Aggressive collie pup (two threads merged) Behaviour

Discussion in 'Border Collie' started by missislady, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    You have already had some good advice. I also agree that 11 weeks old is far too young to be labelling a pup aggressive.

    Personally, I think you should contact a local, experienced trainer or behaviourist to help you through the initial puppy stages and to start doing little bits of fun training with your pup.

    Have you had dogs before?
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  3. Lotsadogs

    Lotsadogs New Member

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    I dont understand why you feel biting is bad? It is normal dog behaviour and in my view it is one of the best ways I can think of to build up on the dog human relationship. Tug toys, not "solo" toys, is where it is at. The dog needs to bite and tug and build and develop muscles, because it is a dog. Thats what dogs do and are.

    TOo many people I think try to stop the dog being a dog. Why not allow it to be a dog, but adapt its normal behaviour to suit the human needs. Tug tug tug all the way. Tis Brill. :grin:
  4. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    Hi Missislady :) , you posted a similar thread to this one yesterday stating the problems and received replies .

    ETA I have now merged the two threads together and moved your new thread from Working Dogs to Pastoral Dogs, (the correct section for BCs :) ).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2009
  5. rich c

    rich c New Member

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    Rich (Funny dat eh?)
    I've never owned a Collie but my impression is that you do need to clearly define that you and the other humans in the family rank the highest. Not by using some of the more extreme/bullying methods of gaining dominance, but by confidently asserting authority. Benevolent Dictator springs to mind for some reason...:lol:

    Lots of training would be what I'd go for. Divert all that intelligence & energy into something constructive rather than letting it overflow into bad behaviour.
  6. Lotsadogs

    Lotsadogs New Member

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    Is this who I think it is???? Hello you... :)
  7. missislady

    missislady New Member

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    Thanks for the advice he will be going to puppy training classes in a couple of weeks after his innoculations are finished.
  8. missislady

    missislady New Member

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    When he mouths I cry out in mock pain and ignore him but when I do that he gets more excited and trys to nip even more roughly.He has a pulltoy a Kong a rubber bone and a ball which keep him occupied(like most babies) for about 2mins at a time!We feed him dry dog food recommened by the vet.We do try to be consisitent but because of his behaviour the children are reluctant to handle him.
  9. missislady

    missislady New Member

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    I know I am reluctant to say he seems aggressive but I have had dogs from puppies all my life as a child and adultand none of them have behaved quite like last dog was a collieXlab and was the most good natured dog that you would ever meet.He will be going to puppy training after his 2nd innoculation.
  10. missislady

    missislady New Member

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    Mouthing is fine and natural puppy growing up behaviour but when he trying to hurt you in a fit of temper I dont think that is acceptable.We have tug toys and do play with them as well as fetch games.
  11. missislady

    missislady New Member

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    I agree I am reluctant myself to call him aggressive but it is scary when he is having a "temper" and trying his best to bite you. He is too young for puppy classes but will be going after his last innoculation in a couple of weeks time.For the same reason he cant socialise much yet.We are feeding him dry food as recommended by the vet.
  12. missislady

    missislady New Member

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    Thanks for your lovely message and constructive advice.he has a tug toy which he destroys but I will try the towels as he does like pulling them.My local puppy training class will only take him after he is 12weeks so he will be going then and that will hopefullyhelp.I know it sounds ridiculous but when he tries to bite us it makes us feel he doesnt want to be friends with us.I think that the scatter feeding idea sounds like fun and will definately try it out.Hopefully we ll look back at thius in acouple of months and wonder what the fuss was about!!
  13. Lotsadogs

    Lotsadogs New Member

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    If itsd any onsolation I used to think my first pupppy HATED me. I was convinved of it. Actually though, I realised eventually that she was just very assertive an dnoisy in play and that she directed it onto me, and becasue I hadnt yet mastered the whole point of tug, she was frustrated by my inneptitude (I didnt understand the game) so she tried (bit and growled, harder), which made me feel worse and helpless. She was a still is a particulaly determined dog, but we do now have a brilliant relationsup.

    Hopefully you will enjoy her more when you do work outhow to play together. It takes time to understand a dog or puppy. Try to enjoy the things you can enjoy and focus on thoise, YOul crack it as long as you dont ever give up.

    And one day, almost out of the blue, everythign will suddenly become clearere and easier.

    Good luck and enjoy your summr puppy - you lucky lucky thing. :grin:

    PS Can you go to classes without your dog - we allow that - and learn some things that you can start teaching your pup. All you do now will help.
  14. Hevvur

    Hevvur New Member

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    I once fostered a Golden Retriever puppy (12 weeks old) for a few weeks....she had been labled 'agressive', and her owners had given her up, when infact she just needed more direction!

    She used to lunge at us and bite us - HARD!.....I used to stand up and remove myself, giving her NO attention (cos even squealing can be seen as attention). I didn't try to pick her up, or move her away, as she would have thought that was a game.

    If she jumped up, I turned my back on her.
    Once she was calm, she got attention. It didn't take very long for her to calm down, and stop biting/jumping up.
  15. Colley1275

    Colley1275 New Member

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    HI there,

    I was just reading this thread and wondered how you have got on with your pup?

    Hope things have improved for you.

    Kind regards

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