Breedia Dog Forum
Generally I agree but we've found that very often the smaller breeds will bark and provoke Baruska, this might be nerves or a form of defence but...
I'm so glad to read that because we have two and Baruska is exactly like that, the most you'll get from her is two licks :lol: I reckon it's because...
It's really amazing, in this country (Czechland) Newfies are not all that well known, and I have had people waiting for a bus come across a busy road...
Welcome to the nut house :lol: We have two girls also, one was rejected by her first owner and might have been PTS she had a lot of problems when we...
Couldn't decide and gave up !!!
Will try latter (Short on time right now) I know I won't get it 'cos I'm useless at identifying breeds. Thanks for posting, and nice to see you...
And me too - Callum, give Dogsey the heave ho if you wish, but please let Shona know from time to time how Danny is doing, at the end of the day that...
I hope so too, if everyone keeps talking and listening it should (in theory) work out well. Like many people I feel I know Danny a little now and...
What a terrible situation for Callum and Shona to find themselves in, I feel sorry for both of you, but if you keep talking and put the dog first I'm...
Sorry. I have edited my post now. They are amazingly strong dogs, I can only just hold our two if they get it in their minds to take off after a...
Shelley, what lovely dogs, but of course I'm biased having two ourselves !! How do you deal with the 'walkies' ? Do you take them all together or...
Yes, of course I know you were joking :-) but unfortunately I was not, some inhuman monster by the name of Vladimir Petrovitch Demikhov really did...
Well I am feeling in a particularly 'anti-human' mood today so I would just like to point out that IMO there are plenty of 'goons' in this world....
DL - Yes, the system has been set to detect other dog chat forums and the LHM has decided not to allow them, well it's his site so I guess he has the...
I don't often look on here but I would really like to know if you have managed to meet up with HannahCC's little monster and how you got on :-) We...
Shona, as Chopperlodge has said that really had me laughing, such a character that wee dog, and no I didn't catch that 'wee swear word' :lol: All I...
I think that would mean it didn't happen at Crufts but I'll leave it to the Dogsey show folks to confirm, I'm just going by the threads that were on...
Melzy, There's been a lot of very good advice given here, now here's something more:- First, never ever deal with any business on the internet...
It is such a shame when people start breakaway groups just because they either don't agree with the established club, or because they think they know...
Yes, totaly agree with that statement:lol: Forgot to mention above that we also had to go out and buy a new car big enough to carry them. On a very...