Anti Bsl Pictures BSL

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by Hayley SBT, Jan 13, 2007.

  1. Biff


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    It is very sad, and a completely false representation of the breed. I feel for the dogs themselves, as it will be them ultimately that will suffer, as well as dog owners like yourself Shirley that has had to go through something like that.

    Unfortunately for us, our breed is the breed that these numpty's have chosen to hijack in order to make them look hard.
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  3. Shirleyc

    Shirleyc New Member

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    Completely agree with you Biff, well said :)

    The staffies that I have had experiences with that have responsible owners are beautiful gentle dogs that are full of character and I think it is really sad that they are being sragged into this debate because of the 'numpties'
  4. bullterrier

    bullterrier New Member

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    The original bulldogs were bred for bull baiting, they were much larger than our British bulldogs and without the health problems. They were possibly more like the American bulldogs which some people believe were shipped to the States on the Mayflower from Boston, Lincs. Incidentaly the dogs taken on the Mayflower were used as cattle herding & guarding dog, & some are still used in this role today, they have to be able to bring down a cow without damaging it & hold it till the herdsman gets there.Not all bullbaiting dogs were of the bulldog type. One quiet succesful & famous dog was of a whippet type breed.
    When fighting became "fashionable" some "sportsmen" added terriers to their blood lines for the extra gameness and agility.
    These type of dogs became the types we see today as the Staffordshire & the Bullterrier along with the Pitbull & American
    Staffordshire across the Atlantic. These dogs were originally known as Bull "n" Terriers and didn`t fit any breed standards until the K.C was formed.
    What possibly made the bully & staff such brilliant people dogs(only 2 recomended to be around kids by the K.C) was the fact that even fighting dogs were kept in the house(only the rich could afford kennels). Back in those day`s any dog that curled it`s lip at any member of the family would more than likely have been taken outside & received a bullet between the eyes(a lot less sentimentality). This would inadvertantly have weaned out most dogs that were nasty towards humans.
    Now before any body gives me any grief, the only reason I know all this is the fact that I`ve studied my breeds before I took the plunge. I in no way believe that dog fighting & cruelty to animals is correct, I just believe in knowing your breeds history & therefore what made it what it is.
    Anyway Vodka Vixen hope this has given you an insight into
    these breed types.
  5. Vodka Vixen

    Vodka Vixen New Member

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    Thanks Bullterrier, although i didnt feel i needed an insight into these breeds, as i said these dogs were bred originally for bull baiting and not fighting, my OH owned a pit bull (before the ban) so i do know a little of the history but thanks for the information.

    The majority of dogs were ORIGINALLY bred to do some form of "work"
  6. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    Id like to point out to those who dont think Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino and the Fila Brasileiro are not mastiffs are very wrong, Mastiffs are a group of breed, which breeds such as above are in, along with breeds like English Mastiffs and Bull Mastiff, Just like Bull breeds are a group name, which have breeds like the Pitbulls, Staffords, English Bull terrier, So no guilt by association is happening at all!
  7. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    Hayley :) I am not quite sure what point you are trying to make here when quoting my post but think I can guess. I find you post confusing.:?
    In my post which was written in response to this post..
    I replied .....
    meaning that the breed of dogs known as 'Mastiffs' are not on DDA list but the other breeds I mentioned are . I assumed the person to whom I replied was referring to the breed of dogs known as Mastiffs.

    Perhaps you are not aware that the word 'Mastiff' can denote a single breed or a group of breeds...

    Can I refer you to this definition taken from wikipedia, a simple explanation ...

    I was using the word 'Mastiff' in the context of the proper noun "Mastiff," which was quite correct.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2007
  8. Clair

    Clair New Member

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    your not the only one whos confused minnihaha. i asked if 'mastiffs' were on the list,as the tread was started saying bullmastiffs were at risk of being on the list of DDA,to my knowledge they weren't at risk?! are they?
    i dont like the idea of have my dog on a threatened DDA list,especially when they aren't
  9. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    But this is about the dda and bsl and its important, why not use the correct terms minihaha when trying to help someone ? English Mastiff would have done to save confusion! To me and a Mastiff is many breeds!

    cc22 the whole point is this is not just a UK forum anymore, or should we leave the people outside the UK out?
    The bull mastiff in other countries are on the BSL list!
  10. sky_high_bluest

    sky_high_bluest New Member

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    I know I have said this before but please wake up! our govenment WILL take advice from other countries in Europe and our ban list could grow to! as a dog loving nation we need to say no to all BSL as it could be your breed next! below I have put a link to a site which highlights the plight of German dog owners!
    also just a reminder Italy started with 13 banned breeds now they have 92!!!!! banned breeds!
  11. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    I used the correct terms please read the simple explanation in the post above Hayley. The only person causing confusion about the dogs currently covered by the DDA is you.

