ABC series . MUSTER DOGS (kelpies) General Chat

Discussion in 'Australian Kelpie' started by Queensland blue, Jan 9, 2022.

  1. Queensland blue

    Queensland blue Member

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    I liked that ‘ tale of two tails ‘ .
    Funny how with dog history there is a lot of myth rolled in with the fact as stories get passed along and repeated .

    I have a pup here 12 weeks old myself .
    When i see the coordination the kelpies on the TV show have at that age , it is pretty amazing the way they jump off the four wheel motorbikes and out of vehicles .

    My pup is from good hunting dogs known for their good noses , a Bull Arab crossed for purpose .He has some kelpie in him . i got him to protect my other dog from dingoes among other things , and to train as a big game indicating dog after my stumpy tail cattle dog pup died suddenly from something neurological a while ago .

    he was weighed by the vet yesterday and is 15 kg already !
    So he is a bit of a thumper almost a kelpies weight already .
    His feet and legs are huge , I think he is going to be bigger than expected :) and thats ok , albeit the amount of food .
    Thats what happens with cross breeds you can get a throwback , probably the bull arab size ,
    his mum was 32 kg and dad 23 kg .
    He certainly does not jump off things like that yet !
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2022
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  3. Queensland blue

    Queensland blue Member

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    Well its hardly all work and no play , the first real reason to get a new pup is to be a mate for the other dog and myself .
    More like all play and no work at the moment .
  4. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    Good Luck with your new pup.
  5. Queensland blue

    Queensland blue Member

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    Thankyou .
    It is different going through it all, the stages of raising and training a pup at different ages of your own life .

    it is a relief in a way when the very young part is over , the toilet training , the chewing , and all that business.

    especially if you have just been through it , oh and the early vaccination vet bills , microchip and registration !

    saying that , aging yourself , it is good to wake up to a busy schedule to keep motivated and moving on too , caring for a pup and building a good lasting bond with all that work .
  6. Queensland blue

    Queensland blue Member

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    It was the last episode of Muster dogs on ABC today, the 12 month challenge .

    The winner was Frank from Clermont Queensland with
    the kelpie named Annie .

    What ended up being the most interesting aspect of the experiment , was the personalities of the individual pups , the individual personalities of the trainers , and the matching up of those two.

    Frank and Annie from the beginning were the standouts for me .
    Franks calm kind nature towards Annie ,how he showed patience and instantly assumed the connection and communication with her .

    She was stunning and attentive listening and responding to his every command in the final 12 month challenge of bringing cattle in through a gate from the paddock .

    It went to prove this style of kind training.

    At the end of this episode, the trainer of the dog who had named it Lucifer and had had a relationship with his pup , where it repeatedly misbehaved not listening to him announced he did not want to keep the dog , which surprised everyone .

    When he asked if any of the other trainers there would like to take the dog ,
    It was Frank who said yes it was a beautiful dog and he would take it .
    He immediately picked up the dog and said ‘what a good dog ‘ .

    Fast forward and they showed the dog at home on Franks farm working alongside the other dog Annie , obeying Franks commands well and working terrifically pushing cows up together .

    Some of the other trainers went really well also , especially the Dog named Chet .

    he had been kicked by a cow getting between the herd and a fence they told last episode and had to build his confidence again .

    He was a terrific worker also , his trainer stood out too, as that was her bread and butter day job Chet was well versed at the job .
    She had obviously put the time in with his training .

    Well thats it , it all went so fast , left me remembering that intensity in those kelpies eyes that let you know its go time with them , and that they are ‘ ON ‘ , I mean FULL ON !

    Really looked forward to the episodes and progress of the pups .
  7. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Very interesting. I wonder whether naming the dog Lucifer was a clue that he and the dog were not on the same wavelength from the start? Perhaps I'm over sensitive but it sounds like a joke or a tough kid name. I'm glad that Frank was able to show up his attitude to the dog.
  8. Queensland blue

    Queensland blue Member

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    Think in the end it showed how projecting his own negative view onto the dog could lead to further trouble .
    Not that there was not signs of misbehaving , just that creating a positive path forward with the dog would have worked better .

    Being stuck in reacting , instead of responding by creating a new way forward as the leader .

    like that naughty kid who has a good teacher who encourages and believes in him/her kinda thing.
    I know its easy to be an armchair expert after the fact , though training a puppy myself , I can see they learn at different paces .
    And whats seen as naughty really is just natural inclinations most of the time , and when they do begin to ‘ come on board ‘ with you , something just clicks , and your good mates working together .

    Don’t think your too sensitive by the way , There is something to be said about the power of words , or “give a dog a bad name “ too .

    and in the big scheme of things , your right , evidently it was not meant to be in the end
  9. Queensland blue

    Queensland blue Member

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    Muster dogs ABC.

    Saw an interview with Frank the Trainer of Annie the kelpie on ABC on tv today . The show was very popular with the ratings it turned out .

  10. Queensland blue

    Queensland blue Member

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