd Dog' started by SLB, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. Gnasher


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    This is what makes me SO ANGRY!! What the hell is big or bad about wolves?? You have now encouraged that little girl and her mother to believe that wolves are man-eating, dangerous savages.

    Why not take the time to tell the truth? Explain that all dogs are the direct descendents from wolves, and that far from being man eaters, humans do not feature at all on their menu. To a wolf 2 legs = trouble, danger. 4 legs = food.

    When we were first doing our homework and looking into wolf crosses all those years ago, we could only find ONE instance of a recorded incident of a wild wolf even attacking a human, let alone eating one! The wolf was rabid and starving, and the human was a railway worker somewhere up in the frozen wastes of north america, and he fended the animal off with his shovel.
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  3. Gnasher


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    Well then say so! Tassle indicates her post that she doesn't like the w word to be used around Zeff!
  4. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    i do :roll:

    but to be fair why does it have to be mentioned? he is a breed of DOG!!!
  5. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    No - I don't, because that is not what he is.
  6. Gnasher


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    So are mine, but they are a mix of known breeds - Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute - your Zeff is a Saarloos (with Inuit?) - why not say then he is a crossbreed, a Saarloos crossed with Inuit, or whatever he is crossed with :shock:
  7. Gnasher


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    EXACTLY!! That is why I used the phrase "traditional guardog".

    O dear, is it me, or is it you :roll:
  8. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    FYI - he is a Saarloos x CsV -

    Still, a crossbreed, mutt or Mongrel....take your pick. (Its what I always call him ;))
  9. Gnasher


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    He is a Saarloos x - you know the history as well as I do, and probably a lot better.

    for someone who makes such a fuss and palaver about how honest you are, you sure do a lot of denying!
  10. Heather and Zak

    Heather and Zak New Member

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    You cannot be serious.:roll: I was more interested in calming the little girl and explaining that my dog was not a wolf. What would have been the point in explaining the history of bl**dy dogs to a 6 year old. I am sure if I had told her about all dogs and especially the big dog in front of her were all descended from wolves, that would certainly not have helped the situation. Seeing as she is very unlikely to come across a wolf in the mountains of our valley, what the hell would have been the point. I am so glad it was not YOU that she bumped into.:evil:
  11. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    he is a mongrel.. and half brother to Tupac
  12. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Deja vu ..
  13. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    i know murf... but my breed is being misrepresented so i cant say nowt...considering i live with one a G does not!
  14. Gnasher


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    sorry, I had forgotten his exact mix, I knew he was Saarloos, but wasn't sure about the rest.

    Therefore he has wolf genes from both sides, so is more wolfy than a pure Saarloos or a pure CSV - how lovely. Why deny his breeding? Would you deny your own? If you were of mixed race, would you deny that too?

    I find this really extraordinary, I really do. I used to have a GSP x chocolate labrador. I described her as a crossbreed - a mix of GSP and chocolate labrador - why not?

    I describe my dogs as mongrels too, or crosses, or mixes, because that is what they are. If pushed, and I am every time I am out and about with them, as you must be with Zeff, I will say they are huskyxmal mixes. If someone says to me gosh they look wolfy, I will say that is because they are, especially Ben, with Tai much less so.

    I am genuinely puzzled and bewildered why for someone who claims to be so honest Tassle, you don't exactly lie - that is too strong a word - but you deny the origins.
  15. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    I might have to post the Tia pic again ,,lol:p
  16. Gnasher


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    Every point. Don't be so patronising! A 6 year old child is more than capable of understanding if you explain carefully. My daughter, who has LD's, knew all about wildlife and animals in general, especially dogs and horses, from the time when she could talk. She was stuck on a pony at 3, and never looked back! I have explained about dogs ancestry so many times to children younger than 6. Both they and their parents often have been fascinated. Why lie to the child? Wolves are NOT Bad - sadly, here in the UK wolves are extinct, wiped out by ignorant humans who knew no better, so as you rightly say she is not going to meet face to face with a wild wolf here. However, as a dog lover you must surely be an animal lover and care about the world's wild life? Why let her grow up thinking wolves are bad, and therefore potentially want them to be removed or destroyed somewhere else in the world?

    I cannot understand you, I am appalled frankly by your attitude.
  17. Heather and Zak

    Heather and Zak New Member

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    No you don't you have forever been telling people you have wolf crosses.:roll:
  18. Gnasher


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    :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  19. Heather and Zak

    Heather and Zak New Member

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    Please tell me where I lied to the child? It was not a history lesson for god's sake, it was to show her that my dog was not scary. How on earth did I let her grow up thinking wolves are bad. The child went off happily, no longer afraid of my GSD, mission accomplished me thinks. If I had been out walking with a wolf on the end of the lead then perhaps a history lesson would have been appropriate, but I had a DOG, you silly woman.:roll:
  20. Gnasher


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    Not always, I just as frequently call them mongrels, or crosses, it depends on the context of my posting.

    Mainly because I am aware that this FACT irritates so many people, so you will find that in my early days on Dogsey, when I only had Hal, I would probably refer to him as a wolf cross, in later years I reduced that. Then when the ban was lifted, I would have been more open, but seeing how much this irritated several people for some extraordinary and bizarre reason, I tried to modify it.

    :roll: :roll:
  21. Gnasher


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    Why should any child think your dog scary (unless he is out of control and badly behaved, which presumably he is not). Why on earth should be scared of your dog? She was scared because she thought he was a wolf, therefore what you should have done is explain to her that all dogs were wolves a very very very long time ago, and that wolves are lovely, not big and bad, and would you like to hold my hand and come and stroke my dog and see how soft he is?

    I am not a silly woman, I am a STROPPY woman who gets mad when people promulgate the RIDICULOUS myth that wolves are big and bad!!

    And in addition, did nothing to reassure her that YOUR dog is absolutely lovely, as I am sure he is.

    All you did was confirm to her that he was not "A Big Bad Wolf" ... very clever :roll:

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