Aggressive growling and biting General Chat

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by My Henry boy, Dec 18, 2018.

  1. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Since you asked... I will say what I've always done. When a puppy bites or acts food aggressive, I gently take puppy by his scruff and remove him and put him aside into a sit and tell him no. I don't put my hands near his mouth and I don't reason with him. Oftentimes a stubborn puppy will get up and come back to repeat the behavior. Remove him again and repeat. I've had mostly Labradors and this didn't take long to work at all.

    This must begin as soon as you get puppy and you MUST be extremely firm with it. The key to the puppy learning anything is consistency and firmness. He obeys your boyfriend because your boyfriend is serious and gives off the right energy. He disobeys you because he thinks you're playing.

    I can't recommend you use this method because the "positive only" people of this site say it's bullying, but I don't think it is. I don't advocate smacking the little dude in his face, I'm not even an advocate of spanking him... And I definitely don't think pinning his head down is necessary... But I don't think mild physical reprimand is harmful at all. You just have to be firm.
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  3. My Henry boy

    My Henry boy New Member

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    No this actually sounds about right and sounds like something I need to try out. My dog is very stubborn with ME specifically so I will try this method out and see how it goes. Thank you so much for the feedback!
  4. Challis87

    Challis87 New Member

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    What part of that is taken as bullying im struggling to see how anyone can do to be honest , i cant see how picking him up by his neck (scruff) and removing him is bullying, ok maybe pinning his head down has been misconstrewed into me burrying the dogs head into the floor (probably not correct spelling )
    What i ment was place my head on top of his and when he tried to pull his head out from under mine make sure i maintained on top.

    My partner has trouble with changing her voicefor goodbehaviour and bad she talks to him the same which is why he tends not to listen to her as much.
  5. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    I'm not sure why they called it bullying. But you'll have to ask them. Someone posted nonsense like... "Why did you pull the puppy off? I wager it's because you wanted instant results. Well dog training isn't instant results and you need to update your training." Etc etc.

    You're damn right I want fast results when a dog is biting me. And I believe as the owner I am entitled to those results. I'm not going to take two months of being bitten by sharp puppy teeth before I nip it in the bud. No way.

    Trying to redirect to something else is fine, but you'll be chewed on a bit before it works... And you just gave a dog using his teeth on you a toy... A reward. Not in my world!

    Treating dogs like people and trying to make it so their world is nothing but happiness and bliss is absolute nonsense to me. Nobody's life is like that and I believe in consequences. I would NEVER EVER advocate kicking or hurting a dog in ANY WAY, but I have zero aversion to pulling puppies off and telling puppies off.

    You bite me, there will be consequences. There won't be coddling. There won't be rewarding. There won't be playing around. There will be consequences. That's one behavior I don't joke with. NO BITING ME. Ever. For any reason.

    So yes mouthing puppies are removed by force (gently scruffing them) and if they walk back and try it again, they are removed again. Be extremely firm, give eye contact, and use a stern voice... And I've never had a puppy bite me for any length of time. This usually only takes a few days with my Labrador guys.

    Oh and so you know... I was also slammed into the ground because I didn't stand completely against spanking children. I don't even have children but I believe that sometimes physically correcting children is needed. I was told by someone that they felt sorry for me (lol) and by another that he was so disgusted that he wanted to vomit. Literally some of these people are dramatic as all get out if you ask me but everyone is entitled to their opinions.
  6. Challis87

    Challis87 New Member

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    With you on the instant results and not kicking dogs etc but im my opinion a smack on the bum wouldnt hurt them especially if its not behaviour you want displayed, i was told or may have heard never to smack a dog round the head as drives them or makes them crazy ? How true that is i am not aware , but like you say everyone has there own opinion and take on everything
  7. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    I never ever smack my puppy boys... But in the area I live... Plenty of dogs (and kids) have been smacked round the head and grown up to be just fine. Just saying.

    I would never ever support injuring dogs or even truly causing pain to them. Scruffing them gently does NOT hurt them. They don't really LIKE it, but that's the point because I don't LIKE being nipped.

    I don't support prong and shock collars. I don't support alpha theory for the most part either... I just know that I don't want to be bitten by my own dog.
  8. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    You could have quite easily answered the question without dragging up your dislike for this site and certain members.

    On numerous occasions you have slagged off this site and certain members, because they question or disagree with you, if you feel so strongly about the site/members then why keep coming back?

    Yes it’s an open forum and everyone has the right to their opinion, but others have the right to question/debate their opinions.

    You have admitted in the past that you are ‘not into dogs’ and Quote (If you could find a decent home for him, frankly I would give him away, I've lost my affinity for dogs and frankly Nigredo is tough to care for and more of a nuisance than an enjoyment and I will admit that.

    Is it any wonder genuine dog lovers don’t like your attitude towards your dog and you’re training methods?
  9. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Didn't say I disliked this site. Didn't say I disliked a certain member. Neither of those things are even true so why even go there? Why target me with that sort of trash when I mentioned no names and I definitely wasn't talking to you or about you? Lol and then you tried to make it seem like I've said horrible things about my dog such as I beat him etc. Like I said... Some of you are dramatic as all get out.

    I decided not to let a few people run me off a site. You guys don't own this site and not all members are the same as you guys. And yes I mean the clique of people who are regular posters here. I haven't been BANNED by the ADMIN and so I am free to post here as I like.

    I admitted that and this WILL be my last dog, but I still stand behind the way I treat my dog. I've never been mean to him. I don't feel that I've ever bullied him... And I'm not going to let a ton of "positive only" holier than thou people bully ME like you just tried to do.

    I return to look sometimes and I post when I see threads or subjects I wish to speak on. Don't act like I post here often because I don't. You guys have your little forum, people like me don't too much get in your way. So take it easy.

