Breedia Dog Forum
Are you still on the waiting list for a Vizsla, or have greyhounds stolen your heart?
Whatever they are, they are blooming lovely looking dogs!!
My question is, do you love him, would you change him or, are you really ticked off that he's bigger then a mini?
Kibo rarely has me out of his sight when he's off lead. He checks in frequently and his recall, normally, would be described as pretty perfect. My...
I'm hugely biased, of course, but they are wonderful dogs!! As Jackie has already pointed out Polymyositis is a concern, but you can contact Di...
Had to Google it, never heard of them before. What a bonny looking dog :007: :007:
I think I'm succumbing to the well known MVS ( multiple vizsla syndrome )! Our next dog will definitely be another Viz, but whether a rescue or...
I would say that's not a bad deal, I pay about £45 per month for my boy with PetPlan.....
When you say that your wife reacts, how do you mean? Does she have asthma or does the hair make her skin react? Anyhoo, all of the wires that I know...
Sadly those eyes just freak me out completely!! I hope she finds a great home though :-)
Seriously??? :cry:
He's gorgeous :-)
Definitely not Vizsla ears that's for sure :-)
I'm in love with Dan, he's just so flipping cute!!!
Pretty much has all the points of my boy , Vizsla?
Pretty girl :007:
LOL , she has a spunky attitude written all over her wee face :-)
Can you explain a bit more about what exactly you mean by this? Do you mean when you are at home or when you are out and about? My Viz loves...
I second that, and just what I was thinking as I read the OP , I know I'm biased, but a Vizlsa fits the bill perfectly. :grin:
We walk with one in the mornings. He's gorgeous and has such a sweet nature a real cuddly boy. He lets Kibo play with him, but when he's had enough...