Breedia Dog Forum
Watched it from the start it has made me cry a few times don't understand how people can treat animals like they do.
Very strong dog and can have a mind of his own when of lead also very good at sniffing out things
Thank you Ann
Hi thanks for the welcome i do like you crew
Hello nice to meet you
My daughter has a chihuahua called Bella and she like's to nip his legs and run away
Sorry it is going to be a few days for me to fully understand this site so if my posts are all over the place i hope you will understand
Thank you
Sorry Phil still trying to get used to this site
Thank you:)
I am sure he will forgive :D
Thank you his name is Bruce and he is 10 month's old
Hi his name is Bruce and thank you
He is a very strong dog and at 10 month's is already 4 1/2 stone
Thank you i have only seen him and his siblings