Anti Bsl Pictures BSL

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by Hayley SBT, Jan 13, 2007.

  1. IHeartDoggyz


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    HAYLEY i have just read your prev thresd " do we know what we own " i think thats what is was
    i totally diagree with that and it angered me..people like you are making it worse for these breeds..

    re this thread.. i agree with vodka vixen/random/minihaha
    if any of my staffies were dog aggresive and or aggresive YES!!!! I WOULD DEFINATLY WANT TO CHANGE IT!!!!
    i think you really need to do some more research into why they were originally bred for..yes they are and have been used for fighting ect.. i am not gonna get into a full scale war over this , i just think alot of what you say is very contradicting to yourself, very confusing ...
    think you got it all wrong !
    i am not a nasty person, i dont like to argue but my dogs are my life..and people like you are putting them in danger through your comments yes that annoys me,
    i could go on but i know there is no point...
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  3. sky_high_bluest

    sky_high_bluest New Member

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    IHeartDoggyz you say "i think you really need to do some more research into why they were originally bred for"

    could you please enlighten me as to what they were bred for?

    this is a subject which is very relevant to me at the moment! they say that my Irish is a pit bull they also say staffs of a certain height can be classed as pit bull and pit bulls are fighting dogs! this is what confuses me if you take a look back in time All bull breeds, terrier breeds, and crosses of both together have been used for fighting baiting, rat killing, and running animals like badgers to bay. all our dog have this prey drive it's how we teach them to control it that matters! hayley has a point it's these characteristics that make our dogs what they are! it's our responsibility as owners to channel this energy into other more social persuites, at least I'm hopeing thats what she meens?
  4. sky_high_bluest

    sky_high_bluest New Member

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    hello me again lol

    I have also noticed that a lot of you are burying your heads in the sand when it come to BSL! This “it wont happen to my breed not in this country!” attitude. The dogs Hailey mentioned at the start of this post are all on ban lists in other countries, IN EUROPE! So what do you think will happen when our country gets swallowed up by Europe? It may happen that our government will take advise from other EU countries and we will end up with a ban list like Italy! As long as all our arms put together! There is at the moment a murderous slaughter of innocent family pets going on in THIS country, and the government is letting this happen, against the advise of the kennel club, RSPCA, and dogs trust. Do you still think these organisations will be able to save your breed?
  5. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    Hi Skyhighbluest :) it has nothing to do with burying heads in sand, it is about common sense and not 'talking up' your breed as an aggressive breed or associating your breed with the DDA when it is not included.

    Very few people actually know what breeds are on the DDA list, if your breed isn't already on there why mention it in that context and give people ideas.

    I am so very sorry someone is picking on your dog but asking other people to involve their breeds in anything to do with the DDA because they could one day be included on the list is not a wise move to me. The more you associate a breed with/mention it in the context of the DDA and plant the association in mind of those who do not understand dogs, the more you are implying guilt be association and increasing the chances of other breeds being added to the list. .
  6. sky_high_bluest

    sky_high_bluest New Member

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    i am not asking anyone to associate any breed with the DDA just for them to open there eyes to what is happening in other countries europe! we maybe an Island but we are still a part of europe!
  7. Stamford

    Stamford New Member

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    Whilst i do understand where Minihaha is coming from and i actually do think that before this amnesty she had a fair point.The fact remains though that KC reg Staffords have been seized in Merseyside so therefore the Stafford stands accused already.I also know Hayley from other boards and i know for a fact that she has only ever had the best intrerest of the Stafford at heart.
  8. Shona


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    I have to admit, I bowed out of this thread after mini had pointed out that its like saying oh we should / could be on the dda with rotts, I still feel she is right, I do feel for others who have staffs and are being targeted, I dont understand why they are being picked on it they are kc reg, can you tell us what has happend to the kc reg dogs that have been taken? would hate to think they could be pts, I guess its a good reason in these breeds to dna profile dogs,
  9. sky_high_bluest

    sky_high_bluest New Member

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    still burying your heads in the sand I see!
  10. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    I have seen many breed scares come and go over the years and things gradually calm down again if they are allowed to.
    You call it burying heads in the sand, I call it being prudent and not adding to the hysteria.Nothing is achieved by hyping things up it just makes a bad problem worse.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2007
  11. Shona


