Breedia Dog Forum
A whippet would be great at agiltiy but they can be a bit stubborn and you need to be persistant with their training. Some one is tryng to get me...
I think they are on the import register and have to be shown in the import classes. I know they definitely don't have breed classes at crufts next...
Well Buck has been with us for a week and is going to be staying for good. He has already lost some of his podgyness. Willow is loving having a...
I have always had larger dogs whippets and greyhounds but have found myself this year with 2 italian greyhounds and to be honest both my OH and I are...
Buck came to stay with us he is actually Willow's foster brother. His mother refused to feed him and his sister when they were 2 weeks old so...
Do you race at Elsmere port? If you do and he woman with the salukis has 4 all related 2 bitches that are litter sisters and 2 males which are the...
Zoe [IMG]
Sorry I don't have any photos of him he isn't my dog he belongs to a friend.
She looks fine to me. My friend who bred Willow sometimes takes in rescue lurchers. She has a saluki/greyhound pup who came to her like a skeleton...
I'll try to get some more but its like trying to photogragh a whirlwind
Ok Ok the demented flea is now alseep so I have managed to get a photo so here he is. [IMG] I took these with my phone on sunday night [IMG]...
OH and I have just spent 5 days in Great Yarmouth.We went to pick up our italian greyhound puppy Willow. He is nearly 11 weeks old and was bred by my...
There's 8 . Tegan and Owen are at the back Jasper Freyja Amber Simba Bandit and Angel with my hand on her head as she and the twins were about to run...
We started of with the whippets. We wanted a dog that I could show but my son who was 7 at the time could handle too. We had a GSD at the time who...
Lovely dogs. Rosemary is a friend of mine I handled one her dogs in a breeders class for her as someone let her down. I used to go to the same...
Greyhound Gap is our local greyhound rescue.We often go on meet and greets with them.
His eyes have only just opened so she's a bit wary of taking photos at the moment but as soon as I get some decent photos I'll start a thread for him.
Willow is being given to us by a friend after we lost my show greyhound William 5 weeks ago. William had so many different names and the majority of...
The new addition is not a whippet he is an italian greyhound. At the moment we are settled with Willow. He is only 2 weeks old so have another 8...
Yes whippets can be cheeky and naughty and smelly. They love nothing more than rolling in fox poo or anything else that is dead and disgusting....