Breedia Dog Forum
I would say a greyhound or whippet would be extremely easy for a first time dog :grin: I always think Tummels been really easy....but if a break...
I couldn't own a dog with huge grooming needs...Tummel gets combed once or twice a week(when shedding) and thats it!!! I also couldn't cope with a...
Puppy socialising was easy's trying to keep the socialsation up now he's an adult and therefore not cute anymore thats tricky....people...
Tummel is mistaken for a lab all the time, even though he's only about a quarter(maybe less we're not sure).
In order of preferance 1)Yellow 2)Black 3)Chocolate 4)Fox Red :lol: I grew up with a black lab but my uncle had a yellow and i loved...
Hi All I've been looking at getting a GSP seriously(always liked the breed) for a while now and as it looks like our current circumstances may be...
Thank ou :) He's definately enjoying life at the moment :002: Thanks, i love it too i was experimenting with my camera on sports mode and...
My dog is half ridgeback, i've met both breeds and i do prefer the ridgebacks, no idea on any specific reasons why as i love bullmastiffs too but...
Hi All Just thought i'd stick up a few pictures of my labxrottieXridgeback Tummel, he was 18 months old on the 5th of December and going by the...
I can get a pic up now, heres Tummel [IMG] [IMG]
I have a labxrottiexridgeback....or a rottaridgeador if he was to have a "special" name :) I'm on my iPod so can't post pics, there's one of him in...