Breedia Dog Forum
I will because their policy is which your breed/breeds do NOT comply with so they are going against their own policy/rules and regulations! Becky
Well they must have changed it for when the Parson Russell and Border Collie were first recognised in relatively recent times because neither of...
The import register is for imported breeds only, as this will be a new breed created in this countrythen it would not be going on the import register...
Off Topic but different species can interbreed and produce viable (i.e. surviving) young, hence horse/donkey, lion/tiger, sheep/goat hybrids however...
Yes you should know the full names of all the breeders you are claiming to be good breeders, what about their kennel names, maybe if you posted them...
My dogs are fed on a commercial diet and some of them have NEVER been to a vet other than for vaccination or when they are pregnant! Percy has only...
Whilst there are dog snobs in the world of show dogs in the main they are individuals. I have never come across a breed (or in this instance sort of...
I wasn't implying that the dogs were nauseating but the fact about the constant referral by their owners/breeders that their dogs were so different...
I think some are snobby because of the implied comments about how 'special' and 'unique' these dogs are, that is where the snob element comes in....
Have you ever considered that you and other wolf type dog owners/breeders are snobbish about your particular dogs? Because that is the impression...
As are each and every one of my dogs, regardless of breed. Blowing my own trumpet here but I have yet to find another breeder who raises their...
Standard Poodles make excellent guard dogs in fact a police dog trainer trained one up to do man work! The policemen all started laughing until they...
because you imply that your dogs are more special/unique/better than any other. Becky
Because it is a general thread. In fact I stopped looking at NI/Ute Wolf type dog threads in the end because it became so nauseating reading about...
Your actual statement was These dogs require a great deal of sensitivity and patience which is a sentence I can apply to my poodles 100% Of...
Then stop going on about how 'special' they are, yes to you maybe but everyones dogs are special to themselves it's just that everyone who doesn't...
These are statements that annoy me because you seem to think it applies solely to wolf hybrids, wolf type dogs etc etc but I can apply that very...
It's a fault with regards to the breed standard so if you were looking for showing then I would suggest viewing other litters. Just as a pet then not...
It depends on the line, some breeders seem to have been able to produce straighter tails than others but it will take time. Also you have to remember...
You obviously missed the 'sensible' bit of my post :roll: Becky