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    sorry you feel that we are burying our heads in the sand, I feel many have jumped into the quick sand without cause on this, the only people going on about BSL are owners,
  12. Clair

    Clair New Member

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    my god,since when have mastiffs been on the DDA, im abit concerned
  13. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    CC :shock: they arn't :shock:
    The breeds that are ...the Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino and the Fila Brasileiro.

    That really proves the point I was originally making doesn't it, guilt by association, keep mentioning certain breeds in a particular context and if you do it often enough people will believe it even if it isn't true!
  14. Clair

    Clair New Member

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    im concerned because i own one,i dont like the idea of my baby girl being on the DDA/BSL.
    Shes completely harmless so ur rite,it isnt a good idea to have a tread on dogs that are in other countrys or could be one day.
    i think it was meantioned somewhere on this thread that they were and i panicked
  15. Clair

    Clair New Member

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    this is why i was worried,:cry:
    didnt realise bull mastiffs were under threat?:?
    i own a dogue de bordeaux,these are relitively new to the country but there a type off mastiff
    im not to keen on making the situation worse by dedicateing a page to these breeds:neutral:
  16. Biff


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    The thread was started with only good intentions in mind. I totally understand where mini haha is coming from on this one, but on the other hand I do understand the objective of what was being proposed, as the issue is very much alive at the moment and people will do anything to protect their breed of choice.

    Whilst, minihaha can use this as evidence that mentioning a breed that isn't yet included will eventually be believed, I can use it in another disagreement I had with Becky, whereby she believed that the DDA is well known throughout this dog loving country. Some people simply aren't fully aware, that does not make them irresponsible dog owners. Which is often the case with people affected by the amnesty in Mersyside.
  17. Clair

    Clair New Member

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    im abit out of touch i think,wot 'amnesty in mersyside'?
    blimey,it was rottis on the spotlite not that long ago
    ive heard of more dog bites from terriers than big breeds or (dangerous) breeds and i think this is down to the owners more than the breeds,same with the larger breeds,just to add (i luv terriers)
  18. Shirleyc

    Shirleyc New Member

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    I agree with Mini on this one, the more I read of this thread the more confused I am getting about which breeds are included!
    The comments about staffys being dog aggresive also worried me a bit. Why do people think it is ok for a dog to be aggresive towards other dogs because it is 'what they are breed for'? My little Chi was chased by a staff and the owner thought it was hilarious, I was appalled. I know that not all owners think the same but comments like this can only put the breed in a bad light.
  19. Biff


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    If your dog has been chased by a staffy then the owner was irresponsible for letting it off lead and not having full control of it. Biff would probably chase after another dog if he was aloud to, but then he'd only want to play with them. On the other hand, my old Kerry Blue was extremely dog aggressive.

    I dont (personally), think that it is a trait I would particularly promote in any dog of mine, having experienced both dog aggressive and not dog aggressive.

    However I bought a staffy half expecting that to be the case as it is how a lot of them are, and was fully prepared to be a responsible owner and avoid potential situations where he may come into conflict with another dog.
  20. Shona


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    OMG you must have been terrified, I know I would have been, what a horrid thing to do, stand and laugh, I would be mortified if it had been my dog chaseing a wee dog around, that said Kaos got duffed up by the two pomms that live in the next street, I did stand and laugh at that, but its kinda vice-versa lol
  21. Shirleyc

    Shirleyc New Member

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    the worst bit about the whole experience is when the staffy was running towards Fudge the guy shouted 'Ha hes going to rip her dog to shreads' I could have flipping smacked him.
    It seems that most of the staffies you see over here are owned by scallies or hoodies or whatever and seems to have become some sort of fashion accessory to make them look 'hard'! I think its really sad

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