    You don't know me, my situation, my dog, or anything surrounding my life. Aren't you the lady that gave your dog something that made him deaf? Are you sure you want to tear into me? Nobody is perfect and everyone has their reasons for saying or doing things.

    It's the attitude of people like you that has kept me here. Just because you don't like what I say sometimes or whatnot doesn't mean that I should leave or that I shouldn't be allowed to say what I feel.
  10. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Malka and CaroleC like this.
    Please don’t accuse me of saying things I that I never said.
    Where did I say you disliked a certain member or state you mentioned names?
    Where did I imply Quote (I've said horrible things about my dog such as I beat him etc.
    I have never tried to ‘bully’ you or anyone else so don’t make accusations that are not true.

    I don’t know why you have the idea that you are being judged or that people are trying to run you off this site, you are the one that kept saying you were done with it.

    Quote Aren't you the lady that gave your dog something that made him deaf?
    Yes I am that person, and the treatment was dispensed by a vet, and I was not aware of the side effects.

    I have no intention of getting into an altercation with you, as one can't reason with the unreasonable.
  11. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    @mjfromga What a very unkind remark to make. As if Vee would have knowingly used any product which could have harmed Heiko. I'm sure that she only shared this information as a warning to others that this can happen, even when the medication is dispensed by a vet.
    So much for the Season of Goodwill.
  12. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Doesn't feel good to be accused of saying things that one didn't say, does it? You are the one who went in about my dislike of this site (never said) and my dislike of a certain member (also never said). And you accused me of putting words into your mouth. Really?

    You targeted me for no reason when I was speaking in general terms to another member, and now you say you can't reason with the unreasonable? Are you serious? You're the one who addressed me out of the blue when I wasn't talking to you or about you. You could have just LEFT ME ALONE! Is it really that hard?

    That is exactly the type of bullying that I am talking about. I will defend myself against it. My point about the dog is that I have done things that probably weren't the best for my dog... but I had NO intentions of harming him and he hasn't come to any harm.

    I don't see you mention how I took him to therapy for elderly. I don't see you mention how he was a blood donor. I don't see you mention how I buy him special food or go out of my way to take him outside to exercise and bathe him and to try to treat his fleas and other issues that are HARD for me to do. No mention of how hard I worked to train him and become his friend so he would be a well rounded dog. Nothing good ever.

    You don't ever have anything good to say about me and so I have a right to feel that way. Bullied. At times it did make me want to never return, I admit that, but if I do that, the bullies win. So I changed my mind.

    People of this site tried to call me a bully just because I don't coddle and BABY dogs that bite. That was beyond annoying because I really do try hard to keep my dog happy and I never ever looked at myself as a bully (and still don't). The user here said her boyfriend spanks the dog and she thumps him up the nose and nobody called HER any names at all or even batted an eye.

    So yeah I think you guys do bully me, but it's fine... Since you start stuff with me but then say you "have no intentions of getting into an altercation". You asked for an altercation when you addressed me that way. Where I come from, we don't get to be that hypocritical. And no matter how rude something I think is or how much I might be offended, I never get any apologies and so I am not giving any.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2018
  13. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    To the best of my knowledge I have never said anything to offend you, though there was an incident earlier this year when you hit out at me, and I remember replying, Ouch! I remember having praised you for allowing Nigredo give blood, have appreciated your interest in fish, and I have always responded to your posts in a respectful manner.
    At 76, Myra, I have neither the time nor the patience to become involved in long, pointless squabbles. I have never witnessed anybody suggesting that they wanted you leave. You are as entitled as anyone else to use this site to state your opinions, and for as long as you wish. Do not anticipate any further response from me though, I now have you on ignore.
  14. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    When my mum looks after my little man he's ok for the majority of the time, but she had the same problem where he doesn't listen to her at all when she tries to correct him like when I do!
  15. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    Having read through all the responses, respecting every single one, from experienced owners and trusted breeders, my suggestion is as follows. As a fellow Frenchie owner, what I do is, to remain calm and take the dog to another room and leave them there for 15-20 seconds, so that they know that the behaviour is unacceptable, as dogs learn from short bursts of repetitive training. And if he is running round like a lunatic and he thinks it's a game where your trying to catch him to remove him, then you yourself should leave the room for the same amount of time. Only when you return do not look, acknowledge or speak to the the dog until they are calm. Repeating this as necessary. This always works with my little man after about 2-3 times. He keeps tying every single day and I keep to my routine and it never fails after the 3rd time. As many have said, it's a long road and is hard work, but it will pay off eventually. If your willing to put the work in and are a true dog lover (which I am not for one second questioning, as your here asking for the best advice) then I'm sure everything will work out fine. Also remember, Frenchies are stubborn little buggers and keep trying to push boundaries like toddlers!
  16. My Henry boy

    My Henry boy New Member

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    He’s actually still the same , I just think he may be too excited and unable to control himself. But I yell a firm no and he stops for a second and continues again. So I put him down and he just bites at my ankles and feet.
  17. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    Are you able to put him in another room for about 30 seconds, instead of putting him down to bite your ankles and feet?
  18. My Henry boy

    My Henry boy New Member

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    Yes I actually can , I’ve just never really tried it since he’s pretty fast and doesn’t give me time to close the door haha
  19. Challis87

    Challis87 New Member

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    Eye contact is key also as well as projecting your voice and make sure you can differentiate pitches so you have a higher `good boy` and a lower ` henry no` and just stick at it he will learn whos boss
  20. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    Yeah Bronson is the same. He's like trying to catch a rabbit!
  21. Challis87

    Challis87 New Member

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    This made me chuckle cause my girls cant catch rocco lol its down to daddy to get him

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