Breedia Dog Forum
Hi, I have an Akita (xGSD) bitch called Ellie. She will be 2 years old on 29th. April this year. She looks more like an Akita than a GSD but with...
Hi Nippy, I'm the same as you in that respect. It's just my personal preference for a GSD to be straight-backed. I know nothing about showing...
Hi again, I know this doesn't show him standing properly but from this you can see that Yiannis is a different body shape/build to Zane. [IMG]...
i think it's far more likely that you don't want anyone from Dogsey informing the schools you claim to work for of your treatment of dogs in your...
Hi I'll upload some photos of both Zane and Yiannis when in stance (even though I don't show them other than in fun shows) and standing in a more...
Hi, Bailey is gorgeous. Both my GSDs (Zane & Yiannis) have straight backs but they are different builds (does that make sense?). Zane is very tall...
Hi, Zane (he wouldn't stand straight for this one). [IMG] Zane waiting for Oscar to drop his biscuit (I know you said only one but I couldn't...
Hi, True looks a gorgeous dog. I also like Molly - because of her colour. Laura xx
So, it's just a couple of rules they'd be breaking if they sold on their pack hounds? If they're not breakign statute law, then there's no way of...
Hi, At the risk of sounding completely dumb, what's the purpose of removing the rear dew claws in pups? If a dog is a working dog, or is going...
Hi, Your boy looks lovely - as do all the other dogs shown, whether beagles, foxhounds, coonhounds etc. Yor first post mentioned he is DLRC...
Hi, Both you and Kali are well suited and will make each other very happy. Neither of you would have been happy if Kali had ended up somewhere...
Hi, You've had some really good advice and I doubt I can add anything useful to it. when I had Oscar 5 years ago I also had my last GSD,...
Hi, You say you adopted your pup from the owners of the others (pups?). Can you not ask them abotu his breeding? what weere his parents/ What were...
Hi, She's absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations! Names : Karel Coba Dantela Iran Levai Sora Polo Laura xx
Hi Pam, Many thanx for that. I'd forgotten abotu this thread since going away on holiday fo ra while. I found the picture of Yago - looks very...
Hi, I'd agree to a certain extent. I was lookin gat a rescue Akita. I passed the home check. The dog concerned was great with other dogs and...
Hi, Although I haven't read the whole thread I agree with Moobli. Have a loko at Kazeti. I've seen some of her dogs and they're absolutely...
Many thanx. Laura xx
Hi, I've been looking at Seto's pedigree and being the nosey mare that I am, I deicded to try to look up some of his ancestors - particularly his...