    We are not talking about other countries we are talking about this country and the law as it relates to this county. You say the DDA is important, truth and facts are also important to me .

    Whatever the rights and wrongs of any law, I prefer not to spread misinformation, this doesn't help anyone and leading people to believe some breeds are already subject to restrictions under the Dangerous Dogs act when they are not is spreading mis information and causes distress and problems to some dog owners. .

    CC22 :) the dogs currently subject to the restrictions of the Dangerous Dogs Act in this country at this time are ..

    the Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino and the Fila Brasileiro.

    Some people seem intent on making others believe that more breeds are included because they are in other countries where the laws differ.

    At the moment where the DDA is concerned we are subject to the law of this country and not the many laws that affect other countries.

    Can I draw your attention to Hayles post which began this thread ..
    Dogs from all breeds can bite and any breed could be subject to BSL under certain circumstances, I think it is wrong to single out these breeds to mention from all other breeds. It plants incorrect assumptions in the minds of people, if you repeat things that are not true often enough it becomes like 'Chinese whispers' and before you know it the untruth becomes mistaken for fact.
  12. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    I really thought that dogsey was know a world wide forum, BSL is world wide, this is an Anti BSL section, NOT anti DDA!
  13. Clair

    Clair New Member

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    ok this is going to sound really dumb,but wots the BSL?
  14. Sal

    Sal New Member

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    BSL is Breed Specific Legislation

    These laws usually place restrictions on breeds or types. Restrictions may take many forms, though typically include mandatory muzzling and on-lead only exercise in a public places, enforced registration on indexes, breed-specific bans and substantial licensing fees. Across Europe, the breeds targeted vary greatly, currently encompassing much of the canine spectrum from Corgis to GSDs, Staffordshire Bull Terriers to Border Collies.

    In the mainland Great Britain, four breeds are currently subject to BSL under the Dangerous Dogs Act (DDA):

    The Japanese Tosa
    The Pit Bull Terrier
    The Dogo Argentino
    Fila Braziliero
    We must, however, also be aware that 'types' of these dogs are also affected. This means that your dog doesn't have to be a Pit Bull or Tosa to be subject to the DDA: it simply has display physical and behavioural characteristics similar to those displayed in breeds covered by the act.
  15. Vodka Vixen

    Vodka Vixen New Member

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    That is one scary list, my baby is on there :shock:
  16. Clair

    Clair New Member

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    i looked on that list too,trin is on there 2!
    thanx nissanmad x
  17. Stamford

    Stamford New Member

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    You have to remember that the list above is from Germany,But with a BIG word of CAUTION,what Europe does,Britain usually FOLLOWS. Some people will accuse me of scaremongering but you have to remember that Germany keeps adding breeds to their list as do other countries and if they can do it,whats stopping it happening over here?
  18. Sal

    Sal New Member

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    That's true Steve,
    And our government if they see fit can add any breed they chose to be included on the DDA at any given time,this is why we need to fight BSL NOW,not when it's too late.It can affect all breeds.
  19. Clair

    Clair New Member

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    wot is wrong with some people,b4 you no it every dog will be on the list.
    but mr blair will be happy,it means he can tax us all just for owning a dog!
  20. Vodka Vixen

    Vodka Vixen New Member

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    Its very sad but yes i have to agree with you there, these amnesty's seem like just the start of things to come, the calm before the storm so to speak, scary thought.

    Especially as i own a so called "Fighting Dog" what chance has he got!!!
  21. Clair

    Clair New Member

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    i have my fingers and toes crossed 4 anyone in the posistion,or could be ,of there dog being on the BSL.
    im one of those people and it makes me 'very cross' 2say the least

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